Lei Feng System

Chapter 100


On the establishment of the Han's Scholarship, Shao Yichen reached an agreement with the school on the second day, and donated a sum of money to purchase the equipment needed by the medical school. The school leaders expressed their most sincere thanks.

But not everyone is satisfied.

That afternoon, Han Zhuoyu received a call from Qu Jing, "Xiaoyu, did you ask Yichen Shao to greet the school and make an appointment for Song Liancheng to be your tutor?"

"No." Han Zhuoyu shook his head. He really wanted to study for a Ph.D. in genetic engineering led by Song Liancheng, but he had no intention of going through the back door. He is very confident in his ability, and if the other party has vision, he will definitely pick him.

"Then Xiao Shao made his own decisions?" Qu Jing sighed, thinking something bad happened.

"What's wrong?"

"Song Liancheng has a weird temper. He is lofty, proud, and paranoid. It's okay if Xiao Shao doesn't say anything, but he will definitely not choose you. From his point of view, you are using power to oppress others. You must have fallen for him now." Blacklisted." After a pause, Qu Jing said apologetically, "Besides, he knows my relationship with you, so he won't choose you."


"In his early years, he was not purely engaged in academic research, and he also went to the operating table. At that time, a certain leader performed heart surgery. I won't say who it was, but the other party had a high status. He made a quite bold operation plan. If If it succeeds, the patient can fully recover. If it fails, he will die on the operating table. This operation plan was rejected by the patient's family because the success rate is only 50%. I re-created a conservative plan, and the family agreed , and then I succeeded, and then I became famous... "

Qu Jing let out a long sigh, "So he thinks that everything I have today was taken from him. He regards me as his number one enemy. He hates Wu Ji Wu, and you are not a good person in his eyes. You Establishing a bursary, and cooperating with me to open a charity hospital, in his view, are all fame and hypocrisy. He is the most impatient to hide his emotions, and he is likely to target you in class. You have to be mentally prepared!"

"I see." Han Zhuoyu panicked in pain. Song Liancheng is a medical scientist he admires very much, he has read all his papers, and he has been looking forward to becoming his student... The current situation is undoubtedly poured with cold water, and his heart is completely cold.

"It's okay, if he doesn't accept you, I'll accept you. Although I don't focus on genetic engineering, it's more than enough to get you started. Work hard and use your strength to make him regret it!" Qu Jing laughed loudly. He knew his prophecy would come true. No one knows better than him how great a teenager's potential is. In a few years, he will have nothing to teach. Tomorrow's star in the medical field is his disciple, and he is very proud to think about it.

"Hmm." Sensing the positive energy coming from the other end of the phone, Han Zhuoyu smiled slightly.


Song Liancheng is known as the father of genetic engineering in country c. He is obsessed with scientific research, but his teaching skills are also superb. When it comes to his class, even the laziest students don't want to miss it.

Looking at the dark classroom, Song Liancheng nodded in satisfaction and opened the lesson plan.

"Before the class starts, I have a few words to warn you." He held up the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose with a cold and serious expression, "I have always opposed the establishment of combined undergraduate, master, and Ph. There were originally three different stages of schooling, but now they are mixed together, and the characteristics of each stage cannot be fully displayed; there is no elimination, and students lack the pressure they should, and the learning effect is not good; candidates for the college entrance examination may not be very familiar with the choice of majors, and now It takes eight years to study continuously, which is not conducive to your future development; moreover, high scores do not mean strong scientific research ability. If you recruit high-scoring and low-energy students, it will also be a trouble for the tutor. So I proposed to the school to implement a recruitment system. In the next semester, there will be a selection process to eliminate students who are not suitable."

There was a series of gasps in the classroom.

"Some students rely on their high grades and good family background to put pressure on the school and use improper means to squeeze into the combined undergraduate, master, and Ph. It will also be brushed down. Rather than being ugly in the future, it is better to be down-to-earth and take one step at a time. Medicine is not like other majors, you can let you do whatever you want. Remember, when you put on a white coat, you have thousands of thousands of dollars in your hands. Human life! It is a sacred and solemn matter!"

