Legend of the Supreme Soldier

Chapter 44: Section 44


The school network failed today, so I had to go to the Internet cafe to update~~~~~~~~~

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Strike first to gain the upper hand! Taking action first means you have a better chance of gaining the initiative in the battle. In a life-and-death fight, any chivalry or politeness is all nonsense! Ye Chong didn't have this bad habit either. Although he didn't know if these people were looking for trouble for him, there was no doubt that they had made Ye Chong aware of potential crises. Regarding these potential crises, Ye Chong's habit was to nip the danger before it posed a threat to him. , this time, he still implemented this without hesitation!

These people scattered in an arc, obviously trying to surround Ye Zhong. If Ye Zhong couldn't see such an obvious intention, he would definitely wipe his neck himself. The chaotic formation was completely worthless in Ye Zhong's eyes after seeing the strict and orderly formation of the Oak Leaf Regiment and the unique wolf pack tactics of the Red Qiying!

Ye Chong raised his left arm and shot at the crowded place!

Everyone couldn't help but be shocked when they saw Ye Zhong summoning the light armor before he and the others could rush to him. Some of the smart old fritters slowed down and quietly retreated to the back of the team.

They definitely didn't expect that with so many people on their side, the other party would dare to move first.

Although the 50,000-level ray gun is indeed a bit shabby on Jin Mailang, it is undoubtedly extremely terrifying for people with only some simple protection! A thick-wristed hot wire directly hit the person at the front of the crowd.

The air near the path passed by the extremely hot rays was distorted due to overheating! The left arm of the front man was completely evaporated along the elbow. The bright red wound changed from bright red to dark red and then to burnt yellow in an instant. The gushing blood dried up quickly like water sprinkled in the desert. . There was almost no sign of any weakening after the hot wire passed over the first person, and it hit the second person's chest directly, completely penetrating, leaving a complete wound the size of a wrist, and the charred lower abdomen of the person behind him could be seen. Only then did the sharp screams of the first person hit suddenly sound, followed by the second and third screams!

The tragic situation in front of them immediately made everyone's scalp explode. The people around them tried desperately to stay away from these three people, and the group of people became chaotic.

Bai Linan gasped and used light armor weapons to deal with these people who were not wearing light armor. He finally knew one thing. Compared to this master, pirates were much kinder! Bai Linan was very clever. When he saw Ye Zhong shooting, he ran away and hid behind Ye Zhong.

A sneer appeared on Ye Zhong's lips in the cockpit, and Jin Mailang's ray gun kept blasting at the group of people. It has to be said that Ye Zhong's shooting skills are really terrible. Although he has been trained in this area in the consciousness training base, he has never undergone shooting training in reality, so even though the memory of his consciousness is still there, his body is completely unable to keep up with that kind of shooting. Rhythm. Such a dense crowd was so densely packed with darkness that it was more difficult to miss than to hit. Ye Zhong actually fired several empty shots! Ye Chong couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Bei Er's bald head was covered with sweat. He didn't expect that the guy in front of him would be so cruel, and he would just shoot without even asking a question! He was determined to capture this guy alive, a dead man would have no effect! Seeing Ye Zhong's ray gun like the god of death's scythe, constantly harvesting the lives of his brothers. And the ray guns in the hands of his group are only level 8,000, and they have no effect at all on Jin Mailang! Jin Mailang's armor does not have a power of 100,000 levels, so it will definitely not be able to cause damage to it! Bei Er couldn't help but said anxiously: "Hurry up and put on the light armor! Hurry!"

The people around him seemed to have come back to their senses, and they all summoned their own light armor.

But because everyone stood so densely, many people didn't pay attention to their surroundings at all. They just wanted to hide in the light armor as soon as possible to avoid being hit by the terrifying rays. The direct result of this was that because the summoned mech armor was too big, everyone was crowded into a mess, and the scene became even more chaotic. Some people were even trampled alive by the summoned mech armor!

Bei Er looked at this scene in despair, hiding his face and unable to bear to watch, he wanted to cry but had no tears.

good chance! Ye Zhong pulled out the overclocking magnetic blade, blocked the stab with his left hand, and rushed into the already chaotic crowd like lightning. Tigers entering the flock is probably the most appropriate description right now! Compared to the blocking stab in Ye Zhong's left hand, the overclocking magnetic blade in Ye Zhong's right hand is definitely a weapon for harvesting lives! He specifically picked out the vital points of the light armor and called out to them. The overfrequency shock caused by the overfrequency magnetic shock blade hitting the light armor often caused the hit light armor to fall apart in an instant, with countless fragments and stumps flying around, and many people who had no time to call out the light armor. People died under these high-speed flying debris.

And what would it be like to be directly hit by an overclocked magnetic blade on the human body? The human body simply cannot withstand such a high oscillation frequency. At the moment of being hit, the whole person will be torn into countless parts and thrown around with the hit point as the center! Countless huge blood flowers bloom!

Compared to this, those who died under the fighting thorns were much happier. The sharp and cold fighting thorns definitely hit the vital point with every blow. They were as fast as lightning and hit with one strike. Often, people's eyes would go dark and they would die!

Bei Er did not escape in the end. His shiny bald head rolled away very far, and his angry eyes refused to close!

Bai Linan was trembling all over. This was actually a massacre, and the person killed was actually the one with more people! Such a bloody scene will definitely be something he will never forget! Seeing Ye Zhong stepping in the bloody water, Bai Linan couldn't bear it anymore and vomited wildly!

Also unforgettable are the two people who have been watching the battle from a distance.

The little monkey murmured with a pale face: "Is this guy really a human?"

The middle-aged man next to him was also shocked: "How cruel! He attacked directly without knowing the other party's intention. The method is too cruel! This person is definitely not someone we can afford!"

The little monkey clapped his chest in fear and said happily: "Boss, luckily we tried Bei Er first, otherwise..."

The middle-aged man nodded in agreement: "Bei Er is still far behind Bei Lao Da! He is so happy, but he has little money in his stomach, and his command is too failed. No wonder Bei Lao Da has never dared to hand over Renault to him. If Bei Er If the boss were here, the scene would definitely not be like this! But this guy is really unexpected and doesn't play by the rules!"

The little monkey said: "That's right, you don't follow any rules!"

The middle-aged man warned: "People like this who don't follow any rules are the most terrifying. Never mess with such people in the future!"

The little monkey nodded with lingering fear: "I understand, I won't provoke him even if he kills me! Boss, Renault will be seriously injured now!"

The middle-aged man shook his head and said: "Most of the real backbone of the Renault Society were taken to Chixingtan by Boss Bei. Here are just some of their middle-level and lower-level personnel. However, even this is enough for them! Although Normally we can't do anything about them, but now, hum..." There was a hint of evil in the middle-aged man's eyes.

The little monkey said excitedly: "Boss, are you ready to have sex with Renault?"

The middle-aged man shook his head: "This is not urgent! Little monkey, you performed very well this time. Boss Bei will definitely find out who reported the message to Bei Er. You can go somewhere to play first, avoid the limelight, and wait. If you come back after this gust of wind has passed, the money will already be on your card!”

"Yes!" the little monkey said respectfully.