Legendary Card Craftsman

Chapter 117: Resurrection medium? A whole mountain?


"Is this the guy who occupied the City of the Dead?" Niu Tou came over and protected Zhou Chuan: "He has thin arms and legs, and it seems that he can't be fought."

"Don't underestimate the heroes of the world. There are many outstanding people in Jiuzhou. I haven't forgotten how you were treated by that Taoist priest." Master Ma Si teased from the side.

"How can I call it a loss if I lose to a master? He admires me so much that he is willing to teach me personally!"

The bull head swung the steel fork, and his body seemed to be inflated, quickly growing to several dozen meters tall, while he spoke.

Master Ma Si smiled lightly without replying, and immediately entered the "three watch" state, and the armor on his body instantly turned into a long robe.

"You are so young, yet you can create a Field Card. I have lived for four hundred years and have seen countless geniuses, but this is the first time I have seen someone like you."

The Black Mountain Ghost King sat cross-legged on the back of the evil dragon, slowly moving the arm that was pierced by Yan Chixia's sword, with a light flashing in his single eye with an unclear meaning:

"In my early years, I used an extremely dangerous card many times in order to achieve immortality. I don't have many years left to live now. If we really fight, I may not be your opponent."

Although our base camp was occupied and the situation was not favorable to us, the Black Mountain Ghost King calmed down and said in a calm tone, "Think about it carefully. There is not such a big grudge between us."

"It's nothing more than the City of the Dead. You've got it now, but you can't beat me. I won't be able to take the city back after the war. It can be said that the contradiction between us has been resolved, and there is no need to fight at all."

"Even if you win, I haven't wasted these hundreds of years in vain. It's easy to make you suffer for a few years. Even if you are one of the best geniuses in Kyushu, if you really delay for a few years, you will be caught up by others."

"We don't need to do this. We can solve it peacefully, so why do we have to fight and kill?"

Zhou Chuan raised his head slowly upon hearing this, and while using his heart sea as a medium to synchronize his understanding of the Black Mountain Ghost King with the other Yin Gods, he pretended to be willing to hear more details: "So?"

"So why don't we cooperate?" said the Black Mountain Ghost King indifferently.

"Cooperation? I killed your only direct descendant and took away your greatest opportunity. You want to talk to me about cooperation? Even a child wouldn't believe it." Zhou Chuan said.

"Child, your realm is still too shallow."

The Black Mountain Ghost King chuckled and said, "It has already happened. People have died and the city has been destroyed. What can I do to you? On the other hand, if I really want to run, you can't do anything to me. Even if you catch up with me, you may not be able to defeat me. Even if you can defeat me, I will definitely be hit. Why make such a fuss?"

"Now that my dream of competing for supremacy has been shattered, I want to take advantage of these last few years to enjoy my retirement."

"Retire in peace?" Zhou Chuan smiled. "If you really wanted to, you wouldn't have been clinging to the City of the Dead for four hundred years."

"Hehe." The Black Mountain Ghost King also laughed. He shook his head, looked at Zhou Chuan, and said meaningfully:

"You need me. Not everyone in Jiuzhou loves you. Many people want to know where your knowledge comes from. Zhuxia and the Northern Army will not be able to take care of you sometimes. Those guys will eventually attack you."

"Back then, I wasn't the enemy of the whole world, but I was pretty close. And yet, you still managed to survive to this day with your not-so-top strength. If you have me as your hidden hand, you may be able to fight those old guys with just a little effort."

Zhou Chuan secretly recovered his strength, and with Lu Pan, he directed the F6 of the Underworld to adjust their positions to ensure combat readiness, but he continued, "Since this is a cooperation, I have so many benefits, but you just want me to not cause you any trouble so that you can retire peacefully?"

"of course not."

The Black Mountain Ghost King stretched out his finger, tapped the back of the evil dragon, and said, "I want you to help me find another place and support me in my quest for a new way to prolong my life."

"If the spell or card is suitable, as a reward, you can choose any of these purple cards in my hand. Three, five, or even seven or eight will not be a problem."

"But if I kill you now, won't all those cards be mine?" Zhou Chuan said with a smile.

"Young man, don't be so greedy. Why don't you understand me? I've been around for hundreds of years and all my skills are used to save my life. Do you really think you can kill me?"

The Black Mountain Ghost King laughed out loud, obviously very confident, and at the same time assumed a fighting stance.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Chuan suddenly remembered that the alliance once sent experts to kill the Black Mountain Ghost King, but because they did not kill the real body, this guy would eventually "resurrect".

This is also the reason why so many people do not connect the "Black Mountain Ghost King" with the "Ancestor of the Wang Family".

Obviously, no one believes that a card player can possess the ability of "infinite resurrection" and "immortality".

But the fact is, as the extraordinary core of this world, cards still have too many secrets to be discovered...

This Black Mountain Ghost King is not so easy to kill.

"How about it, have you thought about it?"

The Black Mountain Ghost King spoke again.

Just as Zhou Chuan was about to answer, he heard Lu Pan's voice in his mind: "Don't believe his lies."

Lu Pan continued, "The way this old fellow looks at you is not right. He must have considered the City of the Dead as his own a long time ago, and now he hates you to the core!"

"Don't worry, Lu Pan, I know." Zhou Chuan replied, and then asked: "But this guy is really slippery, do you have any way to take him down?"

"I just looked at the information you provided, and I feel that this guy is not as 'able to run and survive' as he appears to be. If my guess is correct, he has probably used some kind of magic to pin his life on something."

"As long as this medium is not broken, he can be 'resurrected infinitely'. Our top priority is to find such a thing, and then with Lao Ma's ability, we can naturally kill him with one strike!"

"I see."

Zhou Chuan's eyes flickered as he analyzed with the gods: "According to Lu Pan's analysis, this person's medium of choice is actually pitifully small, nothing more than the seal and the City of Wrongful Death itself."

"Let's kill him once first. If he dies immediately, then everyone will be happy."

"If not, then the only option left is the most unlikely one..."

"He set the medium as the Great Black Mountain..."

"a mountain?"

Hearing this speculation, even with Lu Pan's knowledge, he was extremely shocked.

But according to Zhou Chuan's simultaneous analysis, it is indeed very likely.

As he said before, the media choices are quite limited, there are only a few in total.

The seal and the city might be taken away, but who would be so idle as to level the Great Black Mountain, a training ground for young card players left by the alliance? A modern version of Yugong

From this perspective, if Black Mountain is chosen as the medium, it would really be equivalent to "infinite resurrection" and "immortality" in a sense.

"No matter what, let's kill him once and see! Even if it doesn't work, I have a way to deal with him!"

Zhou Chuan gave the order in his heart.
