Legend of The Great Sage

Chapter 96: Qi Yue Wuyi


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Li Qingshan patted the three pots of feather arrows on his waist, carried the flying dragon sword and the cracking stone arch on his back, and carried the scary and big super king's gun on his shoulders, and disappeared in the snow and darkness, only on the snow. Leave a string of deep footprints.

In the county government office, the master said to Ye Dachuan: "My lord, if Li Qingshan doesn't listen to your advice, there is no way!"

It turned out that when Ye Dachuan saw that the gentry were affected by the slopes of Heifengzhai, he refused to help anymore. He calculated that one-to-two hundred would surely be defeated, so he persuaded Li Qingshan to stay for a long-term discussion. Li Qingshan was not willing to listen to him, and forced a paperwork. go.

Ye Dachuan kept turning around in the house, then suddenly stopped, jumped and said, "Call me the men and horses?"

Master said, "Where are we going to have someone?"

Ye Dachuan roared anxiously: "Those native squires dare to let their children attack and kill officials in front of their own officials. The Longmen faction is a den of thieves, telling them that whoever refuses to send people is the rebellious one. Thief." He wanted to understand. If Li Qingshan dies, then his county magistrate doesn't have to go on, and Heifengzhai and Longmen faction may even throw anger on him.

The master said: "Think twice, my lord!" This will offend all the squires in Qingyang.

Ye Dachuan kicked his ass, "Hurry up!"

The master had to obey the order, and as soon as he walked out of the hall door, a dozen dark figures stood in front of him, and he didn't know when to enter the office door. Master was taken aback. Looking through the faint lights in the hall, he saw that these dozen people were all carrying bows and arrows, "Originally... It turned out to be from Le Ma Zhuang, a hero, no... I wonder what's the point of visiting late at night?"

Huang Binghu was wrapped in white cloth on his shoulders, but his bearing was still calm, and he patted Master's shoulder: "Master Ye, Lema Zhuang Huang Binghu would like to help." After Li Qingshan left, Huang Binghu and the others looked for him. The inn rested and received news before falling asleep, Li Qingshan went out of the city fully armed.

Huang Binghu certainly wouldn't think he was running away, and suddenly stood up: "I'll go out for a while, and Xiaohei will be responsible for everything when I'm away!"

Everyone knows where he is going, Xiao**: "Headhunter, we will go with you!" After experiencing this, his face lost a lot of frivolous youthfulness and increased the calmness of many adults.

"Take Zhuangzi as the most important thing!"

Xiao**: "Le Ma Zhuang's name is not obtained through remorse. We forge a great feud with Heifengzhai, and we will not be able to rest for a long time. We can only put the bet on that person. If I am to be held accountable, This is my idea."

Huang Binghu said: "Okay, I didn't suffer the two cuts in vain today!"

Qingyang City, which had just quieted down, became noisy again.

In the iron fist gate, the iron lion Liu Hong did not fall asleep either, but was thinking about what happened today. Li Long knelt down in the middle of the entry, "Master!"

Liu Hong frowned and said, "What are you doing?"

Li Long said, "Master, please save Wo Niu Village!" Heifengzhai did not kill the village before. One was to catch Li Qingshan's "first evil" first, and then to get involved with the iron fist door, so that he did not easily make a move. But after tonight, when all parties turn their faces, Heifengzhai will retaliate wildly and will surely slay butcher swords.

Liu Hong said, "Go and take your father's family and Guanshi Liu's family out!"

Li Long could not kneel for a long time, "Master, please save Wo Niu Village!"

"Don't you like it there?"

"But that is the hometown of the disciple!"

Liu Hong pondered for a moment, as if considering the pros and cons of all sides, Huo Di stood up and said, "Go, gather the disciples!" He had already considered the ginseng Li Qingshan brought and the wealth of Heifengzhai.

Li Long was overjoyed: "Thank you, Master!"

Relying on the position of the county magistrate, Ye Dachuan took advantage of Li Qingshan's prestige and Le Mazhuang's power to order the gentry to send people out, but there were still some gentry who were willing to resist and were unwilling to send people.

Just as the yellow sick tiger frowned and was considering whether to kill and gain his power, Liu Hong strode forward and said, "Huang headhunting, long admiring the name." Then he said to the gentry who resisted: "Liu Hong swears today to celebrate. If you are willing to help me, Liu Hongding will not forget Yangcheng's major harm." The implication is that if you refuse, I will not forget.

In this situation, the gentry finally did not dare to resist any more, and sent people reluctantly. Although they were reluctant in their hearts, they did their best when sending people. Xiong Xiangwu's words are still in his ears. If it is this time If you kill a snake, just wait for your revenge, all you have to do is to do your best!

Moreover, with Huang Binghu and Liu Hong, the two strong men in charge, they also felt that they really had a chance to quell Heifengzhai. Heifengzhai is a misfortune, not really has nothing to do with them. Just like Guanshi Liu's nickname "Liu Bancun", most of the land in Qingyang City was annexed by these country gentry and local tyrants. Many of the villages looted by Heifengzhai were their assets. As for kidnapping for ransom, more I don't know how much they have done, otherwise they would not be willing to raise money for suppression of bandits from the previous county magistrates.

Xiong Xiangwu didn't expect that his threat would turn the gentry into mortal enemies.

Ye Dachuan looked at the crowds that gathered together in an incredible way, far exceeding his expectations at the beginning. There were four to five hundred people. He sat in the middle with the identity of the county lord, Huang Binghu and Liu Hong restrained and commanded, never in his life. Having done such a arrogant thing, the heart that was blinded by fame and fortune actually burned with blood.

The master was also dumbfounded. He remembered the words and sentences written in the book that were originally far away from him: Climb a high and call, the followers will gather, and the world will be opposed.

In matters of the world, perhaps only a warrior or a hero will be able to turn the impossible into possible, guide everyone, and accomplish the so-called miracle.

However, this leading hero often has no good results.

The old trousers opened the door of the arsenal with trembling hands. Pieces of armor and weapons were taken out to arm the team of begging thieves, and embarked on the journey amidst the clanging sound.

Huang Binghu said in his heart: "I hope it's still too late!" This call has already taken too much time.

Liu Hongxin said: "Boy, you have to hold on for a while, but if you die, the old man will avenge you!"

Li Qingshan walked swiftly in the dark, with a weight of two to three hundred kilograms in his outfit. Not only did he not make him feel tired, but he also had a pleasure of releasing his power.

The iron armor was cold, but the blood burned hotter and hotter, and the footsteps went faster and faster, and in the end it was almost galloping through the mountains, the heavy footsteps were like drums of war, banging!

I don't know how long he walked in the deep mountains and old forests, his footsteps suddenly stopped, his eyes pierced the wind and snow, and shot towards the ravine, a camp creeping in the dark, faintly lit a few lights.

Heifengzhai is right in front of you.

However, Li Qingshan did not rush forward, unwinding the wine gourd and drank it. The energy he had consumed was recovered in an instant, and there was a scorching breath that crashed into his body like wild horses.

He suddenly remembered a lyric in Peking opera, and said: "Look ahead, the black hole, it must be the thief's den. When I catch up, kill him cleanly!"


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