Legendary Card Craftsman

Chapter 73: [The City of the Dead]


The two looked at each other and smiled.

Although Dahei Mountain is a well-known dangerous place in Kyushu, it also contains a huge amount of unexploited resources because of its danger.

Of course, it is impossible for Zhou Chuan and his team to swallow all the resources in one go. That is unrealistic and will only lead to them bursting.

What he needs to do is to occupy the Ghost Gate Inn and use it as the core to have a way to advance or retreat.

Just like the five world-famous colleges.

Although the ruins themselves do not belong to the college or individuals, people have lived here for generations and are familiar with the resource points in the ruins.

How can ordinary travelers compare with them unless they have great luck

In this case, it would be reasonable to just say that the ruins belong to them.

However, this matter should not be rushed, after all, there are many issues involved.

First of all, Zhou Chuan himself is weak, and the gold level is not enough to occupy such a fertile land.

Secondly, there are checks and balances within the college itself.

The ruins near the academy were developed by your ancestors. Even if you occupy them, the Alliance can't say anything.

But this Great Black Mountain is a real "wild" relic. If you want to occupy it, not to mention the alliance, even the remaining four colleges and five top universities will stand up to oppose it! Are they just going to watch you dominate alone

Finally, the Black Mountain Ruins are not an ownerless place, and Old Monster Wang is at most a night watchman.

The real owner here is the mysterious and hard-to-find Black Mountain Ghost King.

Combining the above three points, it is almost wishful thinking for Zhou Chuan to take over this place, but he has reasons to fight for it:

Just when he broke through, he heard the name of this relic in the strange sound coming from the sky and earth...

The city of the dead!

This is the place where the ghosts of the dead in the underworld live in Chinese mythology.

According to the Jade Calendar, the City of Wrongful Death is a city created by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva for the ghosts who died due to unexpected disasters. It is adjacent to the Naihe Bridge and the Blood Basin Realm of Suffering, and is presided over by the Sixth Hell King - Biancheng King.

In his previous life, when Zhou Chuan was preparing materials for the Chinese card game he was responsible for, he read "Journey to the West" carefully.

I still remember the chapter "Two Generals Suppress Ghosts at the Palace Gate, and Emperor Taizong of Tang Returns from the Underworld", which contains a description of the City of the Dead.

It is said that the Dragon King of Jing River blamed Li Shimin for promising to save him but failing to do so because he was beheaded by Wei Zheng in his dream. After his death, his soul kept haunting Li Shimin and even dragged him to the underworld for a confrontation.

In this moment, Li Shimin crossed the evil water of Naihe River, the bloody world, and passed through the City of Wrongful Death. He was stopped by the sixty-four bandits and seventy-two bandits who were competing for supremacy with his family during the Sui Dynasty.

Although he managed to escape with the help of the judge in the end, even this hero in troubled times was frightened after this incident. As soon as he came back to life, he held a water and land ceremony.

If you must say it, this incident can even be regarded as one of the "triggers" of the Journey to the West incident.

The danger of the place can be seen from Li Shimin's reaction alone.

Zhou Chuan's courage is naturally not greater than that of the people who have walked the bloody road in troubled times, but he has the protection of six masters, so going there is like going home.

Although it sounds a bit unlucky, this is the truth.

He must go.

Apart from anything else, he will have to create stronger spiritual cards in the future. Where will certain specific materials come from

There are substitutes for the Mourning Stick and the Soul-Catching Chain in this world, but the Book of Life and Death and the Soul-Catching Pen are both magical artifacts. Where can we find replacement materials for them

All in all, for a man like him who makes a living by playing the Hell card deck, he has to go see the real Hell when it appears in the world!

Even, want to take it away!

"It's still too far." Zhou Chuan said with a sigh.

"Achuan, work hard on your training and make more cards. With your talent, once your mental strength reaches the diamond or master level, it doesn't matter if you just occupy this place. In the end, this world is about speaking with fists."

"That's what the senior said."

Zhou Chuan nodded slightly, his heart sinking slightly as he looked at the Big Black Mountain in the distance.

"It's very stressful," he said softly.

"Tianjiao Summer Camp? Japanese exchange competition? Which of these two things can cause you pressure?" Zhu Yanbei said, "Junior brother, be more confident, you are very strong."

"I know." Zhou Chuan answered bluntly.

"Uh." Zhu Yanbei paused and said, "I heard that this summer camp is not only for you northern contestants, but also for several out-of-town geniuses who are taking the college entrance examination this year. Chen Zhou is one of them."

Seeing Zhu Yanbei's smile as if he was watching a play, Zhou Chuan asked in surprise, "Who is Chen Zhou?"

"You really don't know him?" Zhu Yanbei was a little confused.

"Why would I lie to you? I really haven't heard of it." Zhou Chuan spread his hands and said.

"Well, Achuan, he ranked second in the country in this year's college entrance examination..." Zhu Yanbei said.

"Second in the country, so amazing?" Zhou Chuan blurted out, then reacted and said, "But I'm number one."

"as long as you are happy."

Zhu Yanbei suddenly didn't want to talk to him anymore, and began to regret why he had been recommended to the university. Wouldn't it be better to take the college entrance examination and get the first place, second place, or third place? This way he could have some face in front of his junior brother: "Damn it."

"Senior, those monsters are still outside."

Zhou Chuan, who was standing at the door and looking out, suddenly said.

The wolf sitting on the gray wolf's back was right in front of him, staring at him intently, with a short kiss and a strange smile.

"Senior, please lend me your musket."


Zhou Chuan took the heavy thing from Zhu Yanbei, looked at it casually for a few seconds, and after roughly figuring out how to use it, he aimed at the extremely conspicuous wolf with white fur all over its body and shot it.

Zhu Yanbei's musket is actually a blue-quality weapon card with a locking feature.

When the shot was fired, even though Zhou Chuan's aim was not very good, the fire still went straight to Bei's head.

But this guy was obviously not a good person. He didn't run away at all. He just stared at the spark motionlessly. The next moment, the bullet disappeared, leaving only a trail of smoke in the air.

"Good boy, the divine power is out."

Zhou Chuan thought subconsciously in his mind, but in the next second, a burst of fire exploded on a big tree a few meters away from the mess.

It was that bullet.

From this we can see that the ability of this wolf is actually extremely limited.

After all, if he really had the ability, he could have transferred the bullet to his or Zhu Yanbei's front.

"This monster is not simple." Zhou Chuan commented.

"What do you mean?" Zhu Yanbei was a little confused.

"More powerful than Kuroki's Hundred Eyes Demon and Tsuchigumo." Zhou Chuan thought for a moment and added, "Much more powerful."

"And this guy has a very high intelligence. Whether he is given to a battle card master to cultivate into a main battle spirit card, or used as a core material for a card maker, he is quite good."

Zhu Yanbei nodded slightly to show his agreement: "So, Junior Brother, what are you going to do?"

"Silver is timid, while gold strikes hard." Zhou Chuan smiled and said, "Six of you, play with them!"