Legendary Card Craftsman

Chapter 55: Gods and Monsters



With all his strength, Uncle Niu San took a sudden step forward, and his mighty left leg left a deep wound on the ground. The muffled sound seemed to shake everyone's heart.

And as he took this step, his already sturdy figure seemed to be filled with energy, becoming taller and stronger.

But this was still not enough, so he continued to take steps, and thunderous sounds echoed between heaven and earth. In less than a few seconds, his body grew as big as a hill.

The three men who were in charge of guarding the intersection watched this divine scene the whole time, their eyes widened subconsciously, and they even forgot to breathe.

As for those examinees who were still fighting against the weirdness in the village, their faces were filled with dejection and fear.

They looked at the spirit cards beside them, which were no different in size from ordinary people, and then looked at the majestic figure like a mountain. They thought that this was the "unknown existence" mentioned by the examiner, and their fighting spirit immediately disappeared.

Are you kidding me? How do you fight a guy this size? Take out the god stick from your arms and yell "Tiga"


I don't know who shouted first, but after the candidates reacted, they immediately ran in the opposite direction of the "giant minotaur".

During the process, they encountered strange creatures who came to stop them. With the addition of adrenaline, this group of people killed indiscriminately, and burst out infinitely driven by the desire to survive.

Zhou Chuan and Niu Sanye have done a good thing by encouraging the candidates to perform better.


Looking up at the burly figure, Zhou Chuan slowly exhaled a breath. He was a little tired, but it was like the shackles were removed. Under the leadership of Master Niu San, his own strength increased a lot in an instant.


Zhou Chuan directed Niu Sanye from a distance, stomping the ground hard to disperse the red and white fog.

The thick fog dissipated and Zhou Chuan finally saw the figure in the river clearly.

In the vast water vapor, there was actually a huge monster wandering around that was no smaller than Master Niu San at the moment. Its lower body was eight strong long whiskers covered with suction cups, and its upper body was somewhat like a monkey, but its entire body was covered with dark green scales.

It stared at Zhou Chuan on the shore, and suddenly stretched out a giant tentacle, attacking with an irresistible will.

But at this moment, Master Niu San moved. His muscles tensed and relaxed, and the steel fork emitted a deep black light, and the blood rain automatically separated into an arc.

Zhou Chuan only heard a sound like blood flowing, and the next moment he saw the terrifying long beard fall heavily to the ground, and dark green blood splattered everywhere.


The monster roared in pain.

After all, it was something simulated by the domain card replay. Even though it sensed a strong sense of crisis, it was not afraid at all. It just changed its offensive and attacked directly towards Master Niu Sanye.

In an instant, the water curtain rolled back and the blood rain surged, as if all the water vapor in the world had gathered in this piece of heaven and earth, with water and blood intertwined without the slightest gap.

As expected, the monster's attack fell on the motionless Niu Sanye, but did not cause any harm.

Just as it was about to retract its tentacles and launch the next round of attack as if nothing had happened, a powerful hand suddenly grabbed one of its tentacles.

Two creatures as huge as mountains began to wrestle between heaven and earth. In an instant, the river water surged, the earth dragon rolled, and the river bank almost collapsed.

Zhou Chuanyuan looked at the monster standing proudly, silently took out a stick of truth from the sea of his heart, peeled off the packaging, and chewed it slowly.

At this point in the battle, he could clearly feel that there must be a very powerful card disciple supporting this monster from behind, fighting with him from a distance!

Otherwise, a monster derived from a mere blue domain card would not be qualified to fight against a real god.

"Don't miss the extra points that come to your door."

Zhou Chuanxin said this and continued to exert his mental strength regardless of anything.

Perhaps it was just a moment, perhaps it lasted forever, but suddenly the world fell into silence.

After an unknown amount of time, I heard the sound of shackles breaking.

Changes happen in an instant!

A strange feeling arose in Zhou Chuan's heart, and he vaguely felt that he seemed to have made an extraordinary decision.

He didn't know whether he had opened Pandora's box, causing disaster, or whether he had brought the first fire back to the tribe, thus giving rise to civilization...

At this moment, he only wanted to fulfill his deepest desire: to let the world shine with the glory of Kyushu God!


An invisible aura expanded in the blood rain. Master Niu San raised his body slightly and let out a deep roar from the depths of his throat. The sound was so mighty that it seemed to come from the vast ancient times.

The aura and the domain are in conflict, and time seems to have stopped at this moment. The wind does not blow, the rain hangs upside down, the clouds do not move, and the fog does not dissipate, as if entering bullet time.

Only the gods and monsters were unaffected. The tentacles and steel forks collided with each other, making a loud noise that shook the earth.

Feeling the stabbing pain in his heart, Zhou Chuan murmured, "Almost, almost," but continued to mobilize his mental strength.

So, with his help, Uncle Niu San swung the steel fork, and under his force, the ground began to sink.

Tentacles were chopped off one after another, and dark green blood leaked out, but it seemed as if it was sped up by 0.01 times, hovering in the air in the form of blood beads.

All of this seemed to happen only in a dream.

But just like a buzzing alarm clock, there are always some annoying things that disturb people's peace in their sleep.

The ghosts that filled the village stopped attacking the candidates and flew towards the majestic god like gadflies and other bugs.

Uncle Niu Sanye ignored the shadows and just casually thrust the steel fork into the temple gate. With a little force, he pulled out the entire building along with a piece of land underneath.


Uncle Niu San placed the steel fork as big as a building upright on the ground, and the figure that was originally attacking him instantly fell to the ground.

He held the monster's head tightly with one hand, and with the other hand he grabbed the so-called temple and smashed it with all his strength, as if venting his anger. Every blow was accompanied by a loud bang like a cliff cracking.

"Cracked skull!"

This was the thought of everyone present.

Yes, this monster that looks like a fusion of a monkey and some marine creatures has bones in its body that are as hard as top-grade building materials.

But under the tremendous power of Master Niu Sanye, these capitals that were enough to dominate a region were no different from tofu dregs.

Slowly, the small piece of ground at the bottom of the building was shaken off; slowly, the majestic temple scattered like Lego blocks.

The dark green color quickly replaced the transparent and colorless river water.


Seeing that the monster no longer had the strength to resist, Zhou Chuan subconsciously threw the Xinting Hou Knife far away at Master Niu Sanye, as if an inspiration had come to him.

Then, a gorgeous circular cold light echoed in the night sky. At first it was only the size of a pot cover, but it kept getting bigger and bigger until it reached the core of the battle formation. It had become as big as a Ferris wheel and went straight for Master Niu Sanye's strong neck.

But with a snapping sound, the enlarged Xintinghou knife was caught by Master Niu San with his backhand and then pulled out.

The battle is over.