Legend of the Supreme Soldier

Chapter 55: First arrival at Blue Starfish


Blue Starfish, Ye Zhong was walking on the street. His mask had already been taken off. Since he had not been exposed to the rays of stars these days, Ye Zhong's face actually looked a bit fair. Ye Zhong was reluctant to throw away his black windbreaker. , this is a good thing, definitely comparable to high-level protective clothing. The black trench coat, fair face, well-proportioned but not bloated figure, and the indifferent look on his face gave Ye Chong a unique charm, attracting the attention of beauties on the street.

Ye Chong walked on the street with an indifferent expression, but actually he was having a heated discussion in his heart.

Ye Chong was dazzled by the towering buildings, modern architecture, and various aircraft whizzing by in the sky from time to time. What surprised Ye Zhong the most was the large number of people. No matter whether Ye Zhong was on the Junk Planet or Reno Noire, Ye Zhong had never seen so many people before.

However, this was not the topic that Ye Chong and Mu had a heated discussion on!

"Mu, I'm so hungry! Why are there no mutated creatures here? Can such a small thing be called a rat? It's just tarnishing the image of rats, and it's not enough to fill my teeth! If the Hundred-Eating Rat on the garbage planet sees it, Its close relatives are so unsatisfactory, I wonder if these guys will be wiped out!" Ye Zhong said angrily.

Mu Ye said helplessly: "Ye Zi, I can't help it. Who told you that you don't carry so many gold diamonds with you! So many gold diamonds are enough for you to eat for several years!" When Mu mentioned those gold diamonds, his eyes widened. Take the golden light.

Ye Zhong looked at his clean hands. Those high-end light armors were also left in the room. The gravel star belt was too dangerous. Wearing those space buttons on his hands would really affect Ye Zhong's hand, so he put them on All remain in the room. It would be great if I still have one now. At least if I sell it, I can support myself for a while!

"Hey, why did I leave them all in the room?" Ye Chong was very annoyed!

Muya couldn't help but feel frustrated: "It won't be long before I even run out of energy!"

Ye Chong thought hard: "With my level, it shouldn't be a problem to go to a light armor maintenance or modification office, right?"

Mu's eyes lit up: "This is a good idea. As long as I'm by your side, there won't be any problems!" A certain light armor had fallen into a dream of beauty, and his eyes were filled with stars.

"But, where are the maintenance offices?" Ye Zhong realistically pulled Mu back from the endless sexual intercourse. Mu muttered: "This is indeed a question, but you can ask someone!"

"Ask someone?!" Ye Zhong couldn't help but agree: "What a good idea!"

After Ye Zhong's indifferent expression scared away the five people who asked for directions, even though Ye Zhong was strong-minded, he couldn't help but feel discouraged: "Am I really that scary?" Mu did not forget to gloat at the sidelines: " It's not your fault for being ugly, but it's your fault for being ugly and scaring people!" He ignored Ye Zhong's fierce look.

There is an old man in front of him walking slowly forward.

Ye Chong's eyes lit up, he ran up and asked with a smile: "Grandpa, can I ask you something?"

If the previous people who were asking for directions saw Ye Zhong's expression, their eyes would probably jump out of their sockets. Mu has long been used to it. Ye Zhong seems to have a natural affinity for the old man. He himself also has a unique affection for the old man. When he sees the old man, he can't help but become very polite, and his usually indifferent face becomes full of emotion. A shy smile. Mu was so frightened when he saw Ye Zhong like this for the first time!

Later, after seeing it more often, I became accustomed to it!

The old man looked at Ye Chong with interest: "There are not many such polite children nowadays. Oh, I want to ask something? Okay, I wonder what the children want to ask about?"

polite? Mudu couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Ye Chong resisted the urge to beat Mu and said shyly: "Grandpa, I would like to ask if there are any places around here that repair or modify light armor?"

"Micro armor repair and modification?" The old man thought for a while and pointed to a street on the left: "Go that way, there will be one in about two minutes, and there are several more ahead, but you have to look for it slowly!"

After bidding farewell to the old gentleman, Ye Zhong hurriedly ran towards where the old gentleman was pointing!

When Ye Chong came out of other people's shops several times, every shop owner shook their head when they saw Ye Chong's age. There is such a young tuner? Don't be kidding! At such a young age, he can figure out the names of all the parts of the light armor.

It’s already very good! Recruiting? Ah no, our store no longer needs to recruit people!

Ye Chong couldn't remember how many times he had been rejected. His expression was indifferent, showing neither happiness nor anger, but he was very frustrated in his heart. Mu was also very depressed, drooping and unable to even speak!

Ye Chong didn't know where he was now, but no matter where he was, there seemed to be no difference to Ye Chong.

"Hey, Mu, what trading rules did I say to abide by? Are we starving to death here? I've never heard of iron python lizards trading for food!" Ye Chong couldn't help but complain to Mu!

"That's the behavior of beasts! You are a human being, not a beast!" Mu said weakly.

"It doesn't matter. I really don't think there is any difference between humans and beasts. I'm more accustomed to beasts!" Ye Zhong shrugged and said indifferently. Although he was a little baffled and hard to understand Mu's insistence, he still tried his best. May support!

