Legend of The Great Sage

Chapter 52: Break in


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Li Qingshan asked a lot of questions, and the child answered one by one as if he could not lie, or nodded or shook his head, but he could only answer simple questions. If it was a complicated question, he would be stunned.

When asked what his name was and where he was from, he kept shook his head, and when asked what tricks the goddess had, he stood there blankly.

Even so, Li Qingshan also figured out a lot of things, the child was really killed by the goddess, and became a kid for her to drive. But he could talk at first, but he couldn't speak after being poured a bowl of medicine by the goddess.

Li Qingshan guessed that the goddess abducted the child, and he dumbed him for fear of talking nonsense on the road. As long as he mentions the goddess, the child has a look of fear.

Li Qingshan said softly: "Don't worry, I won't hurt you, I will kill the old witch and set you free."

Before he knew it, the child approached Li Qingshan, raising his head with a close look on his little face.

Li Qingshan showed a soothing smile, trying to touch his head, but his hand passed through his body at once, and he froze suddenly.

The child's expression suddenly faded, and he lowered his head and cried silently.

Li Qingshan suddenly felt that sadness was coming from it, and he looked up to the sky and screamed, why there are so many injustices in the world? Isn't it more cruel than any monsters and ghosts to harm each other.

The child was stunned and looked at Li Qingshan in surprise.

Under the moonlight, the determined young man's eyes were a little gleaming.

Li Qingshan laughed at himself: "Sure enough, it's the man who has tears and doesn't flick it lightly, but he didn't get to the point of sadness and made you laugh."

The child stood on tiptoe, reached out his hand to touch Li Qingshan's face, took off a little teardrop, and carefully held it on the palm of his hand, with a heavy look.

"Don't hold it!" Li Qingshan's face flushed, suddenly a little bit embarrassed to understand Qingniu, how could a man's tears be handed over to others casually

I also remembered that Qing Niu said that weak ghosts have no substance. Only when they have cultivated to a certain level can they gradually turn the emptiness into reality and pick up the real things. This child is so weak, he can only pick up something extremely light.

The child just looked down at the transparent liquid in his hands.

Li Qingshan looked around helplessly, feeling a little strange in his heart, why is it so dark today? Although the scenery around the hut is a bit bleak, it is still clearly visible.

But when he looked up at the moonlight, he suddenly realized that it was not that it was getting too late, but that his eyes had brightened. Not only could he see things at night, but he also seemed to wipe away a layer of dust on the window and see everything. I feel very clear.

Li Qingshan muttered to himself: "Brother Niu is indeed a monster, and tears have such a magical effect."

"It's getting late, I'm going to bed, because of you, I didn't have a good rest yesterday, and there are still things to do tomorrow. It won't work if I don't have enough energy."

When Li Qingshan went back to the room to sleep, the child squatted in front of the door, his figure shining in the moonlight, and it felt a bit translucent, just like the teardrops in his hands.

Li Qingshan slept extremely deep this time, and only woke up when the sky was bright, feeling comfortable all over. The child has left, I think he dare not move around during the day.

He rinsed, practiced "Bull Demon Power Fist" casually, picked up the thick-backed steel knife he got from Li Fugui, thought for a moment, picked up a few pieces of mutton, and went out.

The three Poppies were sitting facing each other with frowning faces. After Liu Feili died, their little gang had lost their backbone. The life in the village was even more difficult. It was almost a rat crossing the street, and everyone shouted and beat.

If you want to learn from Liu's arrogance or Li Qingshan's fierceness, how can you learn it? Suddenly even eating becomes a problem, not to mention eating alcohol and meat, so I can only go to the house of Liu Guanshi as a helper and barely eat. Eating, how can it be as unrestrained as before.

At this time, Li Qingshan suddenly came to the door, and the three Poppies greeted him hurriedly, only to see him with a cold expression, one hand knife and one hand meat, naturally showing a mighty power, no one dare to look down on her because of his age.

The three poppy voices were also softened, and they praised Li Qingshan's yesterday as a good student.

Li Qingshan ignored these flattering words and put down the meat on his hands: "There is still something to trouble you. These meats are rewards, with one piece of the last time."

"That's ashamed, Erlang, you guys, brothers." The three Poppi said, busy catching the mutton in their hands.

Just like last time, Li Qingshan said: "Follow me!" He turned and left, but this time, he was no longer a bluff, but an unquestionable command.

The three Poppies did not dare to hesitate, and followed him step by step.

Li Qingshan first went to the house of a nearby farmer, borrowed a hoe and shovel, and went to Li Fugui's house.

It was almost noon, and the villagers had finished their morning farm work. It was just when they were returning from work to go home for dinner. They saw that Li Erlang, who was in the limelight in the village, brought three poppies and borrowed tools. They didn’t know what to do, so they were all curious to follow. In the back, the whole village was almost alarmed by this one.

Seeing him come to Li Fugui's door, I wondered if he was going to teach that drunk this time? I wonder how the drunk offended him? But there is a bit of shame in my heart, relying on the large number of people, bullying a poor poor settler, and calling out the village chief in Liu's compound, it is the opposite behavior, one is not afraid of violence, the other is bullying.

But the three poppies were very happy: "I have seen that this old drunkard is not a thing." They patted their chests and offered to ask: "I'll pull him out now." Then Li Fugui established his power and beat him in front of everyone.

Li Qingshan glared at them and shouted loudly, "Can you come?"

When everyone was surprised, Li Fugui ran out of the house, gritted his teeth and said, "Come on!"

He looked surprisingly sober, which made the villagers feel weird. The usual Li Fugui looked drunk, but he didn’t know that after Li Qingshan left, Li Fugui didn’t drink a sip of wine, thinking about it day and night. , Unexpectedly, only the next day, Li Qingshan came to the door.

At this time, the people in the village were even more inexplicable, and their heads became more and more hooked.

Li Qingshan nodded, and walked ahead, leading a group of people to the blue brick house of the goddess. When the door was closed tightly, she had obviously alarmed her, and ordered the three poppies to say: "Smash it!"

The three poppies suddenly became timid. For this goddess, no one in the village is not afraid, even when Liu is dying, they dare not offend, and this blue brick building with the function of a temple has a mysterious and sacred color. , They had heard of the weird things happening in this room many times long ago.

When the other villagers saw that he was actually looking for the trouble of the goddess, they were all in awe.

Someone persuaded: "Erlang, don't be foolish!"

Others threatened: "You are disrespectful to God, and you are going to suffer retribution." This is a person who believes in a godwife. If he were not afraid of the knife in Li Qingshan's hand, he might have to come up and argue with him.

Without a word, Li Qingshan kicked the wooden door open with a "bang". The door bar with the thickness of his arm broke abruptly, making a loud noise, and the shocked villagers fell silent.

Li Qingshan turned around and ordered the three poppies: "Keep guard outside and don't allow others to come in."

The three pokers bite the bullet and responded, anyway they didn't need them to go in.

Li Qingshan crossed the threshold, strode into the courtyard, came to the door of the hall, and was about to kick the door.

The door leaf automatically separates the two sides, it is obviously noon that the sun is dazzling, but there is a piece of black hole in the door, and a cold air rushes toward the face.

The goddess was wearing brightly colored witch robes, sitting on the god platform, and said in a strange voice: "Li Erlang, are you convicted of sin?"

With a sound of "clang", Li Qingshan pulled out a thick-back steel knife and shouted: "Fate!"

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