Legend of The Great Sage

Chapter 8: Eat meat and practice


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"Lost." Li Qingshan replied stiffly, as if being beaten back to cruel reality from a psychedelic world.

"Hurry up and find it for me. You dare to lose our family's cow, and see if your brother comes back to kill your prodigal thing. If the cow is gone, you will get out of here!"

"That's my cow!" Li Qingshan strode out the door, and if he doesn't leave, he might have to beat the woman, but if he does this, he will no longer be able to stay at home, she will be under the eaves. Had to bow his head.

It wasn't until sunset that he returned to the bullpen, exhausted, and his shiny eyes rolled around in the empty bullpen before dimming again.

Li Qingshan's daily work, in addition to herding cattle to clean up the sundries, is to take the cattle to the village landlord's house to help, earn a small amount of money to supplement the family.

Today, without a cow, I can only do the same work as other long-term workers. It is hard work for adults, not to mention that he is a half-year-old son, and he has not eaten breakfast yet.

Compared with physical fatigue, as for the insults and abuses of farm stewardship, it is actually a trivial matter. When I fell into the haystack, I didn't want to think about anything, but my stomach screamed again.

It is conceivable that in such an environment, what interests are there, are also worn out, and only the most instinctive physical needs are left.

Li Qingshan was in a daze. He only heard the sound of a "pop" and the sound of a heavy object falling. He opened his eyes and saw a strange face and a pair of white and long fangs. He was startled and sober. It was a wild boar only when I came over.

Qing Niu was lying in front of the trough, looking at him "laughing", and he could already vaguely distinguish the expression on Qing Niu's face.

As night fell, in the village house, Mrs. Li was complaining to Brother Li: "That little bastard is so uncharacteristic that he lost even a cow of that size. No, he must have sold it secretly. No, it must be. Scorer, if we go on, we must be harmed."

Brother Li was in his thirties and was born tall. He was also a famous tyrant in the village, but he was extremely submissive to his wife: "The family can be divided, and those acres of good land can be divided in front of the elderly in the village. His." They occupied the land on the grounds that Li Qingshan was too young to cultivate.

"Isn't Guan Shi Liu always wanting this piece of land? Just sell it to them, and if that little bastard has the courage, go and ask him for it."

"But what if he refuses to divide?"

"Hungry him for three days, don't worry if he doesn't agree?"

The two were discussing, Sister Li suddenly sniffed, "Did you smell anything?"

"It's so fragrant, it seems someone is cooking the meat!"

"It's not every year and every season, what kind of meat is cooked, as if, as if, just around the corner."

The two came to the cowshed looking for the fragrance, and saw a pot propped up in the cowshed, and a firewood was burning underneath, the pot thick soup boiled, and a scent of fragrance spread.

The fire swayed in the darkness, casting Li Qingshan's shadow on the wall.

Sister Li swallowed her saliva: "Where did you stolen the meat, you little bastard?" She was not only lazy, but also greedy. Looking at the pot of broth, she forgot even Li Qingshan's offense, so she moved forward and took the spoon to stir it. stand up.

On the contrary, Big Brother Li had sharp eyes. He saw what was sitting under Li Qingshan's buttocks and exclaimed, "Wild boar!"

Wild boars can be said to be extremely dangerous things in the mountains. They are hard to be injured by their thick skin and swords, and ordinary hunters have to retreat when they see them, let alone catch them.

"This was picked up at the foot of the mountain when I was looking for a cow. I was injured. I was probably chased by a hunter and desperate." Li Qingshan said the reason he had compiled. The existence of the green cow must be kept secret, otherwise. There was the sound of the demon cow, and Tiangong would come to the door whenever the security was uneven.

Brother Li was skeptical, and laughed: "Brother, you are a fool, you are stupid. When I bring this pig to the market, I will be able to sell it for a good price and save it for you to marry a wife." At the same time, he also saw the cow. The green cow in the shed thought in his heart, there is no need to rush to separate from him, the cow can still do farm work.

