Legendary Card Craftsman

Chapter 95: Comments on the release (including plans for more updates)


"Myth Card Creator" will be officially launched at 12:10 noon on May 20. Readers are welcome to subscribe to the official version on .asxs.中文网/.asxs.阅读APP.

This review was written on May 17, three days before it went on sale.

To be honest, as early as when this book was first recommended, Ah Xin started to conceive the remarks for its launch.

Including how to thank two benefactors: editor Lu Ming and good brother Tang Yuange, how to thank the readers who have always supported me, how to thank the elders and friends who recommended my chapters, how to thank Mo Yu Wange's two younger brothers and sisters, and most importantly, the miserable seller (bushi)...

Every point extended into a long article of no less than three thousand words in Ah Xin's mind.

But when I actually put my hands on the keyboard to write this speech, I sat there for a full half an hour without being able to move.

It’s not that my mind is blank, but there is so much to say that I don’t know where to start.

Is it the same old story about needing eye surgery, but still insisting on updating over 10,000 times a day, and finally dying after being put online

Or should we talk about the bitter past when you failed to sign a contract for several months, were disliked by editors, and once thought of never writing a book again

Compared with these, it seems that the stories of getting help from noble people and turning bad times into good times are more interesting...

As I thought about it, I couldn't help but smile.

Just like a sentence in a book: I hope that one day, you will have the confidence to laugh at the pain, troubles and sorrows you have encountered.

Now this sentence has come true in me.

After thinking about it again and again, my confidence comes from you who always support me.

Thank you all family members!

Now let’s talk about the update issue that everyone is most concerned about.

Ah Xin just took a look and found that this book currently has 43,928 collections. I think by the time this speech is sent, the number has increased to around 46,000 or 50,000.

This number of collections is undoubtedly terrifying for a newcomer who has no basic knowledge.

But Ah Xin had no idea how many first orders could be converted.

Due to some well-known reasons, the school exam period was moved forward. Ah Xin had taken nine subjects in two weeks, and was indeed exhausted. There was a problem with the update. The first order will be a big crash as expected. I can only start from tomorrow after the exam and try to pull it up.

If you have high expectations, then set it at 2500.

If the first order exceeds this value, Ah Xin will start live typing from June.

And based on the number of first orders, the game will be updated rapidly in the seven days before it goes on sale.

The first order is 3,000, and the price is 56,000 in seven days; the first order is 3,200, and the price is 58,000 in seven days; the first order is 3,400, and the price is 60,000 in seven days.

(Two thousand five is the limit, any higher is simply impossible, but I still say it ┭┮﹏┭┮)

And so on, the upper limit is icu.

If it’s not longer than... ahem, just pretend that Ah Xin didn’t say anything (casts the Forgetfulness Spell).

In terms of rewards, the leader will add two chapters (6,000 words), plus a special chapter about a certain character or spiritual card. I know that's impossible for the Silver Alliance, and the leader probably doesn't have any...

(Mo Yu is the operations officer, so her extra chapters and extra episodes are… ahem, but Jianni’s will be made up as soon as possible!)

As for the monthly votes, I am not thinking too far ahead for now, I will only look at May, if it reaches 2,000, then everyone will vote to choose a character or spirit card for the extra chapter. (Same as above)

The same applies if the total number of recommendation votes exceeds 30,000.

In terms of subscription performance, if we can reach 3,000 average, Ah Xin will guarantee 6,000 per day. 4,500 average will guarantee 8,000, and 6,000 average will be 10,000 per day.

That's about it.

Thank you again for your support along the way.

The first order is extremely important for a book, and it is directly related to how far it can go in the future. I hope everyone can go to .asxs.中文网 to support it and subscribe to the first chapter after it is put on the shelves.

It would be even better if I could set up an automatic subscription, ahem…

Without further ado, the latest updates will start at 12 noon tomorrow!

Please vote!!!

Please place your first order!!!