Lei Feng System

Chapter 119


The large truck loaded with the mobile operating room slowly parked at the entrance of the tent in the medical care area. The door marked with a red cross in the middle opened slowly, and the smooth ramp hidden in the vehicle floor automatically extended out, and the shadowless lights hanging on the roof flashed instantly. All the medical equipment is on standby.

After the two-minute start-up time, the nozzle embedded in the car wall slowly protruded, spraying peracetic acid mist from different angles to disinfect the room.

While waiting, Han Zhuoyu looked at Dr. Lin, "Do you have any photos of the wounded?"

The advanced level of this operating room is comparable to that of the General Hospital of the Military Region. Dr. Lin recovered from his surprise and immediately said, "There are some, I will get them for you right away." The Yushan County Hospital did not collapse, and the rescue team found it inside. Some medical equipment is available, but it is far from enough to support an operation.

Every seriously injured person took X-rays, but due to the rush of time, the angle, quantity, and clarity were not enough. But this does not constitute any hindrance to Han Zhuoyu. 9527 is the most advanced testing equipment in the world. Under his electronic eyes, every vein of the human body is invisible.

Han Zhuoyu took a rough glance at the light sheet and handed it to his assistant. Han Zhuoyu turned to look at the seriously injured people. At this moment, a red cursor virtualized by 9527 is floating above their heads. Above the cursor is a row of constantly beating numbers, which is the countdown to their lives.

Han Zhuoyu walked towards the middle-aged man whose number was about to jump to the end, only to find that the boy next to him whose head had been smashed had only fifteen minutes left. An operation would take at least forty or fifty minutes, and if one was saved, the other would not be saved.

Han Zhuoyu's pace paused slightly.

The family members waiting beside the wounded looked at him with pleading eyes. Some even wanted to pull their hands, but they were separated by tall and strong bodyguards. Their sharp and fierce eyes are daunting.

Han Zhuoyu turned his head and looked towards the temporary emergency room outside the tent. The doctor who came with him was looking for power connection equipment, then arranged lights and beds, and sprayed disinfectant on every corner. Apparently, the emergency room will not be available for a while.

Time was running out, and the middle-aged man's daughter yelled sadly, "Doctor, my dad vomited blood, please help him!" While speaking, the man spat out another mouthful of blood, and there was a suffocating hum in his throat, his limbs Constantly twitching. Five ribs were broken, two of which were inserted into the lungs, causing pneumothorax, and he was about to die.

"Push him into the operating room!" Knowing that he had no choice, Han Zhuoyu ordered when he passed the emergency room, "Debrid Cao Wangyang immediately when you are ready." He pointed to the boy's bed, and the boy's mother looked overjoyed expression.

The doctors obliged, and he looked at the fifteen bodyguards and ordered, "You stay outside, and no one else is allowed to approach the operating area."

The door of the operating room slammed shut, and the red light 'in operation' on the top was on.

A glass door separated the changing room from the operating room. Han Zhuoyu and three assistants quickly changed into dark blue surgical gowns, washed their hands with disinfectant, put on gloves, and passed through the disinfectant spray.

After inserting the film on the light board, Han Zhuoyu quickly calculated the dose of anesthetic and asked Dr. Lin to inject it.

The twitching man calmed down, Han Zhuoyu took a deep breath, and picked up the extremely sharp scalpel. The world only knows that he is obsessed with academic research, but they don't know that he hones his surgical skills in the virtual operating room every night after falling asleep. After cutting the knife 10,000 times, he can ensure that the angle, strength and depth of each knife are exactly the same. Standing on the operating table, he is no longer Han Zhuoyu, but an extremely precise surgical machine.

While the two assistants were still looking at the X-rays and considering the surgical plan, he had already neatly cut open the injured man's skin, found several broken ribs, and cleaned out the bone fragments that had pierced into the lungs.

"Hemostatic forceps, drainage tube." The cold and metallic voice echoed in the small operating room, making people feel at ease.

Everyone gradually forgot everything around them, and immersed themselves in the machine-like precision and art-like gorgeous skills of youth.

The last piece of suture was pierced into the skin, closing the bloody wound, and the young man let out a slight breath.

"Is there enough artificial plasma?" he asked one of the assistants as he stepped outside the glass door to take off his soiled surgical gown.

"It should last for two or three days."

As long as there is enough plasma, many lives can be saved. The storm will pass in two or three days, and the army will send helicopters to evacuate the victims. Han Zhuoyu was glad that he came in time.

After turning off the warning light on the roof, he tightly covered the unconscious injured man with a layer of plastic film, and warned, "It's raining outside, take care to keep out the rain when sending him down."

It was only then that the three of them realized that there was a faint roar coming from outside. After opening the door with excellent sound insulation, the earth-shattering thunder almost pierced their eardrums, and the howling wind engulfed the big raindrops. The skin hurt, and a purple thunderbolt suddenly appeared on the mountain not far away, illuminating half of the dark sky.

If you are not mentally prepared, you will be shocked when you go out suddenly.

