Legendary Card Craftsman

Chapter 85: Into the mountains!


The next morning.

Outside the Ghost Gate Inn, Karen li walked out of the inn yawning, her flowing white hair flying in the mountain breeze.

Looking at the neatly dressed boys and girls, she smiled gently and said, "First of all, congratulations to the students for having passed the college entrance examination smoothly and welcoming the longest vacation in your life."

"Let me introduce myself. I am Karen Lee, the dean of Youdu College. I think everyone has heard of this name and knows something about Youdu College."

"I know that most of you have won prizes in the card-making competition themed on demons and monsters held in the Northland not long ago. As everyone knows, our Youdu is the best school in Jiuzhou and even in the world. So..."

"In the next two months, I will select some students to study in our school based on your performance."

"Of course, if you have already decided on a school or have a crush on someone, I will still provide you with some support in a personal capacity, whether it be resources or knowledge."

At this point, she paused, turned to look at Zhou Chuan and said with a smile: "Student Zhou Chuan can prove this."

Although he felt that the other person's smile looked a little dangerous, Zhou Chuan still said truthfully: "Teacher Li is right."

"Now you believe it, don't you?"

Everyone nodded upon hearing this.

At this time, another energetic young man with a buzz cut looked at Zhou Chuan and Chen Zhou, raised his hand and asked, "Teacher, is there a ranking mechanism and elimination system in our summer camp this time?"

“The ranking mechanism does exist, and it’s an elimination system… Let’s put it this way!”

Karen li shook her head and explained patiently: "There are 62 students standing here, 36 of whom are from the card-making competition held in the Northland, and the remaining 26... I won't say more."

"The initial rules for this summer camp are: the ranking of students who have participated in the competition will remain unchanged, and their points will be increased according to their serial numbers; while other students will automatically fill in the numbers 37-62, and will not have initial points."

"In the next period of time, I will discuss with other teachers and assign scores based on the performance of each student. In the end, the thirteen students with the highest scores will compete against the thirteen contestants from Japan."

"Of course, the rest of us students are not 'eliminated' just yet."

"After all, this is a summer activity that combines learning, entertainment, relaxation, and expanding personal connections. It's not some crazy competition."

"Therefore, although the remaining dozens of students will not have the opportunity to compete with the Japanese players, they will continue to study and travel with another teacher during the remaining days of the summer vacation."

"But how can I put it? Japan has been in constant conflict with us in Kyushu for hundreds of years due to various issues, and this time they are also harboring evil intentions. There are many things that I don't need to say, and you all understand them in your hearts."

"Let's not talk about anything else. Why did I, the dean of Youdu College, come here from afar to 'take care of the children'? Why did the top three and top three students of the Jiuzhou College Entrance Examination gather together? Why did everyone come here? To explore the ruins? To attend the summer camp? To give yourself a vacation?"

"Honestly speaking, I'm not suitable for giving people chicken soup, but I think that in life, people should always leave some thoughts for themselves."

"Who can resist showing a little color to the teenagers from Japan in the summer of 18 years old, telling them: your father is still your father after all? In the words of you young people: this is super cool, right?"

To be honest, Karen Lee's words were not very exciting, and even a little embarrassing because of the inclusion of expired old jokes, but everyone's enthusiasm was still mobilized.

Not to mention those who were directly admitted to the summer camp through the competition, those contestants who came in with their own unique skills, their goal is to get tickets to the competition between the two countries' geniuses!

It’s easy to guess what you’ll get if you win the match against the Japanese genius.

That would be countless prestige, resources, fame, knowledge, and even status.

The so-called "becoming a god in one battle" is hard to resist even for middle-aged and elderly people who have experienced many things in the world, let alone young people

"Good! Very energetic!"

Karen li nodded with satisfaction, and then raised her right hand.

Accompanied by a flash of orange light, a black shadow wearing a tattered black cloak and a rotten wooden mask, as tall as a street lamp, emerged from the void and slowly moved to her side.

"Show them."

At Karen Li's command, a huge scroll appeared out of thin air in the black shadow's hand, unfolded quickly, and reached the ground.

From top to bottom, from first to sixty-second, everyone's name is listed on top, followed by different points.

The first place, Zhou Chuan, stood out from the crowd with a score of over 2,000.

The second and third place were two unfamiliar names. They were the winners of the Demon Battle Way and the Monster Battle Way respectively. They were both very strong and had 800 points.

From the fourth to the tenth, the initial points are also as high as 500.

The eleventh to thirty-sixth places were in a more miserable situation, with only 200 points, which was pitifully few.

However, compared to the remaining backdoor players, it does have some advantages.

"Okay, classmates." Karen li clapped her hands at this time: "It's time to start our first lesson!"

"I think everyone is very tired after the college entrance examination. The weather is nice today. Why don't you go to the mountains to take a walk and relax..."

Upon hearing this, everyone couldn't help but look up at the sky, only to see that the vast sky was still shrouded in haze.

Yesterday's rainstorm did indeed subside a little in the evening.

But before long, it started to rain heavily again and it didn't stop all night.

By the next morning, which is now, the rain had stopped, but the sky was still gray and the ground was muddy.

Even though the students all had feedback on their physical strength from spirit cards, after all, except for Zhou Chuan, they were all silver level. Their physiques supported only by blue cards were still a little lacking.

Especially in such a harsh environment, it is still difficult to adapt.

"It's almost time, let's get started. I'll pick everyone up early tomorrow morning."

Karen li said with a faint smile, and then snapped her fingers with a "snap".

Then the next moment, an orange light flashed.

As the world spun, a strange and deep will came over them. The contestants were dazed for a moment, and when they opened their eyes again, they saw an endless expanse of black mountains in front of them...

It is worth mentioning that they were all teleported to different places by Karen li.

It’s just that the distance between individuals is not far, so it’s easy to meet.

"The air in the Black Mountains isn't very good."

Zhou Chuan breathed in the decaying air of the mountains and directly summoned out the pair of senior bodyguards, Seventh Master and Eighth Master.

He looked around and observed everything, and soon determined that he was in an ancient settlement built halfway up the mountain.

Just at the end of his sight, there was a broken high wall with a huge hole in the middle, and the stone steps next to it were covered with mosses that he had never seen before.

The dilapidated and low buildings all around looked more like tombs than houses.

It was obvious that this place was extremely hellish.