Legend of The Great Sage

Chapter 29: Piff was angry


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The door closed behind him. Li Qingshan looked around, as if he hadn't noticed the tense atmosphere in the courtyard, and walked to the table where Guan Shi Liu was sitting. There was the largest old plant in the middle of the courtyard facing the hall. Under the elm tree, is the chairperson's seat, and people sitting in the village are full of faces.

On both sides of Liu Guanshi are the head of the village Li and the goddess. They are the three most powerful people in Wo Niu Village. There are also a few old people in the village. The only young people are the two sons of the head of Li Hu, Li Hu and Li Bao, both of whom were born. With a big waist and a round waist, he looked at Li Qingshan with stern eyes.

Guanshi Liu's eyes shrank slightly, but he hadn't seen him for more than ten days. Li Qingshan seemed to have changed himself, and he couldn't tell the details of the changes, but in short, he was very different from before, with so much more momentum.

Chief Li had a majestic look and bad eyesight. And the goddess is simply naked and bitter.

Ordinary villagers, who offend any of these three people, can't live their lives in the village, they can only bow their heads and subdue. Not to mention offending the three of them at the same time, but Li Qingshan would never subdue and bow his head.

There are still many rules for eating noodles in the village, from position to sitting posture. Li Qingshan saw that the other seats were crowded, only this one was relatively loose, so he sat down generously and said, "Why are you still not eating? Are you waiting for me?"

No one answered him, Li Hu and Li Bao clamped up from the left and right, put them on Li Qingshan's shoulders, and squeezed them down.

Although Li Qingshan was still young and tall and tall and not under the two of them, his figure was thin, far less than their big waist. If left in the past, only one can easily subdue Li Qingshan. Even now, Li Qingshan can only deal with one, two is hard to say.

Li Qingshan frowned, grabbed the wrists of the two of them, and moved them down, while making a "cow and devil's skin" change, like a big water buffalo stretching its muscles and bones and leaning left and right.

Li Hu Li Bao only felt a sharp pain in his wrist, and was hit by Li Qingshan. He couldn't hold his figure and fell from his chair.

The two became angry from embarrassment, and stood up voluntarily, ignoring that they were covered in dust.

Guan Shiyuan wanted to say a few more words, try Li Qingshan's mind, and see if he means to be soft. Unexpectedly, Li Hu and Li Bao were so impulsive that he could no longer scold them. He was about to drop the cup in his hand and ordered the long-time workers to do it.

"Zheng!" A short knife was nailed to the table, and the movements of several people were also nailed. The blade of the knife was shining dimly in the dappled sunlight.

Li Hu and Li Bao didn't dare to step forward. They were both the sons of the village chief. They were both delicate and expensive. It was okay to bully and bully by virtue of their physical strength.

Li Qingshan held a short knife in one hand, and stepped on the bench with the other. He leaned forward and looked at Guan Shi Liu with a smile and said, "Guan Shi, this is not a way of hospitality. Even if there is a grievance to life and death, you might as well wait. Let's talk about eating and drinking, don't ruin the table full of wine and food." He didn't feel nervous anymore when he said this.

Guanshi Liu hadn't spoken yet, but the long-time workers around the table all agreed. What is most important to them, of course, is eating! If there is a fight, they don't know how much wine and food they have to knock down, they don't believe that the stingy Guan Shi will prepare another table for them.

"Yes, yeah, Mr. Liu, haven't we eaten in the morning? The hungry chest is stuck to the back, so there is no strength to fight."

"I didn't even eat it last night. If I don't take a bite, it won't work." He swallowed his mouth severely.

The rattling atmosphere suddenly became a little weird, and even Li Qingshan was a little bit dumbfounded, feeling that he was actually afraid of these people.

Guan Shizhang's face flushed, he set up this banquet, one is to shock Li Qingshan, and the other is that he is afraid that the long-term workers will not contribute to a certain amount of benefit.

He was bent on learning what the book said, he lowered five hundred swords and axe hands, rushed out to take Li Qingshan down with the cup as a sign, but he forgot that he was neither a dead soldier nor a family general. It is a group of real farmers.

Li Qingshan looked at Guanshi Liu with a smile: "It just so happens that I didn't eat anything last night, so I'm not welcome now." He grabbed a roast chicken and ate it.

Since he practiced "Bull Demon Power Fist", his appetite has become very alarming. A hundred and ten catties deer deer was eaten up in only ten days, and the green cow hadn't had time to catch new prey.

A roast chicken disappeared from his mouth in an instant, and he drew his head. The long-term workers didn't care about it. They used their chopsticks to bury their headaches. For a while, only the sound of eating and chewing was left in the yard.

Village Chief Li was angry and scared, trembling all over, staring at Guan Shi. You are not very clever, think of a way quickly.

Guan Shi has a good idea, and he stares back. If the long-term workers are reluctant to bear the things in their mouths, what should Li Qingshan do? Your two sons look fierce on weekdays. Time is soft.

At this table, Guanshi Liu and this group of old guys combined were not enough for Li Qingshan to kick. It was as if they were suddenly thrown onto an isolated island, and had to face the murderous Li Qingshan alone, all of them frightened.

Piff was angry, and the blood splattered five steps.

If there is no one next to Li Qingshan, pick up the jug and drink for yourself, this village wine is already weak, so it is almost tasteless, so he shouted: "Change the big bowl!"

But no one answered. Li Qingshan let out a displeased "Huh?" Guan Shi was so busy that he took a big bowl and Li Qingshan poured a full bowl and drank it with his head up: "Happy!"

The long-term workers saw him drinking so boldly and admired his courage, and there were many applause.

Li Qingshan ate a lot of greasy food these days, and was so refreshed by this hot drink that he drank three bowls without stopping.

After the third bowl of wine, the courtyard was full of applause, and the sky was overwhelming. It seemed that they were not invited by Liu Guanshi, but they came to help Li Qingshan.

Li Qingshan hiccuped a drink and gave his hands on all sides: "Everyone, eat and drink well, don't forget the kindness of Liu Guanshi, any grievances, right and wrong, you can count it after dinner. In short, even if you get to Huangquan Road, you can't be a starving ghost. "

Then he looked at these individuals on the chairman's board: "Why don't you eat?" With a rush of alcohol, the intent to kill also rises. If these people keep asking for trouble, the living in this Wo Niu Village will not be stable, maybe when It was under their scrutiny. If you kill a few and take some belongings and go to another country, no one in these villagers would dare to stop him.

Originally, Li Qingshan was just taking a risk to come to the banquet, and there was even a bit of bluffing, but he saw Guan Liu's bluffing. For a while, his thoughts were very different. I can't help but think of what Uncle Lei Feng said: Difficulties are like springs, and if you are weak, they are strong. I think of what Taizu said: imperialism is all paper tigers, well, the landlord class is also paper tigers.

Although Guanshi Liu's strategy is a bit clumsy, he reads a lot of people. As soon as he sees Li Qingshan's expression, he knows that he has a murderous intention. The pretended city can no longer be maintained, with a thin layer on his forehead. sweat.

A few old people in the village are even more terrified, and they don't want to be a ghost! He hurriedly explained to Li Qingshan that they were just dealing with the scene of the separation, and they didn't know much about the situation at all. Someone stood up tremblingly, and wanted to leave.

Li Qingshan yelled coldly: "Stop for me. The things you have seen the other day are all that you have seen with your own eyes. Don't go away busy. After eating and drinking, you can leave me as a testimony. If you insist on not listening, then There is a ghost in my heart, so I can't blame a certain family for being ruthless."

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