Mu was silent for a moment before speaking, with an indescribably serious tone: "Yi Zi, now that you have entered society, you must abide by the rules, otherwise you will be kicked out of this society. Do you still want to return to the garbage planet? Ye Zi, slow down Get used to it slowly!"

Ye Zhong was a little touched, thinking about Mu's words, but didn't notice where he was now or where he was going!

Suddenly, there were several chaotic sounds coming from the front, as well as the screams of the old man.

Ye Chong couldn't help but woke up and looked up. Wasn't it the old man who had just shown him the way? He was lying on the ground now, and several young men in extremely weird clothes kicked him from time to time, muttering: "Damn it, I don't give you money when I ask for it, you have to do it! Hehe, old man, this You must feel the pain next time!”

After saying that, he winked at a young man with yellow hair. Huang Mao quickly leaned over to search the old man's body. The old man huddled up and hugged his chest tightly!

Huang Mao couldn't get rid of the old man's hands several times, so he couldn't help but curse: "Damn old man, you want your money rather than your life, right? Then I'll give you a ride!" After saying that, he took out a dagger and aimed at the old man. Stab down.

Ye Zhong was furious. The anger in his chest soared. He could no longer hold it back. He yelled angrily, and with a sway, he rushed into the space between several young gangsters. Ye Zhong was so fast that the eyes of the gangsters were blurred. I felt my throat tighten again, and then my vision went dark, and I didn't know what was going on.

Ye Zhong struck too quickly, and the sound of several people's throats breaking sounded almost at the same time.

Fortunately, this place is already in a remote area, with only Liao Liao and a few pedestrians. When they saw this scene, they all changed their colors in shock and quickly quickened their pace, wishing they could fly out of this area!

Mu Huan said excitedly: "Hey, this is how you draw your sword to help when you see an injustice!"

With his anger vented, Ye Chong's murderous intention dropped sharply, and he couldn't help but said in his mind at a loss, "I didn't draw the sword!"

Mu suddenly remembered something: "Yi Zi, take that old man out of here quickly. If the information obtained from the virtual network is correct, the police will be called in a few minutes! Those people seem to be very difficult to deal with!"

"Police? Are they difficult?" Ye Zhong asked back, and Mu quickly urged: "Hurry, hurry, or you can hide in a nearby place. Let's see what the police are like?" This idea was immediately agreed by Ye Chong. . Ye Zhong picked up the old man on the ground and discovered that the old man was in a semi-conscious state. There are bruises all over the old man's face, and many places are purple, which is quite miserable!

Ye Zhong couldn't help but asked worriedly: "Is he okay?"

Mu Dao: "It's okay. I just suffered a certain degree of shock. The rest are just skin injuries! It's not serious!"

Ye Zhong felt relieved and ran far away, then jumped to a big tree and squatted down, looking through the gaps between the leaves where a few gangsters were lying.

Sure enough, not long after, a blue, white and black aircraft roared to the scene of the incident. Three men in uniforms got off the aircraft. Ye Chong looked at these people curiously and saw them carefully inspecting each body. , Mu Ze was rapidly recording the information obtained, and correcting the data obtained from the virtual network to a certain extent.

Ye Zhong suddenly remembered something and said angrily: "Mu, we forgot to search for the loot just now. Maybe they have diamond coins on them!"

Mu comforted Ye Zhong and said, "I don't think there are many of them. Otherwise, why would they go and rob others?"

Ye Zhong thought it made sense, and most of the annoyance in his heart disappeared!

The three policemen skillfully inspected the bodies on the ground, and all of them couldn't help but gasp! Several corpses had their eyes wide open, as if they were still unsure of their own death. Their necks were soft and there was an obvious indentation.

The youngest one among them said: "Brother Fei, these people's necks and spines were shattered. It seems they died not long ago!"

Another middle-aged policeman added: "Brother Fei, I know all of these people. They are subordinates of Leng San, the smuggler boss in the area. They are usually very arrogant!"

The one known as Brother Fei saw a few fingerprints next to the inner recess and said, "Well, they all died by crushing their throats with their hands."

The two of them were surprised: "Brother Fei, bare hands? It's not that exaggerated!"

Fei Ge lit a cigar and slowly exhaled a puff of smoke. The smoke was lingering and he said to himself: "I hope this quarrel is just passing by! Otherwise..." After a long silence, he suddenly said to the middle-aged policeman: "Axin, tell Leng San the news. Don't tell him to me. Tell him to be more restrained. If he dares to make trouble, hum..." The look on Fei Ge's face in the smoke made it difficult to guess. The Nian policeman quickly agreed.

Brother Fei said to the young man again: "Azai, check for any strange faces nearby and see if there are any suspicious characters. But remember, don't act rashly without my order. You can't Let him know we’re paying attention!”

The young Azai said excitedly: "Brother Fei, I remember it! Don't worry! I will definitely find this guy!"

The smoke from the cigar was changing in front of Fei Ge, but Fei Ge knew in his heart that trouble seemed to be causing headaches!