A temporary passage was built between the operating room and the tent with bamboo poles and plastic film, but it blocked the top, but it could not block the strong winds coming from all directions.

Fortunately, Han Zhuoyu was well prepared; otherwise, if the injured were exposed to the rain, serious infections would surely result. Several medical staff hurried over to help, and pushed the car into the thoroughly disinfected intensive care area. Han Zhuoyu went straight to pick up his second patient, pausing halfway.

I saw the middle-aged woman, who was still a little energetic before, hugging her son with disheveled hair, stroking his pale cheeks with her hands, her cloudy eyes filled with deep sorrow. Upon seeing himself, the grief immediately turned into mad hatred, screaming loudly, "He's hurt so badly, why didn't you save him first? He's still a child! He's only sixteen! He didn't deserve to die! Old man!" God, I give you my life, will you return my son?" The screaming turned into wailing, and she buried her head deeply in her son's already cold shoulder, trembling unceasingly.

Han Zhuoyu's steady steps became disorganized.

The bodyguards who followed him were expressionless, but their eyes were slightly moved. The mother tried to rush into the operating room to find a lifeline for her son, but they strongly stopped her. This seemed to be the last of her relatives.

After the emergency room was ready, Cao Wangyang was supposed to be operated on, but the rescue team sent a more seriously injured person, so he was not in the turn. On the way to rescue the man, Cao Wangyang went first. 9527 has been paying attention to the situation outside, and his tone is a little listless.

Han Zhuoyu adjusted his pace and continued to move forward. There are still many people waiting for him to save their lives. If he gets confused, he can't save anyone.

The sensual Dr. Lin seemed to be aware of the situation, and shrank behind the tall young man, his eyes flushed.

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"Push her into the operating room." Han Zhuoyu pointed to a girl who had been crushed to death by the gravel. The time displayed above her head is also running out.

The girl's family has died and is being cared for by medical staff.

"Doctor, my husband is more seriously injured than her! My husband should be saved first!" A thin woman whose face was covered in dust and couldn't see her face came over to stop her.

"My mother is also seriously injured, save my mother!"

"My boyfriend still has a steel bar stuck in his stomach, you should save my boyfriend!"

The people who swarmed over had been driven mad by the fear of losing their loved ones, and their bloodshot eyes radiated a ferocious light.

Without saying a word, Han Zhuoyu sent the girl safely to the operating table under the protection of the bodyguards. He sincerely thanked Thunder for his airtight protection. Without these vigorous and fierce mercenaries, the door of the operating room has already been smashed, not to mention the emergency room which is only covered by a curtain. Under the pressure of despair, no matter how kind a person is, they may become irrational demons.

Dr. Lin was the last one. When he got into the car, someone grabbed him twice. His arm was in excruciating pain, and his fingertips were still trembling after changing into a new surgical gown.

However, the young man was already standing under the shadowless lamp with a blank face, inhaling an appropriate amount of anesthetic for the girl, holding tweezers and a suction tube, and cleaning up the bloody abdomen. As long as he was on the operating table, he sealed up his emotions and desires, and only saw his own scalpel and the affected area.

His concentration is the best sedative, and the three of them immediately threw themselves into the operation with lingering fear.

Two hours later, the door opened again, and the family members waiting outside seemed to have had a few quarrels, with slight scars on their heads and faces, but they did not dare to approach under the glare of the bodyguards, watching the young man take away another injured person .

Under the uninterrupted busyness of the two operating rooms, some people were saved and some died. This is a race against death.

"You do the stitching." After twelve hours of busy work, feeling that he had reached his limit, Han Zhuoyu gave up the position of the chief surgeon to his assistant.

"Doctor Han, go down and rest." Doctor Lin wiped off the sweat from the young man's forehead, persuading him in a low voice. Her calf was a little cramped. If she hadn't been attracted by the young man's superb skills and infected by his perseverance, she definitely wouldn't be able to last so long. In 12 hours, seven lives were saved from the hands of the god of death, and none of them failed. The young man did try his best as he said before.

"All of you rest, too, and another group of people will take over." After the assistant had completely stitched up the wound, Han Zhuoyu turned off the warning light, and his slightly hunched figure looked so tired.

The family members of the injured who were waiting outside wept with joy when they heard the words 'the operation was successful'. After going through the previous twelve hours, they knew that as long as they sent the person to Dr. Han, they would be able to return to them in good condition.

After arranging the handover, Han Zhuoyu walked towards the intensive care area. This is a newly built tent, which has been sterilized inside and out, and the wounded who just finished the operation are still in a coma. If they are not transferred to a large hospital with complete facilities earlier, their lives are still in danger.

Apparently, the family members of the patients had also been warned by the doctor. It was already three o'clock in the middle of the night, and most of them were up in the rain.

"Doctor Han, why don't you rest?"

"Doctor Han, thank you!"

"Doctor Han, have you had dinner yet? Shall I get you something to eat?"

Seeing the young man approaching slowly, the family members greeted each other with deep gratitude in their tearful eyes.

The continuous ding ding sound washed away the fatigue of the young man.