Legend of The Great Sage

Chapter 36: Even got a magic weapon


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Qing Niu stopped talking, and when Li Qingshan turned around, he said: "Go back and you can practice "Tiger Demon Bone Training". Refining cattle but not tigers is not a magical power."

Li Qingshan's body halted, but his steps kept going. No matter where the road leads, he will go on indefinitely, not only for himself, but also for the child in front of him.

All of Qing Niu’s attention was focused on Li Qingshan, and he taught Xiaoan "The Way of the White Bone", and he did it because of Li Qingshan. Could it be that the "Power of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers" he taught Li Qingshan was really just clumsy Isn't it a magical power

Li Qingshan searched for the spoils in Heifengzhai, Xiaoan followed him "slaps" in his footsteps, and soon he found a grain storehouse. The grains in the storehouse were all searched from various villages to be used for the winter. I don’t know how many civilians were killed and starved to death.

Then I found a warehouse full of various sundries, as well as a weapons warehouse. The warehouses are mostly wine, meat, salt and the like. The weapons warehouse is also full of ordinary weapons, which is incomparable to the weapon of the dragon sword in his hand. He didn't pay attention to it, but he couldn't find the most important treasure house. He found a lot of silver bills in the rooms of the masters.

Heifengzhai has been entrenched in Qingyang for many years and has accumulated an unknown amount of gold and silver treasures, among which there may be Fulu. Xiao An was still careful, and found an extremely secret mechanism in Xiong Xiangwu's bedroom. He moved the mechanism and revealed a secret door.

Opening the secret door, the jewels radiating from the gold and silver vessels are almost dazzling. A wooden box contains a stack of silver bills, worth more than ten thousand taels. However, the most precious ones are probably those he can't name. Calligraphy and antiques.

Rao Li Qingshan is also a little dizzy, picking up an item casually, he will have to play for a long time, highlighting the true nature of the earth leopard, he has never seen so many gold and silver treasures in his two lifetimes combined. But he searched for a circle, but unfortunately he couldn't find another talisman. He wanted to come to Xiong Xiangwu if he really had such a good thing, he would stay by his side as a killer, and he wouldn't be moldy in such a place.

Xiao An ignored the gold and silver jewels, as if he was tired of playing with weapons just now. Instead, he took out the scrolls from the large porcelain vase where the scrolls were stored in the corner of the treasure house. Watch it seriously. He just glanced at some of the scrolls and threw them directly on the ground, abandoning them, as if they were serious.

Li Qingshan leaned forward, but saw those calligraphy and paintings, either elegant landscapes, flowers and birds, or they were written in strange calligraphy. Nine out of ten characters could not be understood. Anyway, they were all ancient styles and could not be seen. What's the difference.

Suddenly I remembered that in this world, I was almost illiterate. I had neither the opportunity nor the need to learn in the mountain village. I am afraid I can’t fully recognize the words. This opportunity needs to be made up. But I was very surprised: "Do you understand?"

Xiao An nodded, although he couldn't speak, he gestured to Li Qingshan, and Li Qingshan quickly understood that after Xiao An's "Bone of the Vermillion Path" was first completed and turned into a skeleton, he thought of many things.

Li Qingshan tutted: "It seems that you may soon remember where your home is. You can appreciate calligraphy and calligraphy at a young age. You must have a deep family learning background. Maybe it's not an ordinary rich family."

Hearing what Li Qingshan said, Xiaoan was confused. Even though he was innocent, he knew that he was shameless. Even if he could find his hometown, could he meet his family

Li Qingshan comforted: "Don't worry, I have a way. You will be well soon, and you will be no different from other children."

Xiao An immediately became happy, although he didn't know what Li Qingshan's method was, it was only from instinctive trust.

Qing Niu listened outside the door, and his heart sighed. It is not just an extraordinary wealthy family. The spirit of this little ghost is clearly strengthened by people with great magic power, so that it can be so tough. It can withstand the random refining of ghosts by the gods, and there is no soul scattered. Instead, it has the ability to drive things.

Li Qingshan may not know, but Qingniu knows exactly how high the requirements for talents in "Zhu Yan Bai Bone Dao" are. Xiao An's entry so smoothly makes it a bit surprised. I am afraid that it is not just talents but clever talents. A certain kind of elixir Dao law opened up Linghui.

Xiao An opened another scroll, and a bright light suddenly rose in the room, overwhelming the brilliance of all the gold and silver jewelry.

Li Qingshan felt a chill in his heart, and felt a fierce sword aura attacking him. It was ten times more terrifying than facing Yang Anzhi's killer sword in a restaurant. He instinctively grabbed Xiao An and protected him. Behind.

The scroll fell to the ground, but did not send out the terrible attack he imagined. After a moment of pause, Li Qingshan carefully picked up the scroll, but saw that the scroll was not painted, but calligraphy. Dragons and phoenix dance, messy, so messy, it really has a single word. Can't recognize it,

It is not very similar to the cursive script, the whole character has no shape at all, just random strokes and strokes, but it is very powerful and powerful. Every stroke is like a peerless swordsman, and the sword marks left on the stone wall are profound that will not fade through the vicissitudes of life.

Qing Niu said: "Your kid is lucky, you have found a real spiritual weapon!"

"Spirit weapon!" Li Qingshan was overjoyed, playing with the scroll in his hand, full of joy, touching Xiaoan's bones and head: "What a good Xiaoan!"

Seeing that he was happy, Xiao An lowered his head and was overjoyed.

"How to use this thing?"

Qing Niu said: "You can infuse your true energy into it and try."

Li Qingshan fought a battle in Heifengzhai, mainly relying on his own strength, but his true energy didn't consume much, and there was still more than half of it. But when he tried to inject the true energy into the scroll, the true energy poured out frantically, and the true energy all over his body was sucked into the scroll and left.

It wasn't until he was exhausted that one of the strokes on the scroll lightened up, and the brilliance flashed, and a "skew" flew out, passing a gold and silver treasure chest, and falling on the stone wall of the secret room. There was no surprising sound, and after a while, the treasure chest separated on both sides.

Only then did Li Qingshan come back to his senses, and when he stepped forward, he saw that the gold and silver ingots in it were all divided in half as long as they were crossed by that "skipping", and the cut surface was neat and brilliant. He inspected the stone wall again and found a very thin and deep trace on the thick stone wall.

"This is the power of the spirit weapon!" Li Qingshan swallowed and spit, not to mention his proud bull demon leather, even Xiong Xiangwu's diamond power talisman, could not stop this blow. And he felt that because of his own lack of true energy, even one-tenth of the power of this spiritual tool was not exerted. If he could stimulate dozens of strokes on this painting axis at the same time, what kind of power would it be? !


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