Legendary Card Craftsman

Chapter 42: The finals are over


"It's finally here."

Looking at the lush green wasteland in front of him, Zhou Chuan sighed and breathed a sigh of relief.

It's certainly enjoyable to go for a ride occasionally, but it's not a fun experience to be bouncing around on a horse for a long time.

"Why does the scenery along the way feel so familiar?"

Zhou Chuan looked around and felt more and more strange. The scenery on both sides of the tunnel was not exactly the same, but they were about 80% to 90% similar.

He was too busy on his way to think about it before, but now that the destination was in sight, that strange feeling came over him.

After thinking for a while, he took out a blue-framed card from his heart, and with a move of his mind, he turned it into an ancient little mirror.

The Fengyue Treasure Mirror has the ability to see through illusions, and its blue grade is enough to deal with any illusion effects that may appear in this game. Since even it has no reaction, it proves that the path he has taken is not wrong.

This big black mountain... is actually symmetrical.


Zhou Chuan put the Fengyue Baojian into the inner pocket of his coat, then patted the horse's back, signaling it to continue on its way.

Since the road surface was relatively flat, the Heroic Horse ran more happily and its speed increased a lot.

It is said that a horse will die if it runs too fast, but that is only true for ordinary horses. Theoretically, as long as Zhou Chuan continues to supply energy, the Heroic Soul Horse can continue to run.

According to legend, Cao Cao had a great horse named "Jueying". Zhou Chuan didn't know how his heroic horse would compare to it, but he thought it should be pretty good.

"finally reached."

As Zhou Chuanxin said this, he jumped off his horse, put away the Seventh Master and the Eighth Master who had been protecting him in secret, and walked towards the tents not far away. He saw a man coming towards him from a distance.

"Operator Xu, long time no see."

It had only been two and a half days since they last met, but Zhou Chuan still said this.

Xu Ze was obviously startled, then said: "Thank you for your hard work, congratulations on passing the finals."

"Is this approved..."

Zhou Chuan said this silently, with a complicated feeling in his heart, which could be described as a sense of loss and as if he were in another world.

He had been preparing for this competition since the first week after he came here. Today, more than 20 days had passed and the college entrance examination was about to begin. He had finally gained a foothold in this world.

However, he did not relax because of this. After all, this game was just an appetizer, and the more exciting college entrance examination was still to come.

"Congratulations, Xiaochuan, you've made a good start in your career as a card maker!"

At this time, Mr. Fu also walked out of the tent. His already old face looked even more tired, but his overall mental state seemed to be better.

It seems that after retiring to the second line, he hasn't had a punching bag to vent his anger for a long time.

"Let me introduce myself again. I am the examiner and safety consultant for this competition, Du Ping."

The bearded man who I met that day walked over to me. He looked like he had just been seriously injured and his face was a little pale.

"Congratulations, classmate Zhou, you won easily!"

Chu He walked towards this side while clapping and smiling heartily.

After Zhou Chuan greeted them one by one, he looked around for a long time before he asked, "Am I the first one to arrive?"

He was a little puzzled. He had obviously wasted so much time on the road. If he could still be the first to arrive, then the performance of the other contestants... would be a bit embarrassing.

"Haha." Mr. Fu laughed at this time: "Long before the competition started, the organizers specially formulated some levels based on the information of each player. You originally had one, but it was quickly cancelled by us."


"Because it's not necessary. The other contestants were busy on their way during the competition, but you took the initiative to find trouble with the local ghosts. In less than three days, you fought several tough battles in succession. In comparison, the levels we designed are not impressive enough."

Du Ping explained very patiently, and then added: "But I have to tell you in advance that although the competition is over, you may have to come to Daheishan during the summer vacation."

"Do you remember the tiger demon you killed? According to the information, it is related to an extremely powerful dark creature in the mountain. The next time you go into the mountain, you may have to face it."

"You mean, the so-called Black Mountain Ghost King?"

Zhou Chuan smacked his lips. After spending two days "peacefully", he almost thought that the matter was over, but he didn't expect it was not over yet.

"That's right." Du Ping continued, "In this final, the exam is secondary. The main purpose is to let you get familiar with the terrain of Dahei Mountain in advance. The alliance will make its own arrangements later. So you should just focus on preparing for the college entrance examination and then go home and wait for news."


Zhou Chuan nodded slightly, and then followed Xu Ze's guidance to a tent to rest.

Due to limited conditions, there are only folding wooden beds here. Zhou Chuan, who had been working hard in a big city in his early twenties in his previous life, naturally would not be picky. He just put on his coat and lay on the cold and hard wooden bed.

Before going to bed, he did not forget to ask Mr. Jia to come out to stand guard.

In return, he took out a small TV from his heart and found a domestic hot-blooded animation to watch for Master Jia, who seemed to like it very much.

Sitting cross-legged like this, with his hands on his knees, he actually looks a little... obedient

"Haha." Zhou Chuan couldn't help but laugh, and then he lay down. Sleepiness and fatigue instantly surged up like a tide.

In the misty lake, he felt his consciousness floating in the air, as if he had turned into a fish, wandering between heaven and earth. For some reason, he suddenly began to dive deep.

He entered a majestic and solemn city in a very light and graceful manner. The city was dark, blue, sinister and strange. There was a huge and majestic throne with carvings of strange beasts standing in the middle of the hall, but it was empty and no one was sitting on it.

At this moment, there were suddenly murmurs of conversation coming from all around, and occasional noises of thrashing, as if some people were arguing about something and even fighting.

After an unknown amount of time, a thin, ugly, monkey-like ghost walked out from the shadows. It wore a crown that was bigger than its head and a robe that didn't fit it well. It sat on the throne in a dignified manner.

Zhou Chuan suddenly felt an extremely absurd feeling in his heart, and instinctively wanted to yell, but at this time he was just a small fish, and could only watch the ghost waving the sword that he had pulled out from under the eucalyptus tree and showing off his power.

At this moment, a dull and heavy sound was heard, like the morning bell of an ancient temple in the mountains, and Zhou Chuan, who was drowsy, was suddenly awakened from his sleep.

“Hoo! Hoo!”

He breathed deeply, and when he opened his eyes, he saw that the Seventh Master and the Eighth Master had emerged from their card state at some point, each holding a weapon to protect him.

Master Jia was also sitting cross-legged at the door of the tent, his back broad and majestic.

With the protection of the Chinese gods, a great sense of security suddenly came over me.

After taking the thermos from Qi Ye and taking a gulp of boiled water, Zhou Chuan stood up, pulled open the tent curtain, and looked at the hazy outline of Dahei Mountain through the plastic window.

His face was solemn and his heart was slightly heavy.