Legendary Card Craftsman

Chapter 45: On the eve of college entrance examination


Walking all the way to the school, Zhou Chuan saw a group of people standing at the school gate from a distance, holding red banners with his name faintly visible on them.

"What do these people do?"

Zhou Chuan suddenly felt something was wrong. He turned around and found the small wall where he and his roommates often climbed over to surf the Internet on Friday nights when he was a sophomore in high school. With his agile physique, he jumped over it very easily.

A scream of "Aiyou" was heard, and Zhou Chuan's feet slipped as if he stepped on a smooth and round stone. Fortunately, he grabbed the horizontal bar beside the wall and was able to stabilize his body.

"Student Zhou Chuan, I've been waiting for you all morning, and I finally got what I wanted."

"wait for me?"

Zhou Chuan turned around when he heard the voice and saw a middle-aged man with a Mediterranean face looking at him with a sly and flattering smile: "Hello, classmate Zhou Chuan, I am the director of the admissions office of Fortress University."

"After watching your competition video, the principal of our school praised your overall quality and promised that as long as you are willing to come to our school, you can receive the highest scholarship in the entire Kyushu! The school's material library will also open up the highest authority to you!"

"As for other benefits, such as a private apartment, a personal assistant, and a professional tutor, let alone other benefits, everything is provided according to the best specifications!"

Zhou Chuan blinked and said, "I'll consider it," then walked towards the teaching building without looking back.

At this time, the director of the Mediterranean Admissions Office seemed to have thought of something and said loudly: "The male to female ratio of our school is 3:7. You won't have trouble finding a partner. You won't suffer any loss if you come to Fortress! You won't be fooled if you come to Fortress!"

Zhou Chuan stopped walking when he heard that. Director Mediterranean thought that he was persuaded and couldn't help showing excitement.

Before I came, the principal told me that as long as he successfully enrolled the students, the bonus would be immediately deposited into his account. That was enough money to fill a suitcase.

But in his expectant eyes, Zhou Chuan just pointed at his stomach and said, "I just want to say that your clothes are torn."

The Mediterranean director looked down and found that his polo shirt had been torn at some point, revealing some unsightly fat.

Even though he was quite thick-skinned, he couldn't bear it anymore at this moment. He said nothing, but just waved his hands and walked away in embarrassment, covering his face.

Looking at his back as he left, Zhou Chuan felt a little conflicted: if he went, he would lose the opportunity to perform on the big stage of the college entrance examination; if he didn't go, Fortress University seemed okay.

After careful consideration, I decided to give up.

"Student Zhou Chuan is here."

The discipline teacher standing in the lobby on the first floor of the teaching building greeted Zhou Chuan with a smile. There was no trace of the ferocious look on her face when she angrily asked Zhou Chuan when he was late in the past, "What's your name? Which class are you from? Who is your homeroom teacher?"

"Sorry, teacher, I'm a little late. I'll write my name on the late list now."

"Hey, it's okay, it's okay. This excellent kid just likes to be hard on himself. You just finished a competition, it's okay for you to rest more. What's the point of being late? Young people should get more sleep!"

"Ha... Ha... Then I'll go back to class first. Goodbye, teacher."

"Well, go ahead."

The discipline teacher pushed up his glasses and suddenly noticed a figure trying to sneak in from the corner of his eye: "Hey, why are you still walking in when you're late? What's your name? Which class are you from? Who's the homeroom teacher?! The surveillance cameras are recording it, don't even think about running away!"


The late student glanced at Zhou Chuan's departing back and saw him walking slowly. When he reached the corner of the stairs, he did not forget to take out his mobile phone and bought himself a can of Red Moo from the vending machine.

When he turned around and saw the discipline director glaring at him, the picture gradually became gloomy.

"Speaking of the essence of a card maker, it is to be bold in experimenting. Yes, that's right. You have to be brave in innovation!"

In the class, Teacher Ma, whose voice helps people sleep, was speaking at the podium in a slow and leisurely tone. At this time, a student asked, "Teacher, doesn't the textbook say that we should be cautious in making cards and bold in using them?"

"Times are advancing. For example, I have a student who is very bold. He just won first place in a competition. His name is Zhou Chuan. I don't know if you have heard of him. He listens very carefully in my class and can apply what he learns. This class is not learned in vain."

"Teacher, Chuan is from our class and he's also the student council member!"

"Ah? Is he in your class? Why don't I remember him?"

"The one who falls asleep as soon as your class starts."

"Ah... Haha... You are totally wrong. Even though they lie on their desks during class, they actually learn a lot of knowledge! It all goes into their brains."

"Is that so?"

Listening to the conversation inside, Zhou Chuan's hand, which was about to knock on the door, hung in mid-air.

He smacked his lips and thought: But I'm just sleeping.

After standing there for a few seconds, in order not to embarrass the teacher, Zhou Chuan turned and walked to the office next door.

"Knock, knock!"

"Come in."

Zhou Chuan walked into the room upon hearing the sound, and saw Liang Bing counting money with a smile on her face. The desk was covered with stacks of large bills.

"Sister Bing, did you rob a bank?" he said subconsciously.

"Nonsense!" Liang Bing retorted loudly, "How can robbing a bank make money as quickly as this?"

As she spoke, she divided the money on the table in half, raised her chin and said to Zhou Chuan: "Come on, little friend, split it in half when we meet, these are all yours."

"this… "

"Don't worry. This is the bonus the school gave me after your grades came back. You should get half of it." She blinked her beautiful eyes and said, "In addition, the school has a separate reward for you. You're going to get rich this time."

After Zhou Chuan was silent for a while, he opened his schoolbag without saying anything and threw his share of money into it. Liang Bing's eyes widened as she watched him. "Zhou Chuan, that's money, not Cao Yan's dog-like self-review! Can you be more careful?"

"Know it."

Zhou Chuan nodded nonchalantly. Just then the bell for class rang. Liang Bing glanced at the time and said, "It just so happens that the next period is not my class. Ah Chuan, go back to class and collect yesterday's mock test papers. I want to take a look."


Zhou Chuan nodded slightly when he heard that, zipped up his jacket, and went back to the classroom. He ran into Teacher Ma who was packing up teaching aids and preparing to leave. The two of them smiled at each other, feeling both tacit and awkward.

"Please collect yesterday's practice test papers and put them on the table. I'll deliver them in ten minutes."

Zhou Chuan cleared his throat and said a few words when people immediately surrounded him and asked him questions.

Things like "Are Ma Guancheng's nostrils really as big as in the ghost video?", "Was there a strange, crisp voice outside the tent saying that it was cold in the middle of the night in Dahei Mountain?", "What exactly did Lan Ying experience in the illusion?"

A bunch of questions fell from the sky, making Zhou Chuan dizzy.

After finally enduring ten minutes, he came to the podium, only to see two thin notebooks on it.

He glanced around and saw that there were no less than fifty people in the room. After a moment of silence, he said, "All are collected."

Then he picked up two notebooks and walked to the office.
