Legendary Card Craftsman

Chapter 86: Eat the weird?


This settlement is located halfway up a mountain. It is wide at the bottom and narrow at the top. The road becomes narrower as you go up.

The width of the road above is similar to that of the corridor of an ordinary residential building. It is difficult to walk on because of the steep terrain and slippery road after rain.

Zhou Chuan didn't want to go through the trouble, so he decided to walk down the mountain road and take a good walk.

Initial points: 2,000 points...

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that his place in the competition has actually been decided and cannot be shaken.

It was like a summer camp that was originally just for card-making competition players, but over 20 people were forced in.

The things and points involved in this summer camp are like a spread-out spider web, dense and complex.

The only thing that is certain is that no matter what the rules of the game are, even if he is laid down, he will definitely have a place in the final game.

After all, Kyushu is above everything else.

Everything that all parties do is primarily to ensure that the genius of Jiuzhou can overwhelm Japan, and Zhou Chuan is indispensable for this.

Who makes him the number one devil among his peers in Kyushu

"Then just stroll around."

Zhou Chuanxin said this, and then took a step forward, stepping on the remains of the collapsed wooden door, bypassing the broken high wall, and walking towards the dark forest at the foot of the mountain.

Because he had the protection of the Seventh and Eighth Masters, he didn't have to worry about his own safety. He just walked and let his thoughts run wild.

Going around the high wall and going down, apart from the broken walls, there is a group of low buildings. The shadows of a well and a wooden tower can be vaguely seen, which shows that someone once lived here.

In the middle of this building complex, there is a thick wall that is more than ten meters high and twenty meters wide. It seems to be protected by an unknown force and there is no sign of collapse.

Although covered in dust, some deep patterns can still be seen.

"Eighth Master."

There was no need for Zhou Chuan to say much. Master Ba walked forward with the chain spinning. With a single roll, a cold wind blew up, clearing away all the dust on top, revealing the pattern.

Zhou Chuan took a closer look, but felt that it looked more like a child's scratches on a desk with a pencil sharpener than a mural.

This simple and ugly pattern, even after a long history, does not have the slightest trace of the heaviness of time.

But then again, such a simple and clean pattern can accurately convey some information.

"Smoke, women, laughter... you can tell by looking at it, but what does it mean?"

Zhou Chuan used his finger as a pen to walk along the carvings, trying to use his strong imagination to understand the deep meaning of the creator of this "mural", but after several minutes, he still couldn't figure it out.

So he turned and left.

"An ancient version of the Riddler, huh? Go play it yourself!"

Zhou Chuan thought about it and walked forward without looking back, but the Seventh and Eighth Masters did not move.

Following the gaze of the two gentlemen, he subconsciously glanced and saw a broken stone hidden in the mud.

Without him saying anything, the chain in the Eighth Master's hand was like a spirit snake, rolling up the stone buried deep in the mud and embedding it in the gap of the thick wall.

Thus, it was like the most crucial and final piece of the puzzle was put together, and the complete story spanning hundreds of years appeared before Zhou Chuan's eyes.


Just at this moment, the thick clouds moved slowly, and spots of sunlight shone down.

Zhou Chuan then put on his arm the uniform coat of the Black Mountain Summer Camp members that Karen Li sent him the night before.

In fact, until now, he has not figured out why Karen li and the people behind him had such considerations that they invented yellow jackets for students in a netherworld place like Dahei Mountain

Are you worried that the students won’t encounter ghosts

After sighing helplessly, Zhou Chuan began to thread the story on the mural:

It goes like this: one day hundreds of years ago, a big hole suddenly appeared in the sky, and countless strange monsters escaped from it and landed on this big black mountain.

However, influenced by the "root thinking" deeply rooted in their bones, the villagers are reluctant to leave the hometown where their ancestors have lived for generations.

So, under the organization of the local elders, they built a high wall in an attempt to block the monsters and wild ghosts coming down from the top of the mountain.

The result is predictable. How can a mortal body fight against these strange monsters? The villagers suffered heavy losses, and white clouds floated in every household.

Until one day, a wisp of smoke suddenly rose from an ancient well in the village. From then on, for a whole year, no ghost could bypass the high wall and go down the mountain along this road.

The villagers have different opinions about this. Some say it is the blessing of their ancestors, while others say it is the appearance of the Black Mountain God.

One young man made an even more shocking statement, saying that the smoke was a demon that was more terrifying and ferocious than the ghosts on the mountain, that it fed on ghosts, and that its mouth, when opened, was bigger than the village millstone. He described it with such detail, as if he had seen it with his own eyes.

When the elders in the village heard this, they were very angry. They thought that the young man was ignorant, boasting, and making up lies, and blaspheming the "mountain god" who protected them.

In that era, one can imagine what would happen to the young man who angered the public, and the villagers who did not believe him also paid the price for it.

Because... the mountain god who eats ghosts is really a ghost-like monster.


After watching to the end, Zhou Chuan couldn't help but move his eyes slightly.

Eat ghost!

The characteristic of this monster is actually "eating ghosts"!

It is said that when the time comes, heaven and earth will work together. Zhou Chuan's originally calm heart was surging because of this mural.

In the anti-Ying card deck he had set up for himself, there were exactly two cards that met the "eating ghosts" trait. However, since this trait was too rare, even with his current network resources, it was difficult to find satisfactory materials.

What’s particularly regrettable is that after hundreds of years, this monster may have disappeared long ago.

It would probably be extremely difficult to find it.

“It’s difficult.”

Zhou Chuan said lightly and shook his head, but at this moment, he suddenly smelled the scent of burning grass.

To be precise, it wasn't very similar. It was more like the smell of people burning paper at intersections during the Qingming Festival and the Zhongyuan Festival. However, he was suddenly awakened after smelling this smell.

Yes, since this monster feeds on ghosts, the place where he mainly lives must be an area with turbulent ghost tides.

As for the most bizarre place in Kyushu, apart from Youdu, it’s Black Mountain.

There were no high-speed railways in ancient times. This ghost would not leave the Black Mountain under his feet and travel all the way to Youzhou to find food, right

There is no such method as looking for a horse while riding a donkey.

"Seventh Master, Eighth Master, go search! Third Master Niu, I'll trouble you from now on."

At this time Zhou Chuan remembered the smoke just now, so he sent the Seventh Master and the Eighth Master to search, while he sat in the corner, under the protection of the Third Master Niu who had just appeared.

With the dim light scattered from the clouds, he suddenly saw a wisp of yellow smoke rising slowly in the forest not far away. The smoke was so big that it almost gathered into a dark yellow dragon between the gloomy sky and earth.

Zhou Chuan knew: the guy he was looking for had come by himself.