Li Qingshan watched Sister Li stirring in the pot, just wanting to get a taste of it. The good mood of cooking meat was immediately ruined, and he opened Sister Li's hand with a "snap": "Don't move."

Sister Li held her hands and stepped back, and wailed: "Look at your brother. I said he bullied me while you were not at home. If you still don't believe me, you can see it in your presence now."

bully you? Li Qingshan only feels nauseous for a while, if your surname is Pan, I won't be at a disadvantage.

Brother Li's face suddenly became gloomy: "That's how you are a brother-in-law?"

Li Qingshan lowered his head and said, "I have my own plans for this meat. I am not too young now, and it is time to separate." This is something he was thinking about when he was cooking the meat. He no longer wants to be here. Continue to bow his head under the eaves.

Brother Li didn't expect that he hadn't spoken yet, but Li Qingshan raised it first, and he was flabbergasted. He was a foolish farmer, not a person who could keep his anger. He squeezed his fist and walked forward. Li Qingshan had a meal before dragging the wild boar away.

Li Qingshan saw that he was coming wrong, and stood up, his face was stern, but his heart was a little weak. He hadn't grown his bones yet, he had been tired for a day, and hadn't eaten anything. How could he rival an adult man, Yu Guang looked towards Qing Niu, but Qing Niu just watched this scene as if in a play, and didn't mean to help at all.

Just as Li Qingshan was crying in his heart and was about to be beaten up, Big Brother Li stopped and looked at Li Qingshan's right hand.

The big rough hand held a short knife of the same roughness, the blade full of impurities, even after careful polishing, it was still bleak.

This is a short knife that Li Qingshan used to eat and frugally over the years, and he bought it at the market. It is used in many places, and he used this knife to cut meat.

Li Qingshan suddenly understood that his eldest brother was timid, not himself, but the knife. Before this moment, he had never realized that the inferior short knife in his hand had the power to deter others.

Li Qingshan was just an ordinary student in his previous life. Although he had fought a few fights, it was only a dispute between his classmates. He had no experience of confrontation with others in his two lifetimes combined.

Knowing this, Li Qingshan squeezed the short knife in his hand and deliberately lifted it upward, as if a beast showed its fangs, although he actually didn't dare to use it at all.

Brother Li stepped back immediately, and Sister Li didn't dare to howl. In the end, the two of them exited the bullpen, showing extremely disappointed expressions, scolded them outside, and then went back to the room to discuss their "big plan".

Li Qingshan turned a deaf ear to his ears. He even left the smell of meat behind his head. He stared at the knife in a daze, and his face was vaguely reflected in it. This bargain for a few dollars just protected him and spared him. The suffering of flesh and blood saved him from an insult and saved his trophy.

Although it is a matter of course, but at this moment, it seems to be suddenly enlightened.

Qing Niu lay in front of the trough, looking at him with a smile.

The fire flickered, and the black giant on the wall stood with a knife. At this moment, a young man understood the exact value of power.

After a long time, Li Qingshan sat down again and scratched his head and looked at the pot: "How long does this meat have to be cooked?" He was a meatless and unpleasant person. Over the past ten years, he has really suffered a lot when his parents were there. I can still eat a few bites every New Year's Day, just go with my parents, and cutting that bit of meat is not enough for Sister Li to eat alone.

At this moment, even if there was a bottle of elixir in front of him, it couldn't compare with this pot of meat, making him anxious.

The pig is a big pig, and this pot of meat has been cooked in the middle of the night.

The rising flame, the wafting fragrance, the crackling noise, and the attentive young man, condense into an unsentimental and poetic, but extremely simple and primitive picture.

In the end, even though he didn't even sprinkle any salt, let alone other seasonings, Li Qingshan almost swallowed his tongue, regardless of fat or thinness. He had a few catties of cooked meat on his stomach, and finally drank the broth.

If someone asks Li Qingshan what happiness is at this moment, he will definitely answer that happiness is a pot of meat.


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