Legend of The Great Sage

Chapter 33: There is no god in his head


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The old people sat back on the chairs trembling again, Li Qingshan immersed himself in eating and drinking. He only eats deer meat these days and is upset when he eats. He is about to change his taste. The table full of wine and vegetables let him swept away by himself. Feel the bulging belly.

"The people in this yard are supposed to be my elders, and some say that it’s not an exaggeration to watch me grow up, but some people ignore this sentiment and will oppress me just for a few acres of land. Today, you guys. If you don’t give me an explanation, I will give you an explanation, even if I lose my life, I will not hesitate."

Li Qingshan spoke and drew his knife: "Guan Shi, Chief Li, don't you think?"

Guanshi Liu was determined not to suffer from this immediate loss, and said softly: "Erlang, those acres of land, if you want to plant, take it back!"

Li Qingshan said, "I don't want those acres of land. You bought it with money. I don't want to take advantage of you. I just want to ask for justice. You do whatever you want in the village. Don't forget. There is a god in the village. , Fairness and comfort." After speaking, he was full of expressions and expressions.

Guanshi Liu was speechless, and Village Chief Li reacted: "We didn't do this thing right. I believed your brother..."

"That's not my brother." Li Qingshan interrupted coldly.

"Li Da and the others are talking nonsense. They are so confused by the lard. They can't sleep these days. I'm afraid that one day they will go to the ground to see your parents." When Mr. Li talked about the back, he was already in tears, and the old tears were running, but he was thinking of the suffering these days.

Li Qingshan said to the old people again: "Then you guys, shouldn't that piece of land be allocated to me."

"That, that!" At this moment, who would dare to say nothing.

Li Qingshan got what he wanted and raised his head and laughed: "So there is justice in this world!" The laughter suddenly closed, and the expression on his face changed, sometimes solemn and sometimes relieved, mixed with indescribable sadness. , Looked at the short knife in his hand: "Justice is here."

He frowned and murmured: "There is no god in your head, justice is only in the knife. There's no god in your head, justice is only in the knife..." The voice grew louder and louder, and the sound shook the house.

He was originally aggrieved, he wanted to let out a nasty breath, and even murdered. At this moment, I only felt boring, took the knife, ignored the people on the courtyard, turned around and walked out of the door, leaving without a trace in the blink of an eye.

The long-term workers ate a banquet for free, watched another good show, and left with satisfaction. All they talked about were Li Qingshan, and their faces were full of admiration.

Guan Shi wiped the cold sweat from his head, knowing that it would be even more difficult to organize people to deal with Li Qingshan. Although he has the control of the land, the long-time worker is not his slave, and he will not let him drive it. Slaves can still riot, and it would be terrible if all the long-term workers were to oppose him together.

But fortunately, Li Erlang's grievances are clear. Now that he has said this, he will no longer deliberately retaliate, and can sleep peacefully. Although this banquet was unsuccessful, it was considered to have barely achieved its goal. I saw Village Chief Li stand up with the support of his two sons. Although there was still shame on his face, his expression seemed to relax, and he looked the same as he thought.

The two looked at each other, and both felt at a loss.

Li Hu refused to accept: "Father, it's better to let my elder brother come back. With his martial arts, unbelief can't cure this Li Erlang."

Li Bao also said, "Uncle Liu, isn't Brother Liu also in Qingyang City?"

Village Chief Li was about to get angry, and said fiercely: "Shut up all of you, how can I give birth to something useless like you!"

Guan Shi didn't reply, they had all experienced a lot of hardships, and they knew how to protect themselves wisely, and they would never take risks for the sake of enthusiasm.

"You useless guys, the god is already angry, and he's alive soon." The goddess has been silent, suddenly mysterious and vicious.

Under the big sun, many people could not help but shudder. In this era, people worship ghosts and gods, and goddesses are the people who communicate with gods. Just think about it, Li Qingshan actually said that "there is no god", maybe it really provokes Get angry with the gods.

Some people even remembered that once a child in the village was sick and asked a goddess to heal him. The goddess also said that the child was also possessed by ghosts, burned with fire and flooded, and finally covered with a quilt, saying that he wanted to force the ghosts out. But he put the child to death.

The goddess only said that this was the Lord’s request, and no one could save them, but the adults of the child refused to follow him. The child’s mother even scolded the street outside the goddess’ gate every day. This incident had a great damage to the goddess’ prestige in the village. But within a few days, the child's mother suddenly died of illness, and she died inexplicably.

The goddess only said that the child was thinking of a mother in the ground. Since then, no one dared to disrespect her. And Li Qingshan kicked her in public and yelled at her a few words, which had already offended her.

"Guardian Liu, this child is the disaster you hit, and now the gods are helping you to eliminate the disaster..."

Guan Shi was busy instructing people to pack some incense, candles, wine and meat for the goddess, and the goddess looked at the head of village Li. Village head Li also gritted his teeth and took out a small piece of broken silver and sent the goddess away.

A long-time worker hugged these things, followed behind the goddess, and dared not say anything, and went straight to a blue brick house. She was the only person who could afford a brick house outside of the village Liu Guanshi and Li village chief. .

The hall is equipped with incense burners and incense burners, which are filled with smoke all day long. It is both a residence and a temple.

"Xiao'an, Xiao'an, grandma is back." The goddess suddenly said hoarsely, with a secret smile on her wrinkled face, which is definitely not kind.

Chang Gong knew that the goddess had no children at all, so he was frightened and put things down in a hurry. He suddenly felt that someone was pulling his trouser legs. When he looked back, there was no one there. He shouted, "Mom!" He ran out, and a sharp laugh came from behind him.

"Xiao'an, grandma tells you that someone is bullying grandma."

No one answered in the empty hall.

"What, how dare you not listen to grandma..." The goddess's face suddenly became savage, and there was a wave of insults and curses, and a copper bell rang in her hand.

The room was suddenly overcast and windy.

After a long time, the goddess regained her tenderness: "That's right, that's right. Grandma doesn't want to beat you, my dear grandson."

From beginning to end, she was the only one talking to herself.

When Li Qingshan returned to the hut, the green cow ran to nowhere, and probably went hunting for him again.

Taking advantage of Jiuxing, he practiced "Bull Demon Power Fist" again, the three most basic posture, he was already familiar with it, and his body began to move automatically. I was still thinking about everything I experienced today, something that seemed so terrible was so vulnerable. If in front of Guanshi Liu's house, he flees out of fear, how can he see through the mystery.

In this matter, his real opponent is not Liu Guanshi Li Village Chief, but the fear in his heart. What is the real strong? "The Tao Te Ching" gave the answer early, "The winner is powerful, and the self-victor is strong."

"The brave is fearless." Li Qingshan roared out these four words, as if breaking an invisible barrier. In his boxing technique, there was a sudden indomitable momentum. Do not bow your head, never step back.

Raise your head three feet without a god, I am a god. Justice is not in the hearts of the people, it is in my hands.

The limbs, chest and abdomen, every muscle of the body, seem to be connected with this determination, and the power that can penetrate the whole body with a punch. He has a feeling that even without weapons at this time, he is in front of the two brothers, Li Hu and Li Bao. Contest against them, and be sure to defeat them.

——————————— I have something tonight. This chapter is changed to noon. I will ask for more recommended votes. The book can be supported. The votes must be voted twice a day. I haven't felt this way for a long time.

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