Legend of the Supreme Soldier

Chapter 113: The technique is inherited from Jia Zhuo


Suddenly, a soft and peaceful feeling spread to Ye Zhong's brain. It was cool, like being immersed in ice water. The unstoppable pain in his body was relieved. Although the pain was still deep in the bone marrow, it seemed to have already settled in his body. It was within Ye Chong's tolerable range.

At least Ye Chong could distract himself and think about what was going on!

This attack lasted much longer than the last time. After the pain disappeared without any trace, Ye Chong was already covered in a pool of sweat, as if he had been fished out of water.

Ye Chong's face was pale and colorless, and he stood up unsteadily. He did not call out Shang immediately, but instead persuaded Shang who was already jumping anxiously in his heart. He is not much different from usual now, but the profuse sweating just made his physical strength a little unable to keep up.

In front of him was a middle-aged man with a thin face and a slight smile. He was wearing a light blue shirt. His figure was very weak in Ye Chong's eyes!

The other person spoke first: "You suddenly collapsed in front of my door. Seeing that you were in bad condition, I moved you into the house without permission. Please don't take offense!" The tone was calm and calm, which calmed people down unconsciously.

Only then did Ye Chong realize that he was in the room, and couldn't help but thank him: "Thank you sir for helping me!"

The middle-aged man smiled slightly: "It's easy, don't worry! I'm walking to Kazuo. Don't worry, it's safe here. You were seriously injured just now. Sit down and have a good rest!"

"Thank you!" Ye Chong sat down as he was told. As soon as he sat down, he noticed the soreness in his muscles. It was indeed much worse than last time, Ye Chong thought to himself.

Jia Zhuo poured a cup of unknown green drink for Ye Zhong and said politely: "Please use it!" After speaking, he extended his hand to signal.

"Oh!" Ye Zhong picked up the cup and drank it all in one gulp. This cup of green Liu Cun Qing tasted very light, cool and slightly bitter, and tasted like boiling water in Ye Zhong's mouth. Ye Zhong did not doubt that there would be something harmful to him in this cup of six-inch green. Based on the situation just now, if the other party is hostile to me, I have no power to fight back.

And Ye Zhong was almost certain that the person in front of him was most likely the mysterious master of the art in the orbital circle.

Seeing Ye Zhong drinking like this, Jia Zhuo laughed dumbly: "You must have just arrived at Harrison Planet!" Seeing Ye Zhong's confused eyes, Jia Zhuo explained: "This is the most common drink in Harrison. I usually drink this Most people drink it in small sips to appreciate the taste, and most people drink it in large sips by newcomers, so it tastes just like water!"

Ye Chong suddenly understood and said succinctly: "Not bad!"

Apparently Jia Zhuo also realized that Ye Zhong was not good at talking, so he asked: "I saw my little brother suddenly fell down just now. I wonder why?"

Ye Zhong was silent for a moment and then said: "I have a strange disease!" Although he didn't know what method the master just used to relieve his pain, if he could learn this method. Maybe it can detoxify the black horn silver liquid, or at least relieve the pain.

Ye Chong and Shang communicated quickly in their minds.

Shang said: "Hey, Ye Zi. Maybe this old guy can help you detoxify!"

"Well, I know this!"

"Then let's tie him up and torture him! How about this method?" Shang said evilly.

"Well, will he definitely tell if he is tortured?" Ye Chong was a little doubtful about this method.

"Hey, Ye Zi, don't worry about this question. My database has 756 torture methods, and there are 177 methods that don't require tools. Psychology is what I'm best at! Hehe. It can definitely be done. He even told what happened eighteen lifetimes ago!" Shang, who revealed the devil's tail, also included a line commonly used in movies!

"The premise is that we first want him to be under our control!" Ye Zhong began to consider this possibility, and then said: "But I heard that Master Shu Cheng is very powerful, what if we want to beat him to death? What should we do? There is too little information about Master Shu!"

"That's right!" Shang was also a little discouraged: "It's a pity that I can't help you, otherwise the two of us will surely capture this old guy alive."

"And according to the principle of fair trade mentioned by Mu, he just helped me. Now it seems inappropriate for us to use this method to treat him!" Ye Zhong, who had always had a vague understanding of the principle of fair trade mentioned by Mu, said to himself Not sure what he said.

"Hey, yes, how could I forget this! Ye Zi, it's because you didn't remind me that I almost made a big mistake with such a kind-hearted light simulation! Hey, repaying kindness, this is a The seventh rule of the essential qualities of a real man. The seventh rule is indeed a very important one..." Shang looked around and secretly put away his devilish little tail.

Poor Kazuo didn't know that he had narrowly missed the edge of hell again and again.

But when he heard that Ye Zhong said about strange diseases, Jia Zhuo was obviously very interested: "Oh, strange diseases? What are the symptoms? What's the origin?"

