Legend of the Supreme Soldier

Chapter 32: Section 32


This book is not a stud! ! ! ! ! ! I don’t like stallions either! ! Update, vote! !

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The main control room was in a mess, with all kinds of debris and remnants all over the floor, showing how much impact Mu had had on the spaceship!

After truly understanding that Ye Zhong had no interest in the young master's life, No. 2 began to cooperate. Everyone is now in trouble. If they don't work together, the chance of survival is very slim. Faced with Ye Zhong's asymmetrical strength and Ye Zhong's strength, No. 2 had to lower his stance.

The young master has been in a daze since he saw Mu just now, muttering a few words from time to time. Number 2 is also very helpless. The young master is good at everything and is very kind to others. He has no airs about him, but as long as his research field is involved, he will get into the mood very quickly. The young master doesn't care about family affairs, but he is only interested in the research of light armor, and he shows amazing talent in this area. The young master’s dream is to be a light armor engineer, but the eldest lady strongly opposes it! As the legal heir of the family, the young master has no interest in worldly affairs at all and only focuses on his own research. Over the years, the eldest lady has been struggling to support the affairs of the family.

The young master went out this time without telling the eldest lady. He wanted to stay away from the kind of life that made him tired. Unexpectedly, he encountered an accident on the road and met a powerful master. No. 2 regretted it in his heart. If he had known it, he would have prevented the young master from leaving. The family ran away!

Two tried to put aside these thoughts that would not help the current situation but would demoralize him.

Ye Chong didn't know anything about spaceships, so he still had to rely on experts.

Ye Chong asked: "What should we do now?"

Number 2 fiddled with the instruments for a while, then turned to look at Ye Zhong: "Our current situation is very bad. The power system of the spaceship has been completely paralyzed, and the hull is seriously damaged, with many cracks, and the most deadly The only thing is that the pulse signal instrument has been damaged, and we cannot use the distress signal to get in touch with other spaceships for help! Our current location is about 118,000 kilometers away from Zuodianfu. If the flight is normal, it will only take eight days, but only It's a pity that the escape boat equipped on our spaceship has been damaged! Otherwise, we could take the lifeboat directly to the Zuofang floating! And it's unfortunate." No. 2 paused, seeing that both of them were listening carefully, and slowly He spoke slowly: "The patrol range of Zuodangfu is only within five days' journey from Zuodangfu as the center. In other words, our only hope is that a spaceship that happens to be on the way can discover us." No. 2 explained. Take your time and be organized! Ye Zhong immediately looked at this "poor" woman with admiration. She was not useless after all!

The young man woke up at this time and quickly began to check the main control room. He was indeed a mechanical genius. After a while, he began to repair the work. His dexterous hands were like a magician. The various parts were flying in his hands, full of unique charm. Cadence, No. 2 looked at the young master with an intoxicated look on his face.

Ye Zhong couldn't help but be a little surprised. He didn't expect this frail guy to be a mechanical genius. Ye Zhong himself could be considered a semi-expert in this field, but compared to the young man in front of him, Ye Zhong felt that he was much inferior.

It seems that there are people outside the world, and there is a God outside the world. Those old grandfathers are indeed right, Ye Chong thought to himself.

In fact, he had never thought that he had only been studying in "Aurora" for more than a year, but he had been trained since he was a child. The various material conditions were not comparable to those of a trash star with nothing, so it was natural for him to be better than Ye Zhong. What's more, the boy's family itself has a very close relationship with the light armor.

Ye Zhong carefully observed the young man's repair, constantly confirming what he had learned in his heart, and he gained a lot in a short time. Unknowingly, Ye Chong was very polite to the two of them.

Unfortunately, the damage to the spaceship was so serious that there was no hope of repairing the power system. Fortunately, although the air supply and heating systems could not be completely repaired, there was still no problem in ensuring the basic needs of the three people. Food and water on the ship were also provided. There is enough, and the only thing the three of them can do now is wait.

The three of them couldn't help but chat, but both sides were very sensible and didn't ask each other's details. The boy's name was Gu Shaoze, and his maid's name was weird, No. 2! But Ye Chong had no curiosity in this aspect. Ye Chong introduced himself politely.

The conversation with Gu Shaoze was undoubtedly very pleasant. Both parties had common topics, and the more they talked, the more excited they became. No. 2 looked at the two of them with a smile, but most of the time his eyes stayed on Gu Shaoze's face.

Ye Zhong now admires Gu Shaoze in his heart. Gu Shaoze's knowledge far exceeds his age. He is probably not inferior to the grandfathers in "Aurora". In some aspects, he may even be at the forefront.

Don't you know that Gu Shaoze has a different regard for Ye Zhong? He didn't expect that this person who originally thought he was just a martial artist actually had such profound knowledge in light armor machinery, and had a unique vision. He often hit the mark with one word, and directly hit the target with his theory. The depth of his skills is no less than his own.

However, if he knew that Ye Chong had zero practical experience, he would not know what he would think!

The more the two talked, the more they became interested, and they couldn't help but feel a sense of sympathy for each other. Although Gu Changze is usually a humble gentleman, he still has a bit of arrogance in his heart. It's rare to meet someone you like, how can you not feel good about him? As for Ye Chong, this was the first time he had met someone who was not much different from him in age. Moreover, the other person's strength was worthy of Ye Zhong's respect, so he felt good about him.

No. 2 Yingying sat aside and watched with a smile as the conversation became more and more heated. Who would have thought that just a few dozen minutes ago, the two sides were meeting each other in life and death

A caravan consisting of more than thirty transport ships sailed smoothly in space.

Boss Jing Mo is sitting on the command chair in the main control room, with a pensive look on his face. He has ** days to reach Zuodangfu. If nothing unexpected happens, the rewards this time will definitely be very generous, and he can also get countless rewards. If you contribute less merit, maybe your merchant qualification can be upgraded to one level, and then you can sell light armor. Nowadays, merchants with the qualification of light armor merchant are very rare, and the profits here are not comparable to those of today's goods. .

This batch of goods traveled from the Tianluo Star Territory to the Far Star Territory for five months, and encountered several groups of space pirates along the way. Fortunately, the masters he hired were strong, so they were safe. Thinking about it, I did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to hire a very famous group of masters for protection from the beginning. Thanks to my wisdom, otherwise I would not even think about this batch of goods, fearing that my life would be on the road.

There are still ten days left! Don’t let anything happen in these ten days! Jing Mo closed his eyes and prayed secretly in his heart!

Suddenly, a siren interrupted Jing Mo's prayer. Jing Mo's eyes suddenly opened, but his heart couldn't help but tighten!