Legend of the Supreme Soldier

Chapter 66: Section 66 I like sneak attacks


The tall and thin man carefully stared at everything in Old Man Xu's house on the holographic monitor, not even letting go of the people passing nearby. The tall and thin man would carefully examine the expressions on the faces of everyone who came slightly close to Old Man Xu's house. See if they might be related to Old Man Xu. He looked focused and devoted himself to his work, because he knew that this was one of the reasons why the higher-ups favored him.

Suddenly, a hand stretched out from nowhere and covered his mouth. Before he could react, his throat felt cold and he saw blood spurting out like a fountain. Was that his own blood? The tall and thin man thought in horror as he struggled desperately to get rid of this iron-like hand. You can't die! I don’t want to die! The tall and thin man shouted crazily in his heart, but his body became more and more unruly.

His throat felt cold, as if a cold wind was blowing, and all the strength in his body escaped from the wound quickly. A sharp pain hit him, and the tall and thin man's eyes went dark, and he didn't know who was going on.

Ye Zhong felt that the person in his hands was completely dead before throwing him to the floor.

Ye Zhong felt a headache when he saw the door. The sound of metal hitting was too loud. If the door was broken, it would definitely disturb the people on the entire floor. When Ye Chong saw the white wall, his eyes lit up. The full-fat thermoplastic composite wall panel has high strength and a very strong sound-absorbing effect, and its thickness is only ten centimeters, which is only two or three centimeters thicker than the door. Wouldn’t it be convenient for you to have such a strong sound-absorbing effect

Ye Zhong went downstairs first and used the optical brain self-service device in the hall to change all the surveillance systems on the 21st floor to rest state. Of course, this task was given to Mu. After finishing, Ye Chong returned to Room 065 on the 21st floor.

Ye Zhong always carries the dagger Gu Shaoze gave to Ye Zhong.

Ye Zhong took out the dagger, compared the thickness, gritted his teeth, and inserted it hard into the wall panel. It has to be said that the sound-absorbing effect of the full-fat thermoplastic wall panel is indeed very good. When a dagger is inserted, there is almost no sound, and its texture is extremely hard. Ye Zhong spent a lot of effort to insert the dagger.

The other party had probably made arrangements for this floor, so no one had moved around, but this just gave Ye Zhong an advantage.

Ye Zhong laboriously and slowly cut the wall panel, carefully controlling his speed for fear of accidentally disturbing the people in the room. Feeling the astringent feeling coming from the dagger, Ye Zhong only heard the rustling of an extremely subtle sound. Ye Zhong believed that if he were a little farther away, he would not be able to hear it. Ye Chongxin made up his mind to never use this kind of full-fat thermoplastic composite wall panels for his wall panels in the future. Otherwise, he might even die in bed and still know what happened.

Ye Zhong felt the light of the dagger and felt happy. He gently pushed the cut wall panel forward. Ye Zhong rushed to grab the wall panel before it fell to the ground and looked at the people in the front room. Still leaning against him and not noticing anything, Ye Zhong couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Zhongmian didn't even glance at the person lying under him. He began to fiddle with the holographic monitor on the table.

Ye Chong didn't bother to check it carefully. Now that time was first, Ye Chong took out the chip from the monitor and put it in his pocket. Ye Chong carefully took off all the things on the tall and thin man that might be related to his identity.

Ye Chongshi went downstairs and passed by the hall. He stopped by the optical brain self-service machine and erased all records related to him.

As soon as he left the building, Ye Zhong called out the F-58.

Looking at the light armor in front of him, Ye Chong made a secret calculation in his mind. Eagle Eye, a special reconnaissance light armor, is small and only about six meters tall. The outer layer of the light armor is coated with a layer of color-changing organic glaze, which will automatically change as the surrounding environment changes. The most conspicuous thing is the two "horns" on its head that sweep back obliquely. These can greatly enhance the eagle eye's scanning range and pulse reception capabilities. It is equipped with extremely advanced scanning and anti-searching systems. It is maneuverable and flexible, extremely fast, and has amazing battery life, which has a lot to do with the special energy bar it is equipped with. But the price is that its armor is extremely thin, and there is basically no way to survive if it is hit. And its weak firepower basically determines that it has no ability to fight back.

It's such a luxury to actually use the reconnaissance light armor for surveillance! Ye Chong muttered in his heart.

The F-58 is like a lurking cheetah, peeping at its prey. I have to say that the F-58's anti-search system is so advanced. Even if it is just a training mech, it is much better than ordinary mechs. The other party didn't notice anything.

Ye Zhongqing took out a fighting thorn. The overfrequency magnetic shock blade was not suitable for use now. Once the overfrequency magnetic shock blade hits the opponent, the high-frequency oscillation will cause the opponent's light armor fragments to shoot out in all directions, which will definitely cause occasional explosions not far away. With the attention of the flying light armor and aircraft, his traces were also revealed. What was waiting for him was definitely the siege of three other light armors.

