Legend of The Great Sage

Chapter 37: Haunted by evil spirits


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His courage enhanced his strength, and his strength in turn enhanced his courage, and the two complemented each other.

Until the evening sunset, he actually felt hungry again. Now he is still very thin, not at all like Li Hu Li Bao's fat body, only he knows in his heart that the flesh and blood essence of that roe deer does not have the slightest trace. The waste, all blended into his body.

His body seemed to have become a bottomless pit, greedily digesting and assimilating all the wine and meat into a trace of strength.

After practicing boxing, Li Qingshan sat on the ground again, closed his eyes, calmed his mind, and experienced every change in his body. Pulling the bones and muscles is an extremely painful thing, he still remembers the second day after practicing "Bull Demon Power Fist", he almost couldn't get up in pain.

Qingniu didn't persuade him. It was better for him to endure the pain and get up and practice kung fu, and insist on these ten days of kung fu, which is considered to be better. No, it should be that his endurance has become stronger. It is logical to say that after the first few days, the body should gradually adapt, but the painful feeling in his body has not diminished at all, as if every day is just beginning to practice.

Every change in his body was reflected in his heart very truly, but it was a pity that he did not feel the so-called qi. According to Qingniu, no matter what kind of magical magic, he only felt the flow of qi, and he cultivated a trace of true qi. Come, it is the real entry, but the time for him to practice is still too short.

At this time, he suddenly felt a hint of coolness, swimming behind his neck, like a cool breeze.

But now there is no wind at all, and even less likely to have a cool breeze.

"Is this the so-called qi?"

Li Qingshan was overjoyed and concentrated on the coolness, but gradually he realized that the coolness slowly penetrated into his skin, and it was getting deeper and deeper into his bone marrow and even his soul. It was extremely cold and uncomfortable.

Li Qingshan shook his head, stood up and punched him, the cold air dissipated a little, but he entangled it again as soon as he sat down.

He didn't know what was wrong, so he simply went to the stream next to the hut to wash his body. The moon was bright tonight. He looked into the stream and saw a pale child clinging to him without expression.

It's because he was not weak enough, and was startled in a cold sweat. This situation immediately reminded him of the movie called "The Grudge" he watched in his previous life.

If you are an ordinary person, you have to be frightened, but at any rate Li Qingshan has also been with a bull demon for so long. He looked at the child through the stream and saw that the child was only seven or eight years old. He looked dull and dull, so he spoke. Asked: "What are you? Why are you lying on me?"

But the child just moved his head. At this time, there was a wave of waves on the water, and the child's reflection disappeared, but the cold air still remained.

Li Qingshan tried his best to stabilize his mind: "I'm hitting a ghost. I don't know how this kid can get around him. I can only wait for Brother Niu to come back to discuss with him, but for a while, I won't be able to kill me."

But I was not sure in my heart, I only felt the fear together, the yin energy eroded more and more quickly, and I practiced "Bull Demon Power Fist" again, only then, the cold air will disappear. But he is not a tireless robot, he always sits down and rests, and it feels particularly difficult at that time.

Until the middle of the night, when the Yin Qi was the heaviest.

The cold air has penetrated most of Li Qingshan's body, there is no obvious pain, but his hands and feet are gradually numb, and his five senses are gradually blurred.

An extremely dangerous feeling made him use his brains with all his strength.

He heard that there is a yang energy in the body, which can restrain the yin ghost. When he wants to practice boxing, his blood is very strong, so the little ghost dare not come close, so he tried to simulate the feeling of boxing when he was meditating. Closing his eyes, mobilizing his mind, and contracting muscles, it was really useful, barely resisting the invasion of that yin energy.

After staying up all night like this, his mind was sometimes dizzy and sometimes awake, violently exercising his spirit and will, until his will was almost defeated.

When the rooster sang the world is white, Li Qingshan suddenly opened his eyes, and the sunlight fell on his face from the treetops, a little dazzling. The cold air on his body disappeared, and Qing Niu was looking at him not far away, looking very interested.

Li Qingshan said, "Brother Niu, where have you been, do you know what I met last night?"

"I'm back long ago, isn't it just a kid lying on you?"

"You just watched that?"

"Then what can I do?"

Li Qingshan grinned and didn't say anything. Qingniu had already told him, don't expect me to help you in any danger, because he didn't give him a chance to rely on it from the beginning. He glanced at the yellow sheep at the feet of Qing Niu, and couldn't say anything. Qing Niu had already provided him with the most important help, so he couldn't rely on him for everything.

Basking in the warm sunrise, Li Qingshan got up and stretched out: "Fortunately, the kid didn't dare to come out during the day, otherwise I really couldn't hold on. Niu, I practiced with Taoist magical powers at any rate, so I can't deal with a little ghost. "

"If you didn't practice supernatural powers, you couldn't even survive last night, and when you have developed a powerful force and full of vitality, you will naturally not be afraid of this little ghost."

"Then I don't know when to wait."

"Besides, I have another way."

"any solution?"

"The ghosts and the like are most afraid of murderous auras. If you have a hundred or eighty lives in your hand, you can ensure that the evil spirits are easy to avoid, then the little ghost dare not approach you within ten steps."

Li Qingshan rolled his eyes: "Do you want me to slaughter this Wo Niu Village?"

"It's not that it can't be done, how about it, do you want to try it?" Qing Niu smiled.

"I might as well kill you to make steak first!" Li Qingshan ignored it, dealt with the yellow goat, finished breakfast, and put the matter behind, enduring physical and mental fatigue, and concentrated on starting a day of practice.

But when he started his practice, he felt that today is a little different from usual. There is a faint hairspring "qi" flowing in his body, and he will definitely not be able to sense it unless he concentrates on it.

That qi is not like the true qi in martial arts novels. It is stored in the dantian and circulates along the meridians. Instead, it circulates around like a fish, between the limbs and hundreds of skeletons. When he slams his fist vigorously, The breath flowed to the fist of the arm, but it was only a matter of a moment.

As soon as the spirit was relaxed, the qi thread went nowhere, like a urchin, almost out of his control, he told the situation to Qingniu.

Qing Niu was not surprised, but said meaningfully: "You can feel the presence of qi so quickly, and you have to thank that little devil. This is a blessing in disguise."

At the moment of life and death, Li Qingshan mobilized all his spiritual will to fight against the invasion of Yin Qi, and the little ghost left, but this spiritual will survived and became a trace of true Qi.

"So this is true qi?" Li Qingshan looked at the palm of his hand: "What is the use of true qi?"

"Practicing refined qi, practicing refined qi, is it not just for such a qi, what use do you say? If you can't sense the qi, even if you practice it for a lifetime, you will still be in the countryside, and you will not be able to achieve the climate. If you say it is good, then It’s really not clear how many counts are counted, and you'll just learn it by yourself in the future."

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