Legend of the Supreme Soldier

Chapter 91: The idea of mourning (Part 1)


Rui Bing sat in front of Ye Zhong, her face so pale that there was no trace of blood. It seemed that she had not recovered from her last injury. The long black hair brings out the whiteness of Rui Bing's face, and the slight frown from time to time looks even more pitiful! The heroic spirit of the past has now turned into fragility. His thin body is like a weak willow supporting the wind under the large training clothes, as if he may fall down at any time.

Ye Zhong was also startled when he saw Rui Bing's appearance!

Seeing Ye Zhong's unharmed appearance, Rui Bing couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Your body is really strong!"

Ye Chong sat quietly. He was a little confused about her purpose of coming this time, but he was still very careful. Mu stood quietly behind him. If something happens, Mu Neng will respond immediately, not to mention that he is not powerless to fight back, he is just afraid that he will suddenly have a strange disease.

Ye Chong sat quietly, staring at the other person with unblinking eyes. He was waiting for the other person to tell his intention. He never believed that the other person came here to sit here just because he was bored. I believe that Ye Zhong, the most powerful woman he has ever seen before him, would never do such a boring thing.

Ye Zhong still admired Rui Bing very much. The opponent's fighting skills were much better than his own, and that move was most likely a spirit-filled attack. In Mu's words, it made Ye Zhong see the heart of hunting. happiness! For the first time, Ye Zhong saw that there were other things besides purely physical attacks.

Rui Bing said nothing and sat quietly in front of Ye Zhong, looking directly at Ye Zhong with her bright black eyes.

The two people's eyes intertwined in the air!

A blush spread quietly upward from Rui Bing's pink neck!

Ye Zhong was a little surprised that the other party didn't speak. In his opinion, the other party should be a straightforward person. Since he came to find him, something must have happened, so why didn't he speak? Ye Zhong broke the silence: "Why did you come to me?"

Rui Bing's calm tone combined with Ye Zhong's indifferent expression made Rui Bing's face look solemn. Although her body had not recovered yet, the aura of the former fighter seemed to have returned to her!

Rui Bing sat upright with a solemn expression, but when he opened his mouth, Monk Ye Chongzhang was confused.

"Will you marry me?"

Marry her? What's the meaning? Fortunately, Mu was not far from him. Ye Zhong contacted Mu through brain waves: "Mu, what does it mean to marry her?"

"Well, according to the information, they should be legally married!" Mu explained.

"What are legal couples?" Ye Chong asked doubtfully.

"Well, this kind of question is not my specialty. You still come to ask Shang. We need five seconds of conversion time!" Mu obviously also had a headache with this question, so he planned to hand it over to someone with more advanced emotional judgment. Shang will deal with it.

As soon as Shang came out, he made an electronic sound similar to wailing: "Wow, Ye Zi, she is indeed the violent beauty from last time, tsk tsk, a beauty like this that suits your wishes is a once-in-a-lifetime chance!"

Ye Zhong asked in confusion: "Does this have anything to do with beauty?"

Shang said in a matter-of-fact tone: "Of course, there are some people who don't like beautiful women?" But he paused obviously, "Well, of course, your taste is too unique! However, isn't this very suitable for your standards? The body shape can't Being too strong will affect your speed, and you can't be too thin. Your muscles must be explosive, well, your endurance must be good, your flexibility must be good, you must be proficient in fighting, and your skills in all aspects of light armor are as good as mine, and you must be decisive in your strikes, preferably one A sure hit! High vigilance. It would be best if you can master the light armor machine! Except for the light armor, which she is not very qualified for, the others seem to be completely designed for her! And the light armor is also very fast to train! Ye Zi , I really can’t think of anyone else who fits this requirement better than her!”

Ye Chong was still confused and asked: "Does this have anything to do with marrying her?"

Shang almost breathed out: "Ye Zi, is it true that your puberty hasn't arrived yet? Oh my God! You are already twenty years old! This is so inconsistent with physiological principles! Could it be... Could it be... You..." Mu's voice was full of weird!

Shang's hesitation made Ye Chong even more confused: "Physiology? Principles of biological growth? Isn't this a training course?"

Shangdu cried: "Ahem... Principles of biological growth? Ye Zi, you can't go on like this, I'm going to start to establish a correct outlook on life for you now! I can't let Mu mislead you like this anymore, God, I can do it. I predict your future life will be so boring and gloomy!"

After a pause, Shang said seductively: "Ye Chong, do you like her? Among all the women you have met." Shang's voice at this time revealed a unique charm!

Ye Zhong raised his head and glanced at Rui Bing. A flash of panic suddenly flashed in the eyes of Rui Bing, who was sitting upright. Ye Zhong thought for a while and said: "Favourable!" It seemed that among all the women he had seen, this was the only one. A woman who can make herself feel a little excited is undoubtedly the most powerful woman!

