Legend of the Supreme Soldier

Chapter 27: Section 27


№Eleven said it is really a BUG! Haha, I wrote too fast and didn’t think carefully enough! But it’s barely fair. The protagonist’s body is much more tyrannical than that of ordinary people! ! Don’t change it, just keep writing~~~

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Ye Zhong tightened the fiber rope on his body. The diameter of the fiber rope was only five millimeters, but it could withstand tens of tons of tensile force. Ye Zhong, who had nowhere to rely on, could only keep tapping his toes on the wall and move forward in a "Z" shape. Although Ye Zhong's toes touched the wall, they didn't make a sound. They were like a civet cat wandering around at night, with amazing agility.

The safety door at the end of the passage was open, which saved Ye Zhong from having to do anything.

Behind the safety door is a gangway. Ye Zhong knows nothing about spaceships. He doesn't know where he is now, his position, etc., so Ye Zhong becomes more and more cautious. Hold on to the gangway and climb down carefully.

Suddenly, several ding-dong metallic knocking sounds reached Ye Chong's ears. Ye Chong's heart trembled and he immediately turned off the laser light in his hand. Ye Chong has never been in the habit of putting himself in a conspicuous position! That way, you usually die the fastest! I squinted my eyes, trying to adapt to the dark environment, and leaned my ears against the metal wall, listening carefully!

Footsteps, yes, footsteps! Ye Chong was sure that he heard it right! After identifying the general direction, Ye Zhong leaned slightly and slowly floated downwards.

Groping in the silent darkness is a very test of one's will!

I was in the dark, and I was not familiar with the environment at all. Finding the lurker was another matter of luck!

Ye Zhong was wandering erratically, and now he had no hope of meeting the other party, because he had completely lost his sense of direction. Not long after he left the gangway, he discovered his embarrassing situation. He didn't dare to turn on the laser light and could only rely on his senses, but the complexity of the terrain was beyond his expectation.

Fortunately, he was still tied with a fiber rope, otherwise, he really couldn't believe that he could go back.

Suddenly, the sound seemed to be getting louder and louder, gradually approaching here. Ye Chong was even more afraid to express his anger. He lowered his ears to the ground, trying to get more information, but as soon as his ears reached the floor, all the sounds suddenly disappeared, as if the faint sound just now was like an hallucination.

A layer of fine goose bumps appeared spontaneously, and Ye Chong couldn't help but shudder. At this time, it is right to remain unchanged and cope with all changes, Ye Zhong comforted himself.

Ye Chong waited for a long time, but nothing unusual happened. Could it be that he was too nervous? Causing hallucinations? There is not much time left to think about the life-saving box. For him now, every second is extremely precious. If he can find the life-saving equipment earlier, maybe just a few seconds will most likely determine whether he lives or dies!

Ye Zhong gritted his teeth. Finding life-saving equipment was his most urgent request now. If he continued to hide like this, he was afraid that even if there was someone here, it would still be an enemy. He would definitely suffocate to death before the enemy could kill him!

Having made up his mind, Ye Zhong planned to start his journey of survival!

No matter what, although he may become the target of the enemy, his life is still at stake!

Just as Ye Chong was about to turn on the laser light on his wrist, something suddenly changed!

Ye Zhong's weightless body suddenly seemed like someone was pulling him desperately from below. Ye Zhong, who was already highly nervous, drew out the dagger without hesitation and flipped his right wrist. Even though it was as dark as ink, a cold light burned in the darkness. It’s visible!

With such a swift attack, Ye Zhong thought he was sure of success, but unexpectedly he failed!

Ye Zhong couldn't help being slightly stunned. In this moment of confusion, Ye Zhong's huge body slammed to the ground. Even though Ye Zhong was so arrogant, he fell unconscious!

Almost at the same time, there was a flash of white light in front of his eyes, and Ye Zhong opened his eyes as if blind. In shock, Ye Zhong rolled sideways and hid under a large cabinet that was floating behind him just now.

Poor Ye Zhong was in bad luck. He never expected that this subconscious action to protect himself would actually become...

Bang, the large metal cabinet weighing more than three hundred pounds hit Ye Zhong without any obstruction. Ye Zhong's eyes were temporarily blinded due to the sudden encounter with a relatively strong light in an extremely dark environment. But before he could return to normal, this blow, which was comparable to a light armor attack, immediately confused Ye Zhong!

The large metal cabinet was smashed down from a height of three meters. Ye Zhong's throat felt so sweet that he couldn't hold it in any longer. A mouthful of blood spurted out and he fainted immediately!

I saw that all the lights were on, and the debris and debris that were originally floating in the air fell to the ground one after another. The sudden appearance of gravity made the whole room feel much drier! All entrances to the gangway were suddenly closed, and oxygen was slowly injected from the ceiling.

Of course, Ye Chong didn't know what was going on. He was pressed under the big metal cabinet in a large shape, with only two hands and two feet exposed!

The door to the room suddenly opened, and a handsome-looking young man and a man wrapped in armor walked in!

The young man seemed to have discovered a new world: "No. 2, there is another person here!"

The man in armor replied: "Master, let's go and see, the possibility of not surviving is extremely small!"

When the young man saw Ye Chong's miserable condition, he couldn't help but show a look of dismay: "This is so miserable, he was crushed into pulp!"

Number 2 walked over, put his hands on both sides of the metal cabinet, and effortlessly lifted the metal cabinet, which weighed more than 300 pounds, and then gently put it aside. The whole process was extremely easy. The metal cabinet was in his hands. It feels like foam on my hands.

Number 2 turned Ye Zhong over and checked, and said in surprise: "This person is still alive!"

The young man said in disbelief: "Impossible, is this guy still a human?"

Number 2 also had a hard time believing it: "You don't look like such a powerful person!" Ye Zhong's body shape appeared to be quite slender, which was completely inconsistent with the power contained in his body and was extremely deceptive. Even Mu was surprised that his strength continued to grow but his weight remained the same!

Number 2 suddenly frowned: "This person is very strange. Why don't I seem to have seen him before?"

The young man also echoed: "Yeah, I don't think I've seen it before either!"

"The materials and styles of the clothes are very strange and rare. We must not have such clothes on our ship!" No. 2 glanced at Ye Zhong and came to a conclusion.

The young man asked in surprise: "Isn't he from our ship? Then how did he come up?"

No. 2 couldn't think of a reason, but his eyes glanced over Ye Zhong's hand inadvertently. When he saw Ye Zhong's dagger, No. 2's pupils suddenly shrank. With his experience, he could tell at a glance that this was completely wrong. A dagger used in actual combat, the coldness on it seems to show off that it has definitely harvested more than one life.

Number 2 quickly grabbed the dagger with both hands. There was a stranger of unknown origin lying in front of the young master, holding a murderous weapon in his hand. This was definitely not allowed by him, although this man might have been seriously injured. hurt! Being cautious is a quality he must have, and protecting the young master's safety is his duty!

By coincidence, Ye Zhong woke up just in time, but he never expected that when he opened his eyes, he saw a metal hand grabbing at him quickly!

The hairs on his hair suddenly stood up, and Ye Zhong's eyes suddenly expanded!