Legendary Card Craftsman

Chapter 43: The first place is Zhou Chuan


The night is slightly cool.

Zhou Chuan lay on the wooden bed, looking at the canvas ceiling and thinking of the dream again.

In Chinese mythology and legends, dreams are often accompanied by a sense of fate and have a strong predictive nature.

If it were in his previous life, Zhou Chuan would not believe this; but now, he has even experienced time travel, and the famous Black and White Impermanence and General Jinzhang are now standing before him.

Even if you don’t believe it, you have to believe it.

"Daheishan, Daheishan, what else are you hiding?"

Zhou Chuan thought in his heart and stared at the ceiling for half the night. During this time, he occasionally heard noises outside, but he had no intention of going out to see what was happening. He just lay there until dawn.

At about four or five o'clock, he walked out of the tent. There were already many figures outside.

He sat down next to Mr. Fu and asked earnestly, "Mr. Fu, do you know the situation of the Black Mountain Ghost King?"

"Black Mountain Ghost King." A trace of solemnity flashed through Fu Lao's vicissitudes of life. After thinking for a while, he said, "It is an extremely powerful dark creature. We once organized a large number of experts to encircle and suppress it, but we still got nothing."

"It's not that we can't defeat it, but every time we kill it, it will 'revive' after a while. There are card players in the alliance who are good at deduction who have calculated that his true body is most likely not in the world, but hidden in some ruins. As long as his true body is not dead, the Ghost King will not be destroyed."

"But you don't have to worry too much. When the summer camp comes, the alliance will send a large number of experts to escort you. The Black Mountain Ghost King is strong, but he can't defeat so many experts."

At this point, Mr. Fu suddenly laughed: "Come to think of it, the Alliance is really very caring towards your generation. You were born in the best era."

He paused and added in his mind: "It is also the worst time."

Zhou Chuan remained silent for a long time after hearing this. After breakfast, he returned to his tent to wait and enjoy the hard-earned peace and quiet.

A few hours later, the sky was bright and the contestants who had participated in the competition got up one after another, with tiredness on their faces.

What surprised Zhou Chuan was that Yu Zhouzhou and Zhao Pingman both passed the finals.

These were the only two people he knew in the finals, and he had only met Zhao Pingman once.

After more than twenty days, thousands of troops crossed the single-plank bridge, and in the end only a few were left.

"Thank you for your hard work!" Du Ping clapped loudly, attracting everyone's attention, and then continued: "From the planning of the competition to the end of today's final, nearly a month has passed. In just 30 days, you have allowed us old guys to witness the elegance of the younger generation in the North."

"On behalf of the alliance, I officially declare that you have won the first deck-related theme competition in your life. You are all winners!"

As soon as the words fell, the scene was silent for a moment, and then erupted into a roar like a tidal wave.

At this time, the results of the competition are secondary. What they are thinking in their hearts is that this damn competition is finally over. If they had known it would be so difficult, they would rather take the college entrance examination twice.

"Based on your performance in the four rounds, we will issue you medals with unique numbers. With these medals, you can get extra points in the college entrance examination, free material exchange times every month, and places to enter the ruins. We will start awarding the medals now."

"Number 1, Zhou Chuan!"

As Xu Ze shouted, whispers suddenly broke out on the field, and almost everyone's eyes turned to Zhou Chuan, who was dressed simply.

Looking at him from all angles, apart from his outstanding looks and extraordinary temperament, this guy doesn't seem to be anything special from an ordinary person.

"Thank you, examiner."

Zhou Chuan took the beautifully engraved badge from Du Ping and looked at the gold-plated 1 symbol on it. He felt that his efforts during this period were not in vain and were finally rewarded.

"Keep working hard, brother. Those geniuses are stubborn. You overpowered them this time. I'm afraid they won't be able to calm down for a long time." Xu Ze reminded in a low voice.

"If Xiaochuan can suppress them for a while, he can suppress them for a lifetime. We Baihu people are just like this!" said Mr. Fu on the side.

"Yes, yes, you are right." Xu Ze scratched his hair awkwardly, and then continued to call out: "Number 4, Zhao Pingman!"

Obviously, No. 2 and No. 3 were taken away by ruthless people from other battle paths. Zhao Pingman was the second place in the Ghost Battle Path, but only got No. 4.

"Here I come."

The young lady, who was obviously not awake yet, yawned when she heard the sound, and walked up to the podium in a daze. If Zhou Chuan, who was about to leave the stage, had not been quick-eyed and quick-handed, she would have fallen headfirst.

"Be careful."

"Thank you, Teacher Zhou."

Zhou Chuan didn't say anything else. Under the gazes of countless people, he returned to the crowd with a calm face.

I saw Yu Zhouzhou looking intently at the badge on his coat, smiling as I expected: "Hehehe."

Zhou Chuan turned his head away expressionlessly, pretending that he didn't know the other person.

After not seeing her for a few days, the little girl's illness became more and more serious.

On the field, the ceremony is still going on:

"Number 7, Qiu Bo!"

"Number 9, Chen Mo!"

"Number 14, Li Taibai!"

"Number 15, Yu Zhou Zhou!"

"Number 18..."

Some people looked very satisfied, and it was obvious that passing the finals was all they needed; others frowned and looked at the shining “1” on Zhou Chuan’s chest, releasing a burning gaze like that of their ancestors.

The guys in charge of this event really know how to stir things up.

No matter how talented these contestants are, they are still young people after all. They are dressed in fine clothes and riding horses with high aspirations. How could they be willing to have someone ride on their heads

Especially those ranked in the top ten, all of them are the best among their peers in their hometowns and have been ranked first for more than ten years. However, just because they participated in a competition before the college entrance examination, they became the second, third, or even the sixth or eighth.

Can this be tolerated? This is unbearable.

So they chose to cast scorching glances, trying to increase Zhou Chuan's psychological burden.

Does anyone really think they will take action

The Internet is so developed nowadays, a high school student actually did this to two opponents in one day... It's thought-provoking! It has already been on the hot search list of various platforms.

They must be crazy to jump out and compete with Zhou Chuan.

Haven’t you seen that the scene where Ma Guancheng was photographed by the Fengyue Baojian and then smiled foolishly and called out "beauty" was made into a ghost video, which topped the bolebole hot list in just a few days. So far, 2.5 million people have watched it online.

God have mercy on them, these poor high school students want to stay on Blue Star for a few more days.


Zhao Pingman fiddled with his badge happily, turning it over and over again, unable to get enough of looking at it.

Yu Zhouzhou sat aside, pressing his phone with a look of grief and anger on his face, making the touch screen crackle.

Zhou Chuan took a curious glance and saw that the girl was arguing with someone. She had already entered the land of key immortals. Her fingers turned into afterimages, and she fought wildly on the small nine-square grid, staining it with blood for nine days.