"However, are the two necessarily connected?" Ye Chong's logic was not confused by Shang!

"Uh... No! But Ye Zi, when can you transition to a normal man?" Shang let out a long sigh!

"Am I abnormal?" Ye Chong was obviously not satisfied with this conclusion.

"Don't you have any interest in women?" This question gave Shang a headache.

"**?" Ye Zhong asked blankly, "Should I have sex with women?"

Shang Ru was hit hard, and his voice suddenly weakened: "Ye Zi, you, you are too strong!"

"Me? I'm not good enough. I'm still far behind Mu!" Ye Zhong said.

"With Mubi? Oh my god, it is indeed a conversation between beasts! No, Ye Zi, it seems that it is very necessary to give you some physiological education! Ye Zi, I will show you the latest holographic version later. Fighting with passion, this is my best collection!" Shang's words were filled with fiery passion.

"Video data? Fiery and passionate fight? Is it a battle between light armor?" Ye Chong asked.

"Battle of light armors?" Shang's light brain couldn't help but picture two humanoid light armors fighting passionately in the air, oil splashing, parts flying around, coupled with a heart-wrenching metal crunching sound, Shang A sudden chill almost made me freeze!

For someone like Ye Chong who only pays attention to logic, talking about feelings, especially the relationship between men and women, is undoubtedly a very depressing thing for Shang!

Although Rui Bing looked normal, her heart was in her throat. Ye Zhong, who was opposite him, was immersed in thought at first, then raised his face to look at himself, and then continued to immerse himself in thought. It was the first time for Rui Bing to have this strange feeling, both looking forward to and afraid at the same time, worrying about gains and losses! She could only try her best to maintain her composure, at least on the surface!

Rui Bing also knows about her own conservatism. Just as she chose to inherit her father's martial arts without hesitation, over the years, the ancient tradition has been completely integrated into her blood. Regarding her own conservatism, she has no power to change it. Never thought about changing! This kind of life makes her feel peaceful and peaceful!

Rui Bing glanced at the man in front of her with a complicated expression. Will this man, whom she has only met twice, become her husband in the future? If he doesn't agree, what should I do? Being able to adhere to this tradition does not mean that you must force others to follow these traditions. For his own persistence, it was only his own persistence. It was normal for Ye Zhong not to agree. So what else should he do

Although he had already made up his mind, at this moment, Rui Bing was a little confused!

"Okay, back to the question just now, what does marrying her mean? What is the final result?" Ye Chong asked.

"Marrying her means becoming a legal couple with her. The final result is that you and her will be together forever!" Shang has no hope of explaining this matter to Ye Zhong correctly!

"With her? Why do you want to be with her forever?" Ye Chong's question stopped Shang again!


Shang didn't believe that such a healthy man as Ye Chong would have no interest in women at all. Suddenly, Shang thought of a good idea.

"Yi Zi, in order to let you understand what this feeling is about, we can do an experiment!" Shang's voice was strange, but he finally knew that only facts can make Ye Zhong more accepting!

"Oh, how to do it?" Ye Chong also wanted to try it. After all, if this kind of problem always happens, Ye Chong doesn't want to be a person who knows nothing about this.

"You walk up to her, don't worry, she will never hurt you, and in her current state, she is no match for you!" Shang said seductively.

"Oh!" Ye Zhong walked up to Rui Bing as he said, and Rui Bing's pale face showed a hint of panic.

"Grab her hand!" The devil's tail began to show signs.

"Hand?" Ye Zhong didn't understand, and then asked: "Which hand?"

With a splash, a certain demon fell down and stirred up a burst of air. Shang trembled and said: "Whatever!" The loud sound of Shang falling startled Rui Bing, but the tension caused by Ye Zhong's approach relaxed.

Ye Zhong grabbed Rui Bing's right hand, but his whole body was on guard, ready to deal with the counterattack that would come at any time. In Ye Chong's view, it is absolutely inevitable that his behavior will trigger a counterattack from the other party! No one would trust their hand to be held by others like this, which means completely handing over their life and death to the other person!

However, Rui Bing's situation puzzled Ye Zhong. Rui Bing retracted his hand, but failed to break free from Ye Zhong's hand. The tightly pressed lips turned white due to too much force! The originally pale face was now flushed, but he did not lower his head. He stood upright and faced Ye Zhong, with a rare hint of coquettishness and a hint of stubbornness in his cold eyes. But he still looked directly at Ye Zhong!

"What's next?" Ye Chong asked.

"Feel this hand!" The devil's tail became bigger and bigger.