After saying that, he looked at the handsome young man sitting in the front row with deep meaning in his eyes.

Under his needle-like gaze, Han Zhuoyu slowly lowered his head.

The surrounding students obviously noticed this detail, they whispered to each other, and their gazes on the young man were tinged with suspicion.

After this class, the news that Han Zhuoyu was warned by his tutor through the back door spread like wildfire in the medical school.

If a person's image is too perfect, when there is a slight flaw, it will be infinitely magnified and slammed. Han Zhuoyu obviously felt that the attitude of his classmates towards him had changed, from the initial enthusiasm and friendliness to the current indifference and rejection. The number of places for undergraduate, master, and doctoral programs is limited. If someone uses unfair means of competition, it will hurt everyone's interests.

Fortunately, Uncle Lei and Xiaochen encouraged him back home, so the boy was not overwhelmed by the negative energy pouring in from all directions.

The roommates in the same dormitory also scoffed at this rumor.

Han Zhuoyu with high scores and low abilities? Guo Shangru was the first to smile. Having read the thesis written by the young man in private, he can only say that - when the test results come out in a month, the person who said this will be slapped in the face.

Qu Jing was also very upset, and he never forgot to urge his disciples to study hard every day, so as not to embarrass himself.

To be honest, the next month is really tough. Although Song Liancheng didn't say anything more, every time he cast his gaze over him, there was cold contempt, as if the person he was looking at was not qualified to appear in the classroom. This is a great psychological pressure for Han Zhuoyu.

"It's been half a month, and you should have a good understanding of the human body. Take a test today." Song Liancheng motioned to the teaching assistant to place two huge boxes on the desks in the front row, and continued, "All the students are divided into two groups. Group, each group gets a scattered human bone. The members of each group stand in order, come up to identify the bones one by one, go down immediately if they misidentify one, and pass the test if they successfully identify more than 120 yuan. Okay, now start Bar."

There was a lot of noise in the classroom, and no one dared to be the first to go.

"The first to recognize will go first. Anyway, this is the last class of the day, and I'm not in a hurry." Song Liancheng looked at his watch with a relaxed posture.

The classroom became even more chaotic, and wailing sounded one after another.

"Put away the book in your hand, I hate cheating the most." His eyes were like knives, and he ruthlessly gouged out a student who was peeking at the skeleton diagram.

Han Zhuoyu remained silent all the time, and only raised his head to glance at Song Liancheng when he heard the phrase 'the first to recognize goes first'. To be honest, as long as it was Song Liancheng's class, he wished that the time would pass sooner.

After packing his schoolbag, he walked to the open box, took out the pale skull, and placed it directly on the table without saying a word, and took out two clavicles, leaving the position of the cervical spine, one on the left and one on the right, and then the ulna , radius, hip bone... Whatever bone he got, he could place it in the corresponding position accurately, without thinking at all.

Ten minutes later, a skeleton was formed, and the boy picked up his schoolbag and left. There is no need to say the names of the bones, since they can be completely spliced together, they can naturally be memorized completely, and it would be superfluous to ask again.

"It's over." Song Liancheng took a rough look and messed up the bones, but his impression of the boy was even worse in his heart. Sure enough, it was the person brought out by Qu Jing, equally arrogant.

The students around showed amazed expressions. The young man's hands were flying up and down, and before they realized it, he had already finished fighting, which shows how firmly he has grasped the basic knowledge.

With Han Zhuoyu taking the lead, Guo Shangru also tried. The big bones were easy to talk about, but some small cartilages with similar shapes really stumped him, and he didn't speak for a long time.

"Go down, don't waste everyone's time." Song Liancheng waved.

The students started one by one, and only seven or eight of them had passed by the end of get out of class, and they hadn't accepted all of them yet. Since then, the doubts about the teenager have been much smaller. Identifying human bones does not prove how smart you are, but how hardworking you are.

