Legend of the Supreme Soldier

Chapter 606


An unintentional battle allowed Lord Mu Shang to find the fatal weakness of the red-tailed beast, which is the soft body nest.

After their efforts, all the soft nests of red-tailed beasts in the Gray Valley have been destroyed by them, and the number of red-tailed beasts has also been reduced to 30% of the original number. The threat of red-tailed beasts without soft nests is much smaller. Now in Ashen Valley, killing sporadic red-tailed beasts is the main way for teachers to obtain contribution points.

In front of Lord Mu Shang's stunning performance, Alva, known as a tactical genius, was overshadowed. The name "Jie Fleet" also resounds throughout the entire Ashen Valley.

They now control most of the area in the Gray Valley, and there is almost no organized red-tailed beast team in the Gray Valley. They only need to open the passage to the Heyue Star Territory, and they will completely win this battle.

But no matter what advantage they gained, Lord Mu Shang refused to leave the Ghost Star. Everyone knows that Master Mu Shang is waiting for Master Jie. Compared to Lord Bijie, Lord Mu Shang is more mysterious. Even among the core members of the fleet, only a handful of people including Lord Xiqing and Lord Xiu could see Lord Mu Shang. But one thing is very consistent, that is, they never leak any information about Lord Mu Shang.

Suddenly, a crew member reported: "Sir, we have detected an unknown signal."

"Unknown signal?" Yang Ming frowned and murmured: "Impossible, this area is completely controlled by us, how can there be an unknown signal?"

"My subordinates don't know either." The crew member heard Yang Ming mutter to himself. Very honest answer.

After pondering for a moment, Yang Ming immediately made a decision: "Immediately report this discovery to Vincent Star Base. Then try to connect to this unknown signal. Let the combatants be on high alert." His spaceship is not a battleship, although it has divisions There are military guards, but the vast majority of the ships are maintenance technicians.

The crew immediately went to carry out the order.

Ye Chong didn't expect to encounter a spaceship here. This is just an ordinary spaceship, nothing surprising. Only the large characters "Jie Fleet G044" on the ship made Ye Zhong a little stunned.

The spaceships whose numbers begin with G are maintenance ships, hence the name "Jay Fleet". It made Ye Zhong smile bitterly and feel refreshed, it seemed. Mu Shang is doing well.

Samp adopted the strategy of frontal inducement and small group surprise attack, and achieved great results. They often move towards the purple mist in large fleets. After luring out the large red-tailed beast force, a small fleet equipped with a large number of high-explosive bombs took a wide range to avoid the large red-tailed beast force and attacked the soft nest behind them.

The red-tailed beast, which had no soft body nest to rely on, immediately panicked. The large force did not attack at this time. Instead, he clings to it, but always keeps a distance from it. Like maggots attached to bones. Once the red-tailed beast shows signs of fatigue, it launches an attack.

This method has been tried many times and is extremely effective.

Kawagoe year 2455414. Lord Mu Shang officially resigned from the position of captain of the Jie Fleet. Xiqing and Xiu were in power together. All government orders remain unchanged.

In June of the year 2455 of the Kawagoe Era, the last red-tailed beast soft nest in the Kawagoe Star Territory was destroyed by the San assault fleet.

In the year 2456 of the Kawagoe Era, the San people united with the three great lords, Marshal Xiding of the Chebesini Star Territory. Attack the red-tailed beast.

By the year 2457 of the Kawagoe Era, the situation in the five star regions gradually stabilized.

This red-tailed beast disaster brought huge harm to the Heyue Star Region and the five star regions. According to statistics, in the Heyue Star Territory, the post-disaster population is only 30% of the previous population. As for Ashvale, the post-disaster population. Only 25% before.

The five star regions are even more miserable. The post-disaster population was only 12% of the pre-disaster population. Many planets are deserted.

Whether it is the Heyue Star Region or the Five Star Regions. They will all face a reshuffle situation.

It was not until three years later that people began to truly live a peaceful life. With policy encouragement. People began to flock to those already desolate planets in large numbers. But in order to deal with sporadic red-tailed beasts, people not only have to go together, but also have the power to protect themselves.

Masters, a new golden age has ushered in.

Although the disaster has long passed, weeds and beasts can still be seen everywhere on Blue Starfish. Blue Sea Star used to be a commercial planet, and its own resources have long been exhausted. This type of planet has long been unable to attract people's attention. Except for some original residents of Blue Starfish who have no intention of returning to Blue Starfish, few people will take the initiative to come to Blue Starfish.

However, in the past two years, as the vitality of the entire society has gradually recovered, the unique location and role of Blue Sea Star has begun to emerge. The population of Blue Starfish is also increasing, and some parties even have small commercial and trade centers.

A small shop next to the street.

An indifferent young man wearing a white apron kneaded the dough skillfully. Beside him, a woman with long black hair and a cold temperament wearing a snow-white training uniform was cutting the braised beef neatly, the knife was as bright as snow, and the sliced beef was as thin as fine paper. In the corner, an old man was half-lying on a wicker chair, looking at the two of them comfortably and leisurely.

Ye Chong and Bing chatted seriously.

"I also want a daughter." Bing bit her lip and couldn't help but said.

Ye Zhong's hands were still full of strength when kneading the dough, without raising his head: "Okay, I'll keep working hard!"

In the backyard, a blue and white mech armor held a vacuum cleaner with its left arm, and its blue electronic eyes flashed: "Cleanliness level 7, air humidity 3, dust index 2, execution plan B."

On the attic, a row of cribs are arranged neatly. Suddenly, one of the children woke up crying. It was like throwing a spark into a powder keg, and all the children suddenly started crying. Sha Ya, who was sitting cross-legged, opened her eyes and glanced at the crib. Suddenly, the children floated up. It was obviously not the first time for the children to play this game. They immediately stopped crying and grabbed their hands in the air with excitement.

The four children floated slowly towards Sha Ya. They opened their curious eyes wide and made babbling sounds.

As a nanny, Shaya knew that it was time for the magic show.

If I had known earlier, I would have gone to work as a servant with Jin Weidong and the others. Sha Ya couldn't help but express the same emotion for the thousand, five hundred and twenty times.

Glancing at the front yard again, Sha Ya sighed in her heart for the 1,520th time. These two were indeed martial artists, and they could really have a baby!

Seeing Sha Ya's delay, the four little devils obviously refused to do anything, waving their fleshy little hands desperately and babbling in protest.

Shaya had no choice but to start her already very skilled magic show...

(season finale)

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