Legendary Card Craftsman

Chapter 93: Disposable card, firepower is king (votes required)



There was thunder in the sky and darkness all around.

It seemed as if the rain would continue to fall until the end of the world.

"Brother Niu, speed up! Speed up!"

Tong Qi lay tightly on the back of his mount, Lingka's sturdy yellow ox, with the strong flashlight in his hand piercing through the rain like a sword, pointing out a way for him to escape.

"Third place, go this way."

Zhou Chuan's voice came from the rain.

Tong Qi looked in the direction of the sound and saw a tall and mighty figure standing amidst the flashes of lightning. He had the majesty of an immortal, and the rain curtain around him automatically moved away.

Zhou Chuan was sitting on the shoulder of such a being, his eyes bright.

"This way."

Zhou Chuan repeated it again, and after confirming that Tong Qi had heard it clearly, he ordered Ma Siye to rush up the mountain.

The mountain road was slippery after the rain. In the storm, the locust trees on both sides "came alive", like revived demons, stretching their branches wantonly and making weird laughs.

Zhou Chuan saw countless hideous and strange faces on the tree trunks, as if they were carrying resentment that was burning the world.

However, Master Ma Si did not take them seriously. He just waved his spear and cut off the strange trees blocking the way one by one. Black blood soon splashed all around, but the next moment, it was washed away by the heavy rain.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Tong Qi was extremely shocked.

As the third place in the college entrance examination, he is definitely the best among his peers and is on par with Chen Zhou!

The success of the previous eighteen years also made him confident in his own abilities.

Even after the college entrance examination results came out and he only got third place, he did not think that he lost because of the card making and actual combat, but because he failed to write a beautiful article.

He certainly has the right to think so.

As a representative of children of common people in this year's college entrance examination, he is extremely talented and is particularly good at cultivating his mental strength. Apart from Zhou Chuan and Xia Ying, he is the only contestant who has reached the gold level of mental strength.

It was precisely because of this advantage that he was discovered by a coach in the county when he was in elementary school.

And he was indeed hardworking, and he had amazing luck and always had noble people to help him. He actually made his way out from the county step by step, to the city, then to the province, to the southern region, and even to Kyushu.

Born into a common family, he spent ten years to overcome the two huge obstacles of knowledge and resources and became one of the best among his peers.

Such inspiration and adventure, if put into a novel, would be the perfect template for the protagonist.

It is for this reason that he firmly believes that no one of his peers can surpass him in strength.

But an expert knows the ins and outs. After just a few seconds of attack, Ma Siye realized the gap between himself and Zhou Chuan, which shocked him greatly.

"No wonder he is the top scorer." he thought to himself.

"I've caught up." Zhou Chuan called out softly, looking at Tong Qi with some curiosity.

Interestingly, although he did not know the name of "Second Brother" Chen Zhou before, he had heard of Tong Qi.

Just because after the college entrance examination, there are always some unscrupulous media who like to compare the two of them, and give them controversial headlines such as "Who is the No. 1 civilian genius of the year".

Apart from those forwarded to him by others, he himself had also seen them several times on his mobile phone.

After a while, although he could not recognize Tong Qi's face because the media always blurred the images, he could remember everything as soon as he heard her name.

To be honest, he was quite impressed by such a person: this guy really had something.

"Fourth Master, speed up!"

Seeing that Tong Qi had adapted to the pace of running, Zhou Chuan signaled to Ma Siye that he could speed up.

During the rest of their escape, neither of them spoke.

When passing a corner, Zhou Chuan subconsciously looked back and saw a huge and ferocious tree shadow swaying in the wind and rain.

The beautiful face was extremely clear, but there was still no sign of her eyes opening.

In his sight, the shadow of the locust tree was like a cage that imprisoned many evil spirits. Now that the door was open, countless demons rushed out from it.

There were fierce beasts, wild ghosts, withered statues, and even locust trees, which all moved their roots and marched forward in big strides, looking quite funny.

To be honest, Ma Siye's body shape is not suitable for running in this kind of environment, but it is still better than Erhamian Horse.

But he ran with great momentum, not like he was running, but more like he was fighting against thousands of troops alone, fighting and retreating.

"It was me who held the Fourth Master back."

Zhou Chuan knew what was going on.

He knew very well that if he had a little more mental strength, Master Ma Si would turn around and kill indiscriminately.

But now he had to conserve his energy to deal with what might happen next, so he could only cackle. However, this did not prevent Master Ma from charging forward.


There was a thunder in the rainstorm, and an orange-red flame bloomed in Zhou Chuan's hand. The next second, the wild wolf that pounced on him was blown away by the explosion.

Wither Dragon Fire Gun

This was a little gadget that Zhu Yanbei left for him for self-defense. With its accuracy and firepower, he could fire with his eyes closed without worrying about whether he would hit the target.


Wild animals kept sliding down the steep and slippery cliffs.

Many of them were unable to maintain their balance and rushed out of the mountain road and were smashed to pieces, but some of them were strong enough to barely stabilize their bodies, and even seized the moment when the muzzle light of the musket went out to bite Zhou Chuan's neck.

But Zhou Chuan swung his hand back, and with such great force, the musket almost smashed the cold and fierce wolf's mouth.

Tong Qi on the other side seized the opportunity, handed out a sharp knife, and sent the wolf demon, who was howling and flying backwards, on his last journey.

But the next moment, many wild ghosts with fluttering robes appeared and pounced forward with their arms stretched out.

Their eyes were red, and their faces clearly showed fear of the flames surrounding Master Ma Si, but they still rushed forward with their black fangs bared.

In a place that Zhou Chuan couldn't see, a divine light flashed in Ma Siye's eyes, and the faint blue flame condensed into a thin circular line that gradually spread and exploded in an instant!

All the monsters that approached him and Zhou Chuan were annihilated in an instant. Before they could even wail, they turned into dirty black ashes and were washed away by the heavy rain.

A deep and powerful roar burst out from Master Ma's throat.

The next moment, he bent his knees slightly and exerted force suddenly, like a red flying sword cutting through the rain curtain and landing at the high position designated by Zhou Chuan, and the accumulated water instantly splashed into a circle.

"Tong Qi, stay away."

Zhou Chuan called out to Tong Qi, and then took out a card with a white border from his heart.

This world is full of cards and full of crises. The great changes caused by them have invisibly promoted the development of certain things, and some eccentric people have tried their best to fill them into the cards.

Even though it has no potential and is a one-time application, it can be used in many situations.

For example... now.

"I didn't want to do this..."

Zhou Chuan shook his head helplessly, and as he flipped his fingers, the card turned into a dull object.

This was also something Zhu Yanbei left for him for self-defense. No one knew how effective it would be in a rainstorm.

"This thing... should be waterproof, right?"

Zhou Chuan said softly as he hooked the pull ring, suddenly exerted force with his right arm, and threw the special incendiary bomb in a certain direction with incredible precision.

Tong Qi watched this scene from afar and only had time to say "焯".

The next moment, flames shot up into the sky, almost blinding his eyes.