A month passed quickly, and the tutors of the whole school collectively issued a test paper, not to mention the complicated questions, and the difficulty was quite high. All the students who finished the exam showed expressions of survivors. Brothers and sisters who are Ph.D. students saw the test papers published on the campus network and commented that the difficulty has reached the level of graduate students. If they can get 50 points, they will be sure to take consecutive courses.

50 points seems to be very little, but after checking the answers, the students found that there are very few people who can meet this standard. Or why only recruit 15 of the more than 300 people in the whole grade? These 15 people are undoubtedly the elite of the elite.

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"Is there anyone over 50 in our dormitory?" Fatty Gao turned pale after answering the questions, feeling rather than dying. What are these topics! Explanation of terms—growth fra, adenomyosis, telcres, atheroma... I can’t even understand it, okay! how to explain

"I haven't." Guo Shangru shook his head, his face was very ugly.

"Me too." Wang Zilong and Xue Ming waved their hands together. The moment they open the test paper, they no longer have this illusion.

"I'm 53." Unprecedented, Zhang Wei, who never took the initiative to talk to him, said softly, and received four envious and jealous eyes, and a flash of color flashed in his eyes when he lowered his head.

"Han Zhuoyu, have you passed?" Although it was a question, Guo Shangru used it in an affirmative tone.

The boy who was eating lunch seriously nodded silently.

"How many points?" Fatty Gao didn't like to see Zhang Wei complacent.

"About eighty or so." The boy gave a conservative answer, but it was amazing enough.

"Eighty points? I heard from my fellow Ph.D. students that I can graduate with 70% of the exam and the third of the graduate school." Zhang Wei's tone was light, but there was no shortage of sarcasm.

The young man glanced at him and said nothing.

Two days later, the results were announced, and the whole medical school was in a state of excitement. One is because the scores of 20, 30, and 40 in that row are too shabby; the other is because someone in the row of low scores actually scored 92 points, which is a huge difference of 35 points from the second place with 57 points. What a heaven-defying result! Look at the name again—Han Zhuoyu.

Well, this is not surprising, Zhuangyuan Lang!

As a visiting professor of Imperial University School of Medicine, Qu Jing did not participate in writing the questions, nor did he participate in marking the papers. He just ran to the office to take a look at the results after they came out.

"Mr. Qu, I heard that you have accepted Han Zhuoyu as a closed disciple?" A professor asked with a smile.

"Yes." Qu Jing was reading the boy's test paper, and the more he read it, the more satisfied he became. It's only been two months, and the boy has improved again.

"You have a good eye!"

"Haha, where is it!" Qu Jing waved his hands, laughed and left.

"It's better to strike first, then to suffer later. In fact, I also fell in love with Han Zhuoyu, but with Qu Jing and Song Liancheng around, I don't have that kind of luck." The professor who spoke to him before shook his head regretfully.

"I really don't understand what Song Liancheng is thinking. I heard that Han Zhuoyu was going to vote for him, but he not only disagreed, but also embarrassed others in class. What's wrong with Han Zhuoyu? He has a solid professional foundation and strong hands-on ability. It’s because of a good family background and a strong background. What kind of subject can’t you accept him as a student? You don’t have to worry about research funding! After graduating from the same class, Qujing is now famous all over the world, but Song Liancheng is unknown. It can only be blamed for his being too aloof. Thinking about something. Did you notice Song Liancheng's face when Han Zhuoyu's grades came out the day before yesterday? It was like eating arsenic. It doesn't feel good to be slapped in the face!" Another professor sneered.

Song Liancheng stood outside the door for a long time, and finally left with a pale face.

The author has something to say: The stupid author forgot to bring a wireless network card when he went home for the Chinese New Year. As a result, he couldn’t access the Internet. He used his home computer to remind me to log in multiple times, and his account was banned for an hour. He was too scared to use it again. I got the network card back today, and I will send you red envelopes, happy new year.

This year started unfavorably. I had a high fever on New Year's Eve. I went to the hospital for emergency treatment after ten o'clock in the evening. I fainted in bed all day on the first day of the new year. Now I still have a drake throat. You should pay attention. Nothing is more important than health!