Legendary Card Craftsman

Chapter 48: [Bull head]


"Then there are the spirit cards..."

Zhou Chuan stroked his chin lightly and began to think.

His attitude towards the special category of spiritual cards has always been extremely cautious.

The civil and military judges, the bull-headed and horse-faced demons, the silver-locked general, the Black Mountain Old Demon, the tree demon grandma... this was the range of cards he had set before.

Putting aside the Civil and Military Judges and the Black Mountain Demon, he would directly create any one of the remaining ones as long as the materials were sufficient!

"The Tauren leader..."

Looking at the picture and text in the middle of the interface, he couldn't help but smile.

As he has obsessive-compulsive disorder, he originally wanted to forge a silver lock to form a bond.

Who would have thought that it was fate that the Fourth Master and the Sixth Master did not come out, but the Third Master, Niu Tou, was "eager" to appear.

Zhou Chuan then thought of the fact that the owner of the Xinting Hou Sword was also a "Third Master", and he had a connection with the "Third Master" today, so he let this god come to the world!

"Tauren leader, giant warrior, giant steel fork, black iron armor, skull crusher..."

Zhou Chuan tapped his fingers to select the materials. This was also the reason why he had to take the college entrance examination: using the free materials... was really cool!

"about there."

After verifying the selected materials again, Zhou Chuan double-clicked the selection button. The next moment, the agreement screen popped up. After roughly browsing it, he clicked the confirmation button.

"Examinee Zhou Chuan has made his selection. The corresponding materials will be delivered within thirty minutes."

The broadcast prompt sounded again, but this time it was only directed at Zhou Chuan personally.

After taking a few deep breaths, he sat down cross-legged, and while the materials were being prepared, he used the time to circulate his mental energy and adjust his state for the last time.

Just like that, not long after, someone knocked on the door.

It was the stern-faced invigilator again, and standing next to him was a tall and strong middle-aged man.

"Please ask Zhou Chuan to check the material card."

The sturdy middle-aged man opened the card box in front of Zhou Chuan and spread out a dozen sheets of material on a huge metal tray.

"Are you sure?" he asked like a programmed robot.

"That's right." Zhou Chuan replied.

The next moment, the sturdy middle-aged man handed the tray to Zhou Chuan, and then the cold-faced examiner locked the door again.


Zhou Chuan adjusted his breathing and placed the tray on the wooden table.

In addition to the material cards, there are also card-making tools such as drawing pens, spiritual liquids, blank cards, as well as daily necessities such as bread, drinking water, milk, toiletries, toilet paper, etc.

It can be said that it covers all aspects and has everything you need.

After pondering for a while, he sat cross-legged and picked out the materials and card-making tools needed to make the bull head. According to certain rules, he placed them around him, and then his consciousness drifted away into the sea of heart.

"Get ready to start."

Zhou Chuan silently encouraged himself.

Although he has always had a good attitude and is an experienced person, humans are, after all, easily influenced by the group. In the past few days, the desperate fights of the boys and girls still made him feel a little nervous.

This may not be a bad thing for him.

The success in making cards many times in a row has made him a little careless about card making, but now he is more serious about it.

"Make a draft first."

Thinking of this, Zhou Chuan quickly adjusted his state, and with a thought, he used his heart as a canvas to outline what the Bull Head should look like in his mind.

After confirming that everything was correct, he reached out to take out the blank card and the material cards, and stacked them in his palm.

In just a moment, these cards gathered into a white light and attached to the card drawing pen that was already covered with spiritual liquid.

"real nameā€¦ "

As Zhou Chuanxin spoke, he picked up his brush and wrote the two words "Niutou" in the air.

Seeing that it was about to dissipate, I continued writing and entered the popular part of adding rationality:

"Niutou, also known as Abang or Apang, has a human body with an ox's head, ox hooves on both feet, and a steel fork in his hand. He is strong enough to move mountains."

"Like the Horse-Faced Ghost, he is also a soul-catching messenger from the underworld, responsible for capturing evil ghosts and spirits that try to escape."

"Legend has it that the Ox-Headed and Horse-Faced Demons used to hold real power in the underworld. But one day, a wealthy man named Ma in Fengdu City was told that his only son would die young. So, on the advice of a fortune teller, he brought wine and food to the gates of hell to offer to the Ox-Headed and Horse-Faced Demons in hopes of seeking their help."

"The Ox-Headed and Horse-Faced Guard wanted to refuse, but Mr. Ma was so eloquent that he lied to them, saying that the Horse-Faced Guard was their brother and that he had forgotten all about the mortal world because he had drunk Meng Po soup. The Ox-Headed and Horse-Faced Guard naturally saw through his deception, but for various reasons, they finally decided to do him a favor."

"Later, the matter was known to the King of Hell, who then sent Bai Wuchang to investigate. He found that it was indeed true, and in order to make an example of them, he demoted them to slavery in front of all the officials in the underworld."

"But these two have amazing magical powers. Even though they have been demoted, they still hold a pivotal position in the underworld..."

Zhou Chuan wrote it very carefully, racking his brain to find relevant descriptions from books such as "The Five Sufferings Sutra", "Jianhu Collection", and "Records of the Underworld", and also added many folk legends.

It was not until the card's true name was completely solidified that it began to depict the image of a bull's head.

There were reference materials for the descriptions of the bull's head, human hands, and bull's hooves, and the body shape and appearance were also made as draft references, so it was not difficult for Zhou Chuan to outline them.

In order to enhance the deterrent effect of this "Third Master", he has exhausted all his life's writing skills, especially in the depiction of muscle details, body skeleton and other details, almost developing his already strong painting skills to the extreme.

The reason why he was so serious was not only the college entrance examination, but more importantly, he was also making reference for the appearance of another Chinese mythological figure.

"about there."

After finishing the painting, Zhou Chuan looked at the image of Master Niu San from afar and couldn't help but smile:

In the dark and blue sea of heart, there stood a bull-headed giant as tall as a mountain. He was wearing the armor of a carved beast, and his muscular body was shining with a metallic glow, as if it was carved by the most advanced engraver.

Then I saw that in his dragon-like right hand, he was holding a steel fork that was shining with cold light, and its arc was like a dangerous peak reaching the top of the clouds.

His whole image is full of domineering, the only flaw is his pair of lifeless and empty eyes.

At this point, the creation of the spirit card has been mostly completed. Looking at the huge figure in front of him, Zhou Chuan's body slowly rose into the air driven by his mental strength and came in front of it.

Raise your arms with all your strength, pick up the brush, use thick ink to render, and add the finishing touch to make it divine!

After an unknown amount of time, the sound of panting like the whistling of a strong wind resounded in the space of consciousness. The two huge bull boys were like two giant lamps that were lit up by someone, emitting divine light.

He stood there with his head held high, like a tall and mottled statue, watching over the world.