Legendary Card Craftsman

Chapter 49: [Xinting Hou Dao]



The huge eyes turned to the three figures that suddenly appeared in the sea of mind. The bull head let out a long breath, and fine blue flames emanated from his nostrils.

There was a crisp sound like breaking glass, and the burly figure turned into purple light and scattered in the blink of an eye. After a moment, it condensed into a card again and appeared in Zhou Chuan's hand.

The card depicts a vivid picture, in which the Ox-Head is sitting on a stone, stroking a steel fork that is shining brightly with a cold light, making it stand on the brick surface of the Netherworld Road. Countless ghost soldiers and generals are scattered around him.

The texture of the entire card surface was like an exquisite relief. Zhou Chuan could even feel the chill from the underworld through the subtle lines...

Real name: Bullhead

Quality: Purple

Category: Spirit Card (Ghost Fairy)

Introduction: He has been trapped in a foolish dream for a long time, and now he is covered with fur and horns.


Paishan: The Minotaur has a strong body and will not be at a disadvantage in a power duel with units of the same level or below.

Yin Shuai: When Minotaur participates in the battle, the combat effectiveness of the enemy camp's ghost spirit cards will be reduced, and the extent of the reduction is inversely proportional to the size of the camp.

Hunting down the chief criminal: As a ghost general who specializes in hunting down fugitives, when the fighting will of the enemy camp units is lower than the normal level, Minotaur has a certain probability of killing them instantly.

Suppress the Three Evil Realms: When Minotaur is present, any unit in the enemy camp that falls into any of the "Hell Realm", "Hungry Ghost Realm" or "Animal Realm" has a certain probability of falling into negative states such as stiffness and panic.

Bond: Appearing at the same time with Horse-Faced Guardian can activate the effects of Ox-Head and Horse-Faced Guardian.

After looking at the card introduction, Zhou Chuan held it in his palm. Then his mind moved, and when he opened his eyes again, he had returned to the room.

He glanced at the clock in the upper right corner of the screen and saw that the numbers had changed to 3:23. Nearly twelve hours had passed since the exam began.

I didn't feel anything when I was putting my full effort into it, but once I realized that I had spent so much time making cards, a strong sense of fatigue came over me like a tide.

Zhou Chuan patted his cheeks lightly, trying to dispel some of his fatigue, and dragged himself to press the bull's head on the rectangular box outlined by red lines in the lower left corner of the screen.

Dazzling special effects flashed across the screen, and after about ten seconds, the familiar broadcasting voice sounded again:

"The bond is confirmed to be 100%..."

"The card attributes match the material selected by the examinee..."

"The quality of the card is purple. After calculation, it is unique and can be confirmed as an original self-made card. May I ask if candidate Zhou Chuan wants to use this card as the final work of the spiritual card to verify the results of this exam?"

"Yes." Zhou Chuan said to the empty room.

"Recorded successfully! Current time: 3:24:47, June 8, 2019. There are still four days left until the end of this exam. Candidates please pay attention to the time arrangement and be sure to complete the verification of the weapon card within the specified time." The broadcast sounded again.

After setting the alarm on the screen, Zhou Chuan lay down on the bed and began to rest.

But early the next morning, before the bell rang, the invigilator knocked on the door and woke him up.

"This is today's breakfast. Please enjoy it slowly. I wish you excellent results."

The invigilator's attitude had obviously changed. Compared with yesterday's coldness, it was now more humane.

Zhou Chuan smiled and said thank you, then took the tray and returned to the room.

Glancing at the time, which was not yet eight o'clock in the morning, he silently finished the breakfast brought by the invigilator.

After eating and drinking, he lay on the bed with his eyes closed for a nap. Two hours later, the alarm clock rang on time. He stretched and stood up to start making the sample of the weapon card.

As his first real weapon, he certainly hoped that the appearance of the knife would be better.

After thinking and struggling for a while, I decided to use the famous ancient ingot knife as the sketch template, and then added details with my strong pen power.

I was busy until noon and finally produced a draft that I was extremely satisfied with.

After carefully checking to make sure there was nothing to modify, he sat down cross-legged, his consciousness drifting into the sea of mind. However, he did not start making cards directly, but instead briefly recovered his mental strength.

Since it was about the college entrance examination, he certainly didn't dare to be too hasty.

What he didn't know was that this scene was being transmitted to the two people through the surveillance camera in the house.

"How is it, Old Chu? This is the child I'm optimistic about. She got a purple spiritual card in half a day. Is your girl not good enough?"

A room in Baihu City that was sealed by layers of special curtains was completely dark. Only the screen that was used to project images from the examination room emitted a cool blue light, making the room not pitch dark.

In the room, two famous old men, totally disregarding their own image, sat casually on the floor as if chatting about family matters, clinking glasses and talking about the past.

"Don't use this to mock me, old man! It's true that my girl lost to this boy, but that's just a matter of the younger generation. Who wouldn't want such a good genius?"

As Elder Chu spoke, he took a gulp of strong liquor, and his pale beard was stained with clear liquor. He looked at Elder Fu, whose face was glowing red, and said with a hearty smile: "Don't call him the Hundred Lakes Prodigy all the time. I will give his family a house tomorrow, and this child will be the prodigy of our place in the future!"

Upon hearing this, Mr. Fu blew his beard and glared, "I retired for several years to wait for such a good seedling? You old thing still want to snatch it from me. I won't let this fist hit me. You are really ignorant."

"Ha!" Old Chu's face was full of the words "that's all you can do". He chuckled and said, "The old squad leader is not here, but you are so arrogant! You are so tough, why don't you dare to fight him? Aren't you afraid of even the king of heaven?"

"I... I..." Mr. Fu stared, as if he had been hit in the sore spot, with veins popping out on his forehead. After a long while, he stammered, "Military affairs... Can I be afraid of that? I just respect Big Brother!"

What followed were some difficult to understand words, like "A soldier's duty is to obey orders" and "deep brotherly love", which made Mr. Chu burst into laughter.

The room was instantly filled with a happy atmosphere.

At this moment in the examination room, after a period of adjustment and recovery, Zhou Chuan's mental strength has returned to its peak.

After waking up, he began to place the materials and card drawing tools around him in a certain pattern. Soon, his mind moved, and in an instant, the vast ocean turned into mulberry fields, and the ghostly underworld turned into an ancient battlefield stained with blood.

All I saw was billowing smoke rising up, and all I could see around me were dilapidated low walls.

After sighing softly, Zhou Chuan took out the draft and stuffed it into his sleeve. He raised his arm and wrote down four big characters:

Xinting Houdao
