Legendary Card Craftsman

Chapter 6: Odin's Parade


"Go ahead, Black Impermanence."

Zhou Chuan gave orders in his heart.

The next moment, countless chains stretched out and spread out, colliding with each other, making a surging sound like a tide, and attacked the undead army floating on the sea.

After all, the operators present were experienced in battle and soon got over their surprise and began to command the Spirit Cards to charge.

Due to the undead unrest that occurs every year in Baihu City, a large amount of materials harvested during the period are mostly made into cards and fall into the hands of operators of the city's association, and most of them are ghost cards.

Therefore, the entire battlefield on the lake is now a dark tide of ghosts, and every collision between the two sides will stir up gusts of howling winds.

This is a coldness that can penetrate the soul, far colder than any wind.

However, none of the operators present showed any fear. Instead, they all looked excited and passionate.

They are not young anymore, and the youngest one is already over 40 years old.

Although they are still considered "youngsters" in this world of cards, the road ahead is already hazy and chaotic, and they have not made any progress in many years.

But today, through the feedback from the cards, they enjoyed the long-lost feeling of becoming stronger, and suddenly they became strong again!

This could not help but cheer them up as they had been fighting for a day and a night and were exhausted. Their originally dry energy also burst out under such emotional excitement.

With morale high, the spiritual cards of the Battle Card Master Association actually suppressed the locust-like swarm of undead.

They fought like this from dusk to night. The lake surface under the moonlight was like a deep bronze mirror, reflecting countless ghost shadows.

Zhou Chuan looked into the distance and saw Hei Wuchang tirelessly waving his black snake-like chains, destroying everything in his path. The mournful wails of ghosts could be heard faintly.

This is the real card battlefield.

Different from the turn-based attack and defense in the game, for the stronger side, this is completely a true Three Kingdoms battle of mowing down the enemy.

But facing this one-sided battlefield, Zhou Chuan had no intention of relaxing at all.

Facing the chilly night wind, he twirled his fingers lightly, and keenly noticed that the humidity here seemed to have reached an unbelievable level, and even the surrounding environment seemed to be covered with a layer of white gauze.

The operators also noticed something was wrong, and felt uneasy. They unconsciously slowed down their attack and started to defend.

Seeing this, Zhou Chuan walked to the lake, leaned against the fence and sniffed. He faintly smelled a damp and rotten smell, like the rust from a sunken ship.

"Black Impermanence."

Zhou Chuan called out silently. He saw the black shadow disappear from the lake and reappear beside him the next moment. Only then did he feel a little relieved.

"Son, what's wrong?" Zhou Cheng walked over and stood in front of Zhou Chuan to protect him.

"Something is not right. Let's get ready to run away." Zhou Chuan said in a low voice.

"My nephew is right." Chen Sheng appeared out of nowhere and said seriously, "My spiritual card told me that a 'big guy' is coming."

"big guy?"

Zhou Chuan was wondering when suddenly a thunderclap sounded, almost shattering everyone's eardrums.

Before they could react, the next moment, there was a torrential rain pouring down from the sky, as if carrying a monstrous rage, beating everyone to the point of being extremely alert.

"It's Odin!" Zhou Cheng said as two mount spirit cards flew out: "Everyone, retreat quickly!"

After saying that, he pulled Zhou Chuan onto the Ghost-faced Black Mastiff and turned towards the direction of the city.

Unexpectedly, in the next moment, the sound of thunderous horse hooves suddenly rang out between heaven and earth, and then it was as if a pair of invisible hands grasped everyone's hearts, preventing them from moving.

At this time, Hei Wuchang took action.

The dark chain instantly whipped up a chilly wind, clearing the lake surface. Everyone finally saw the huge black shadow standing in the clouds:

It was an extremely majestic eight-legged horse, with armor engraved with patterns all over its body, and a pair of irises that were not covered by a visor gleaming with light like thunder.

Compared with the gorgeous and noble appearance of the beast, the knight on its back looks much more "down and out".

Although he had a huge figure, he was only wearing a rotten and dirty shroud, and his black hands were holding a tattered spear.

No, that thing couldn't even be called a "gun". It was clearly just a wooden spear that looked like it would fall apart at any moment.

She was holding such a weapon that looked non-intimidating, riding on an eight-legged Pegasus, with her only remaining eye emitting a flickering bloody light.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, and everyone present felt that the blood in their bodies had solidified.

Since the Kadu era, Odin's parade has often appeared in the Hundred Lakes area. The undead riots caused by it have caused countless losses to the people here, and he has become a local scourge.

The operators of the Battle Card Master Association present at the scene had cursed this harmful "God" more than once, and they wished they could peel off his skin and pull out his tendons.

However, it was not until they actually faced such an existence that everyone realized that language was so pale and powerless. Even though they controlled a strong force, it seemed that they could only be slaughtered at this moment.

"Who are you?"

The god, who looked like a dried corpse, let out deep roars, but to people's ears, his meaning could be clearly conveyed.

No one knew who she was asking about, but her red eyes, like lonely lamps, were fixed on Zhou Chuan, or rather, on Hei Wuchang who was standing in front of him.

Time and space began to solidify.

Hei Wuchang, who only existed as a spiritual card, naturally could not respond. Odin seemed to have noticed this and sighed after a long time, like an old blower.

She seemed a little disappointed and didn't say anything else. After looking at Zhou Chuan again, she turned her horse's head and slowly retreated. Her huge figure gradually disappeared into the thick night.

The storm then dissipated, and when the moonlight once again fell on the lake, people were surprised to find that the endless ghosts had disappeared without a trace, as if they had never been there.

"Fortunately it was just a false alarm!"

Everyone fell to the ground without caring about their image, including the two ghost-faced black mastiffs, who also lay down whimpering, and the joy of surviving the disaster spread instantly.

“There’s still a long way to go.”

Zhou Chuan lay on his back, gazing at the moon half-hidden in the clouds. The joy and pride he felt for creating Hei Wuchang were completely destroyed by this scene.

Even if this was a mistake, what about next time? You can't expect the other party to "show mercy" every time, right

"Continue making cards!"

Zhou Chuan brushed off the mud on his body and stood up. Hei Wuchang, who had been guarding beside him, immediately handed him a sack filled with material cards!

Although the quality is all worthless white, without even a hint of green, it is enough for Zhou Chuan to complete the experimental concept of that card: Domain Card·Peach Blossom Spring.