"The onset time is uncertain, the symptoms are painful, and the origin is unknown!" Ye Zhong's mechanical answer made Shang feel contemptuous. Although Ye Zhong knew that he was poisoned by silver liquid, he felt it was inappropriate to say it, so he had to say it was unknown.

Ye Chong's answer was too general, and Jia Zhuo couldn't help but frown: "Well, is there anything special about it?"

Ye Zhong carefully recalled the feeling at that time: "Well, it's as if his consciousness is being tortured. The muscles on his body are also sore this time. Also, the brain waves are isolated and cannot be connected to brain wave-controlled instruments such as light armor!"

"Oh! There is also this disease!" Obviously these symptoms were beyond Jiazuo's expectation. He frowned and thought for a long time, and finally sighed and smiled apologetically: "Hey, I'm sorry, I'm not a professional doctor. I don't know this kind of strange disease." do not know either."

"Oh!" Ye Zhong suddenly asked: "Are you the master of the art?"

Jia Zhuo was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Hey! I am the master of Shu!"

Ye Chong asked: "Did you do it to make my head feel cold that time?"

"Is this what you're talking about?" He didn't see any movement from Jia Zhuo, and Ye Chong suddenly felt a chill in his head, just like when he was ill, but this time it was more obvious because he was awake. , like the cool spring water washing the brain again, refreshing and pleasant.

Ye Chong was shocked. Anyone who suddenly had something pop up in his mind would be very surprised. Ye Chong asked curiously: "How did you do it?"

Jia Zhuo chuckled. This was not the first time someone had asked him this question.

Shu Chengshi, to put it more clearly, is a group of spiritual exercisers who develop the potential of the body through the exercise of spiritual consciousness. So they often have abilities that ordinary people don't have. Different from Black Horn's physical dominance, they are another kind of powerful existence! What Jia Zhuo just used was just the most basic and most commonly used application by Shu Chengshi, which is used to calm people's minds and make them pure.

But this surprised Ye Chong, who had never been exposed to this before.

Suddenly he remembered the three major schools of masters that Huck mentioned when he talked about the origin of masters to himself, and couldn't help but blurt out: "Mystics?"

Jia Zhuo was a little surprised: "I didn't expect you to know about the Mystic Master. Haha, it seems that this is not a secret. The Mystic Master is the predecessor of the Master. Back then, the Mystic Master was divided into two and simply trained. One type is a master of martial arts, and I am one of them. The other type is a master of martial arts, and they are the masters of spiritual practitioners."

"Shu Chengshi!" Ye Zhong heard this term for the first time. Imagine what a master with spiritual powers would look like when fighting? Ye Chong couldn't help but feel his heartbeat.

"Haha, people outside Shu Chengshi know less about it. They usually stay in Shu Chengshi's sect and rarely go out." Jia Zhuo explained, seeing Ye Zhong's expression of confusion.

"Well, I can't do anything about your strange disease, but you can try it in Xiu District. There are many strange people and strangers there. Maybe you will have unexpected gains!" Jia Zhuo wrote on a piece of paper at his desk. After a while, he raised his head and handed the piece of paper to Ye Zhong: "These are the addresses of several real doctors I know. You can try it. However, most of the people there have weird tempers, and sometimes they may mention some weird things. You have to be careful with the requirements! And don’t be discouraged even if these people can’t do it. There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers there. As long as you search patiently, you are very likely to find a doctor who can cure your strange disease.”

Ye Chong took the piece of paper and said gratefully: "Thank you!"

Jia Zhuo smiled gently, waved his hand and said: "It's nothing, I can't help you with anything! You still have to find it yourself!"

Ye Zhong suddenly asked: "Well, can Qingxin teach me, I'm willing to exchange for it!"

Jia Zhuo smiled apologetically: "Although Qingxin is the simplest spiritual application, it is not easy to learn! And without the permission of the master's sect, I cannot teach it to others without permission!"

Ye Chong responded with an "Oh".

Shang complained in Ye Zhong's heart: "If I had known, I would have tied him up and tortured him! I don't believe that I can't ask!" He was silent for a few seconds, and then said excitedly: "Yi Zi, I thought of a good way!"

"What can I do?" Ye Zhong asked curiously.

"Hey, this old man is treating you well, so we can't do anything! But there must be more than one master here. Hehe, as long as we arrest other masters, it won't violate the principle of fair trade!" Shang encouraged.

"Well, it seems quite reasonable!" Ye Zhong said.

"That's right! What I brought up may not make sense? I'm not that uninteresting guy like Mu. Hehe, Master of the Technique, it must be fun!" A certain demon's tail began to wag again!

Ye Zhong said goodbye to Jia Zhuo and asked if there was also a Shu Chengshi garrison in the Xiu District.

Jiazhuo also thought that Ye Zhong was interested in joining the profession of martial arts masters, so he enthusiastically pointed out the specific location of the martial arts masters' sect in Xiu District. By the way, he also told Ye Zhong the addresses of several powerful martial arts masters in the local area. Tell Ye Chong that he can ask them for advice when he has time!