Legend of The Great Sage

Chapter 25: Go to Hongmen banquet


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Guan Shi said, "But he has to eat."

Liu Hu said, "Then no one can eat."

As the saying goes, Mr. Li is not confused yet, his eyes lit up: "You mean?"

"If he wants to eat, he has to work. No one in this village can afford to hire him. If he works under my hands, he is not at our mercy."

Guanshi Liu looked at the admiration of the village elder and his son, and he was proud of it. The people regard food as the sky, and the food does not fall from the sky, but grows from the ground. Controlling the land is equivalent to holding the people’s lifeblood. If they don’t eat for three days, the heroes will become soft feet. Shrimp.

Guanshi Liu has already figured out the countermeasures, but he doesn't have to rush to kill him. He just needs to beat him to see how his attitude is. If it works for me, it would be great.

When Li Qingshan woke up from a dream, he didn't know these calculations. He only saw a roe deer lying in the yard. He smiled and did not thank the green cow. He expertly peeled the roe deer and cut the meat. This time he had prepared the salt. Marinate the roe meat so that it won't go bad.

After finishing these preparations, he went to the stream to wash up a little, and then began a day of practice.

For several days of work, he would wake up before dawn, and then fall asleep until dark, he barely took a step outside the house, completely cut off contact with the outside world, exhausted every day, did not feel tired and bored. .

He is working hard for his dream, every step forward, every little improvement, as if there is a brand new world unfolding in front of him.

After more than ten days, the head of Li Qingshan had just finished eating a deer, and Mr. Li couldn't stand it anymore. He hadn't slept peacefully these days. He had to keep his two sons by the bed every night to barely sleep for a while. At his age, wherever he can afford to eat, he is about to suffer a serious illness, so he hurried to discuss with Guan Shi.

Guan Shi was also anxious about waiting. Every day he sent his family to look outside Li Qingshan's hut. The first family reported back that now Li Qingshan drinks and eats meat every day, and he is also practicing martial arts. He didn't believe it at first, until several family members said so, and then no one dared to look around.

The saying that the goddess was possessed by demons came to their hearts again, and Li Qingshan's courtyard seemed to be covered with a layer of mystery and horror. And Li Qingshan's diligent practice of martial arts, in some people's eyes, is to prepare for revenge.

Seeing that Mr. Li Da was about to cry, Guan Shi frowned and made up his mind: "Invite him to a banquet. If he dares to come, he will be a good guy. If he doesn't dare, he will just pretend to be a coward."

An invitation was delivered to Li Qingshan. He was playing with the scarlet invitation. In such a small village, weddings and funerals were mostly invited by people. There were very few such formal postings, and I couldn't help but feel a little strange.

He groaned for a while. This is no good feast. If he goes there, he may be throwing himself into the net. His supernatural talents have only been practiced for ten days. Although he has gained a lot of gains, he is still hard to beat four hands. .

But if he doesn't go, the reputation he has finally established will be lost. When others mention him Li Qingshan, they will definitely say that he dare not even go to a banquet and fall into his reputation.

At this time, once we show weakness, the blows will be endless. In charge of Liu Guanshi's hand, he had a deep calculation, which forced him into a dilemma.

Qing Niu said: "Will you go?"

"It just happened that there was no food to eat. Someone invited guests. Why didn't you go? Guan Yunchang went to the meeting alone. Am I afraid of eating this village wine?" Li Qingshan laughed, his pride in his chest was already alive.

"Who is Guan Yunchang?"

"It's a hero I've heard." Li Qingshan stood up, pierced his arms, and used the horns of the bull demon, while exhaling, there was a faint "moo" bull cry from his lungs. It spread out from time to time, as if a big water buffalo was dancing with its horns, preparing to fight the enemy.

Qing Niu nodded in satisfaction. Li Qingshan's "Bull Demon Power Fist" is already a first glimpse of the way, and it is progressing rapidly. If you encounter a little danger at this time, you should be careful to avoid it, which is definitely not conducive to practice.

"It just so happened that some grievances with others could not be settled, and I couldn't make my mind fast. This time just happened to be an opportunity." Since Li Qingshan broke off his grievances with Li Da and his wife on the day of the fight, "Bull Demon Power Punch" really improved a lot. The proof is not that his guess is not an illusion.

Summer is about to pass, and the sun is still dazzling. In Guanshi Liu's compound, under the shadow of a few elm trees, tables have been set up.

A group of middle-aged men sat full of a few square tables, looking at the wine and vegetables on the table, swallowing their saliva, such a banquet was only invited by Guanshi Liu's house! However, with the cunning of the farmers, they also knew that this banquet was not for them for nothing, and Guan Shi had already explained many things.

Say... What do you say about breaking a cup? They didn't understand it anyway, they only knew that once Guan Shi turned his face, they had to move their fists.

Although they are reluctant to be enemies with Li Qingshan, they are all long-term workers in Guanshi Liu's field, and they dare not offend this food and clothing parent. Anyway, Li Erlang is only fifteen years old, so how can he beat so many people, so All the long-term workers who could come came, and a few large tables were filled.

Even if he was a little unbearable, he had no choice but to act lightly, and ask Erlang to kneel down and give Guan Liu to accompany him, so that he would suffer less.

The cicadas cried weakly on the top of their heads, and everyone was a little impatient. Looking at the good wines and foods they could not eat, it was a big test for them, and the cicadas' cries were overwhelmed by the talk:

"It's almost time, he's scared, he doesn't dare to come, let's eat quickly!"

"You are not afraid of putting you on your body. If you don't come, you are right. The one who comes is a fool."

Guan Shi didn't hear about it, he just smiled slightly, and said in his heart: It's good to know that you are afraid, after all, he is just a half-size kid.

"Come here!" A young long-time worker was sweating profusely, and ran into the courtyard: "Li Erlang is here!"

The people in the yard seemed to be strangling their necks at the same time, making no sound. The cicada chirping seemed to become louder instantly.

Standing in front of the Liu Family Courtyard, Li Qingshan was equally nervous in his heart. Everything is easy to say but difficult to do. The Liu Family Courtyard with blue bricks and white walls in front of him is like a small dragon pond and tiger's lair. Be careful, your life may also be lost in it.

He retreats and thinks of "The gentleman's revenge, it is not too late for ten years". With the speed of his progress now, as long as he is given time, one year, no, six months, or even three months, he will put the "Strong Bull Demon Boxing" "Take a look so you don’t have to be afraid of anyone in this yard.

He suddenly felt energetic, and asked himself: "Li Qingshan, Li Qingshan, are all the things you have said fart? In this life, I only dare to fang to people who are weaker than him? Even if he has been trained in supernatural powers, he is still in his bones. He is a coward."

All these mental changes, in fact, were just a matter of time spent thinking, Li Qingshan took a deep breath, clenched his fists, his eyes became determined, and he stepped firmly into the door.

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