Legendary Card Craftsman

Chapter 90: Statues in the City of the Dead?


Zhou Chuan smiled, but he knew in his heart that it was impossible.

The wood used to make the coffin may have some magical properties, allowing it to survive for such a long time, but the "person" lying inside could not resist the digestion of microorganisms and turned into handfuls of dust long ago.

He also knew this through the feedback from Mr. Ba's vision.

Are you kidding? Of course he couldn't open the coffin himself.

What if you really encounter a zombie

He had just reached adulthood, but he couldn't stand being confronted like this.

"Just keep walking and see."

Zhou Chuan thought about it, took out a big black umbrella from his heart, left the wooden shed, and turned to another direction.

But before he had gone far, he came across a high wall.

Zhou Chuan felt that the guy who designed this courtyard was most likely a dark guy like him.

After all, what normal person would make their yard as complicated as a spider web with a wall

"Third Master, lead the way."

As Zhou Chuan called out, the majestic Niu Sanye fell from the air. At that moment, Zhou Chuan even felt that the whole temple was sinking.

Uncle Niu Sanye staggered, obviously realizing the problem. He quickly shrank his body and came closer to Zhou Chuan.

"Please help me clear the way, Master San."

Uncle Niu San then turned to face the high wall, with ghostly blue particles like will-o'-the-wisp spurting out of his nostrils, and he slammed into the wall.

With a loud bang, the thick city wall collapsed immediately, but Master Niu San did not stop. Instead, he continued to charge with his strong physique and soon overturned the entire maze yard.

A single kaleidoscopic stick can be easily broken, and it is not difficult to break a bunch of kaleidoscopic sticks.

This is where the aesthetics of brute force lies.

"I will not allow anyone in this world to be more evil than me. If there is, I will overthrow him with brute force!"

Zhou Chuan thought about it and looked around. Now that all the walls had collapsed, the strong wind and heavy rain were free to roam.

He wasn't paying attention and the black umbrella in his hand was blown over and carried into the sky.

He didn't care. He looked around and saw rain everywhere and dark air currents surging in all directions.

Suddenly there was a loud thunder, and the sky and the earth turned pale. In the momentary light, he saw countless black shadows scattered in the courtyard.

Those are mottled statues.

Their movements were different, some standing, some kneeling, some walking, and some running, but they all covered their cheeks with their hands, looking helpless and desperate.

Although their faces cannot be seen, their identities can be identified by their clothes alone.

Scholars, merchants, common people, doctors, officials...

They were all around, with the same despair and the same painful expressions.

At a certain moment, Zhou Chuan felt that they came alive.

Or maybe... they are already alive.


In just a moment, Zhou Chuan reacted: "Master Niu just overturned the entire courtyard and the walls collapsed. How did so many statues remain? No matter what, a few statues must have been destroyed, right?"

The cold and hard rain fell from the sky, hitting Zhou Chuan's cheek, making him blink instinctively.

After letting out a long sigh, he reached out to wipe the rain off his face. When he looked around again, he felt that the statues around him seemed to move a little.

The other statues could be said to be illusions, but the statue of the woman closest to him clearly had her face covered tightly at the beginning, but now half of her eyebrows are exposed.

This proves that the moment he wiped his face, these statues came alive!

"Seventh Master, Eighth Master, smash them!"

Faced with this hellish scene, Zhou Chuan called out to his most tacit partner without thinking.

So the next moment, the Black and White Impermanence, which were originally flying and exploring in the low sky, slowly came down. The Soul-Catching Chain and the Mourning Stick were like two dragons, swimming and rushing towards the withered statues.

But like a child throwing a stone into a reflection in the water, the chains and mourning sticks fell on the statues, causing only ripples, as if they did not exist in the world but were an illusion like a mirage.

Zhou Chuan's eyes moved slightly when he saw this, and he gathered a huge amount of his energy and poured it into the Seventh and Eighth Masters.

The two men's bodies suddenly grew larger. In the blink of an eye, they grew from the size of an ordinary person to several meters tall. Their originally plain robes were also filled with patterns of red spider lilies.

They roared and rushed towards the statue, accompanied by thunder. Under the strong attack, the ground seemed to sink, but the statue still stood on the ground intact.

Zhou Chuan tried to reach out and touch them, but just like what happened to the soul-catching chains and the mourning stick before, when his hand passed over them, he did not feel like he was touching any real objects, but only produced ripples like water.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he had a vague understanding in his mind, so he took out the Fengyue Baojian from the inner pocket of his coat, and stuck a small lamp on it. Then he turned around and walked in the opposite direction.

Through the mirror, he could clearly see that the moment he turned around, the statues that were "not" in his sight came to life and slowly moved their hands that were covering their cheeks away like real people.

Seeing this, Zhou Chuan hurriedly ordered the Seventh and Eighth Masters to attack, but the result was the same.

"The idea is fine, but where is the problem?"

Zhou Chuan thought to himself and continued walking without looking back. The statue also moved and soon moved its hands away, revealing a painful and desperate face, with dirty blood flowing from its eye sockets and mouth.

Their faces were completely exposed, but their eyes were still closed, with their hands stretched forward as they followed Zhou Chuan's movements.

Every time Zhou Chuan took a step, they took two steps; when Zhou Chuan stopped, these things would also take a step forward.

"Hey guys, you want to play elementary school math Olympiad with me, right?"

Zhou Chuan smiled but did not rush to take action. Instead, he continued walking and soon returned to the wooden shed where the wooden boxes were laid across.

During this time, the statue following closely behind him changed its posture again. Its eyes were open, but they were pitch black and sparkling with a strange and unclean light.

Looking at this scene through the treasure mirror, Zhou Chuan suddenly thought of a legend - the Weeping Angel.

They are creatures called "Lone Assassins" who will automatically enter a state of non-existence when being observed.

That is, you can see them, but they don't actually exist in this space, or even at this point in time.

In this case, you naturally cannot kill them, and of course, they cannot hurt you either.

But when you turn your head or blink, they come to life and appear faster and faster.

Generally speaking, their way of "killing" is to send people to a certain time node and feed on the energy generated.

But if the target can't fill their stomachs, they will simply break the opponent's neck.

It is worth mentioning that in a certain drama, these creatures are set up as perfect creatures that can be compared with the universe.

The statue Zhou Chuan is facing now certainly cannot reach that level. At most, it has some similarities with the weeping angel in ability, which is probably related to the spatial characteristics of this strange temple itself.

Zhou Chuan had a guess: perhaps this temple itself is an entrance to the Black Mountain ruins.

The statue itself exists in the Black Mountain Ruins, also known as the City of the Dead, and is now merely a reflection of the real world.

This seems to make sense.

But still need to experiment.