Legendary Card Craftsman

Chapter 9: [Dark Peach Blossom Land]


At night, everything is quiet.

Taking advantage of the moonlight, Zhou Chuan drank the spirit recovery potion given by Liang Bing, placed a large number of materials and tools around him like a shotgun, and then entered the sea of heart again.

Since all the energy used to maintain the card-making environment last time was absorbed by Hei Wuchang without a trace left, this space is now in a completely blank state.

As Zhou Chuan's mind moved, in an instant, peach blossoms bloomed and petals fell, houses rose from the ground, and pedestrians on the road talked and laughed, exactly the Peach Blossom Spring described by Tao Yuanming.

But Zhou Chuan was not satisfied with this. He added many details, making this paradise no longer reassuring, but rather chilling and horrifying:

For example, the kind old man sitting at the entrance of the village and fanning himself with a palm-leaf fan, are those dots on his face really age spots

And those children running with kites, have you noticed that there are no whites in their eyes

It is obviously not appropriate to describe such a strange picture as the Peach Blossom Spring.

This place has become a paradise for the dead, or it can be called a dark paradise.

As the creator of all this, Zhou Chuan is actually a little conflicted.

After all, unlike orthodox mythological characters like Hei Wuchang who have a fixed system, the so-called Dark Peach Blossom Spring is actually a "secondary creation" of some netizens in the previous life, or a derivative of their imagination.

He had no idea whether it would succeed or not.

But if you want to make it to the end in the next game, the field card is indeed indispensable.

As for ghost realm cards such as Ghost Gate, Naihe Bridge, Eighteen Levels of Hell, etc., firstly, there is a high probability that they cannot be made, and secondly, they are too time-consuming, so there is no need to consider them at all.

Well, the concept of Dark Peach Blossom Spring, which fully complies with the three elements of domain cards (time, space, and logic), must be given a try no matter what.

"Then let's get started."

Zhou Chuan took a few deep breaths and waved his hand, and a row of material cards appeared.

According to the previous idea, he selected two green materials, Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms and Ghost Village, as the main body, and took out cards such as old tombs, "dirty" houses, groundbound old ghosts, and child spirits as auxiliary materials.

Then, using the heart sea below as a template, he began to create the first domain card in his career as a card maker.

Unlike the principle that once the production of spiritual cards begins, it cannot be stopped, domain cards can be produced in multiple times and will not delay Zhou Chuan's subsequent study and life.

So in the following week, he made up for his sleep at school during the day, and at night he transformed himself into a night-wandering god, carving out the dark paradise bit by bit like doing cross-stitch, completely reversing black and white.

Finally, on Saturday, the night before the preliminary round, we arrived at the final finishing work.

"It has finally come to this."

Zhou Chuan looked down at the motionless three-dimensional picture beneath his feet, his energy reaching its peak.

At the same time, he said secretly: Even if there is a little mistake in the next work, I have to start over again and must be extremely cautious and careful!


He slowly exhaled a breath of foul air, and the drawing pen soaked with spiritual fluid moved in the void like a falling meteor, slowly writing down line after line of words.

First of all, it is about time. The residents of Taohuayuan claimed that their ancestors came here to escape the war during the Qin Dynasty and never left since then. They did not know about the Han Dynasty, let alone the Wei and Jin Dynasties. But after 500 years, their clothes are "all like those of outsiders."

Next is the space. Whether it is the narrow passage in front and wide in the back before the fisherman enters the Peach Blossom Spring, or the overall design of the village with neat houses and orderly roads, they are all very consistent with the "tomb passage" design of the Wei and Jin Dynasties.

The last point is logic. What Tao Yuanming thought and wrote was naturally the ideal world in his mind, but if you insist on looking at this article from another perspective, you can indeed achieve smooth logic.

Having written here, the three elements were met, and Zhou Chuan suddenly stopped writing, watching as lines of text turned into streams of light and were cast into the world below.

After an unknown amount of time, as if someone had pressed the play button, this magnificent and bizarre painting suddenly came to life, with the faint sounds of chickens crowing, dogs barking, and people talking.

Zhou Chuanyuan looked at this scene and suddenly had an epiphany:

In that era, what Tao Yuanming wrote was an "ideal dream" that was hard to find in the world; but what netizens interpreted was a real "hell on earth" that could be seen everywhere.

If it is true, how can it not be true

Zhou Chuan lowered his eyebrows and took back the card, but saw that it was blue all over, and faintly purple. Perhaps adding more matching "elements" to it would enable it to be strengthened.

After thinking for a moment, he turned the card over to check its effect:

Real name: Dark Peach Blossom Land

Quality: Blue

Category: Field Card

Introduction: The prefect sent people to follow him and search for the place he had marked, but they got lost and could not find the way.


Taoyuan: After the field is expanded, the status of the spirit cards of your own camp can be slowly restored.

Ghost Village: In Peach Blossom Land, everyone is one family. During battle, you can summon Peach Blossom Land residents to fight together, and the combat power of ghost spirit cards in the same camp will be slightly improved.

Lost: After using the card, the "cognition" attribute of the enemy camp will be greatly reduced, making it more likely to fall into abnormal states such as "panic" and "confusion".

Zhou Chuan carefully analyzed the effect of this card, and a smile unconsciously appeared on the corner of his mouth.

His experiments during this period were not in vain. This domain card, combined with Black Impermanence and Ghost Wall, has a variety of gameplay methods, which is enough to easily make the opponent cry.

This move was really a blessing in disguise.

"It's time to rest. There are preliminary rounds tomorrow."

Zhou Chuan put away the cards, his mind turned, and his consciousness instantly returned to reality.

Looking at the clock hanging in the room, the pointer had already landed on the number "11". After a simple wash, he went straight to bed and fell asleep quickly.

The next day, which was early Sunday morning.

Zhou Chuan got up early and arrived at school before the morning rush hour. When he entered the classroom, quite a few people had already gathered in the room.

"Achuan, how about we make a bet?" Cao Yan said in a low voice.

"Sure." Zhou Chuan responded readily, and then changed the subject: "But we have to talk about the content and conditions first."

Cao Yan hummed and said confidently, "Let's compete for the ranking of this competition. The one with the higher ranking wins. The winner can designate the loser to do something that is not against morality and is within the ability. How about that?"


Zhou Chuan chuckled and agreed as if he was coaxing a child.

In fact, given the relationship between the two of them, if anything really happened, there would be no need for any so-called "bets" or "conditions", they could just say it directly.

But since Cao Yan was rarely in the mood for this, as a friend, he could only accompany her.

"Young masters and young ladies, pack up and go to the concert hall."

Just at this moment, Liang Bing's magnetic voice came from the door.

Zhou Chuan stood up immediately, unable to hide his excitement: the game is finally about to begin!