Killing the opponent was not Ye Zhong's purpose. It can be said that the strength of the two parties is not symmetrical. The opponent's eagle eye has already determined its defeat when its most proud scanning system cannot detect the F-58. But what Ye Zhong wanted now was to kill the other party quietly without letting the other party send out an alarm signal.

Sneak attacks have always been Ye Chong's favorite, because this way the chance of winning can be greatly increased. As long as it can increase the chance of winning, Ye Zhong will consider using it without hesitation, no matter what method it is.

When the F-58's left hand violently twisted Hawkeye's throat, the right hand's parrying thorn penetrated Hawkeye's cockpit. The parrying thorn with a diameter of more than 30 centimeters would make a person alive if he was just touched a little. There was little hope of coming down. Hawkeye's weak armor did not act as a hindrance, like paper. Ye Zhong was still worried and opened the broken armor of Hawkeye's cockpit. When he saw that the person inside was indeed dead, he carefully placed Hawkeye in an inconspicuous corner on the roof of the building.

Ye Chong is now becoming more and more familiar with and fond of twisting other people's necks. Because he found that this move was so wonderful. With just one move, the enemy would be killed, and the opponent would not make any sound before dying, so it was clean and neat.

Another Hawkeye armor was created in the same way, and now only the opponent's last two light armors were left.

One of them was also a Hawkeye, and Ye Zhong couldn't help but secretly marveled. The other party actually sent three Hawkeyes for Grandpa Xu! Most people may think that Hawkeye is just a reconnaissance light armor, and they don't have any other ideas. Only then did Ye Zhong, who was very familiar with light armor, realize that special-purpose light armor like Eagle Eye was far more expensive than ordinary light armor of the same level. Just like the Sandworm he had used before was more expensive than Jin Mailang. Much more, although it seems that the Sandworm is far less lovable than the Golden Mailang.

Along with Hawkeye, there is Carl. No matter what time, Carl is a coolie. The height of 16 meters is almost twice that of the F-58, and every component on its body is twice that of ordinary light armor. The ten-meter-high giant shield looked like a giant moving wall, almost suffocating. If there was more than one giant shield like this, I don’t know what most people would think when they saw Karl. Think about it, a giant man with an iron tower holding two huge shields as tall as a person, it seems that there is no other way to describe it other than barbaric. The thick dark cyan mechanical legs make a heartbreaking metal friction sound when walking. Obviously, no one will consider whether to add some anti-slip joints to this barbarian. The shoddy workmanship and extremely low price determined Carl's role as a war coolie and cannon fodder.

The other party's combination of Carl and Hawkeye is nothing more than asking Carl to act as a protector, oh no, it should be a screener. As long as Karl can entangle the opponent for even a little while, he can successfully escape with the speed of Hawkeye. As for Karl's life and death, it is not considered.

And with Carl's high defense and Hawkeye's powerful scanning system, it is definitely an excellent combination to prevent sneak attacks.

Ye Zhong quietly moved toward the two light armors.

Unexpectedly, the bulky Karl was quite alert. He turned around and saw a black light armor flying towards him. He immediately used two giant shields to protect Hawkeye. The two ten-meter-high giant shields held the handles. Only the six-meter-tall eagle eye completely covered it.

Carl saw that the other party's speed had not changed at all, and he was still flying toward him unhurriedly, and did not show any hostility, thinking that the other party was just a pedestrian passing by. He had countless fights with the light armor flying past the two of them these days. The first few times made him a little nervous, but then he got used to it and his vigilance gradually relaxed. The guarding action just now was completely a subconscious reaction.

I couldn't help but laugh to myself that I was too careful. Who dared to use force in the city in broad daylight? What's more, I'm still a member of the Ji family, who dares to make trouble at this age? Thinking about it, Carl's giant shield moved away from Hawkeye little by little.

Looking at the slow flying speed of the black light armor, the teachers in Karne couldn't help but secretly laugh. Most of the people flying at such a speed were rookies. I'm afraid they were still rookies who were not even proficient in basic flying skills.

Sure enough, the black light armor stumbled towards him like he was drunk.

Seeing the stumbling figure of the black light armor, the masters in Carl couldn't help laughing. It was rare to have the opportunity to bully a rookie like this. Being assigned to drive Carl this time made him extremely unhappy for several days. The pilot Karl was a character who could be abandoned at any time. To him, this was a great shame and humiliation. However, he could only endure the above arrangement. Now that he had a rookie to let him vent, how could he not be in a good mood

The black light armor was approaching him little by little, and his clumsy figure almost fell down several times. The teacher of Karnei laughed forward and backward, with a joke in his eyes that he had found an excellent toy, and just waited for the black light armor to leave. Come to yourself, haha, then you can have some fun!