Lei Feng System

Chapter 12


How silly of me, really! I only know that I can receive gratitude when I help others, but I never thought that some people would not know how to be grateful; I know that there are people who don’t know how to be grateful, but I don’t know that they can repay their kindness... up.

Han Zhuoyu didn't say a word, he hadn't recovered from the restlessness just now. When he slowly realized the joy of giving, the reality taught him a heavy lesson. If you stay in your own small world all the time, you won't be polluted by these filth, right

He lowered his head, hunched his shoulders, and walked towards the school step by step.

Seeing the young man heaved a sigh of relief, Teacher Zhou softly asked the reason for his absence, but was surprised to find that the young man was silent, his eyebrows were lowered, and he had returned to his withdrawn look before.

You can't force it, otherwise it will aggravate the young man's condition, so Teacher Zhou had no choice but to let him go.

For the chemistry test in the afternoon, Han Zhuoyu quickly filled out the test paper and submitted it in less than half an hour. The invigilator originally wanted to stop him, but he took the test paper and saw that the handwriting was neat and every question was 100% correct, so he let him go.

After returning home, he locked the door and took off his school uniform. The boy lay on the bed and covered his head with a quilt.

Host, what's wrong with you? 9527 asked cautiously. My own glass heart was broken all over the place, and the host should be too. It's all the fault of that old woman who will revenge her kindness!

The boy didn't respond for a long time, but 9527 knew he was awake.

When I upgrade, my think tank will also evolve, and a lot of information can be used flexibly. At that time, I will be able to judge whether the help-seeker is worthy of help based on clues such as family background, credit history, body movements, micro-expressions, brain waves, etc. Today, such a situation will never happen again! I promise! 9527 doesn't even use the title of 'this system', and puts his posture very low, for fear that the young man will no longer be willing to help him collect positive energy after this blow.

The boy remained silent.

Sorry... 9527 murmured.

'I am very tired. ' The young man spoke weakly.

Then you sleep for a while! No need to study today, relax and relax! 9527 doglegs.

The room fell completely silent.


Recently, it was time for general elections, and An Guoren aimed at the first position, and worked his way up and down to win over his cronies. After receiving the call, he didn't pay much attention to it and sent his secretary to deal with it. He still knew what his son was like, if he said he didn't hit him, he didn't hit him, and if he wanted to blackmail him, he had to weigh himself a few pounds.

As expected, the matter was exactly as he expected. As soon as the secretary went to the old lady, she changed her words, repeatedly saying that she accidentally fell, and immediately returned the 5,000 yuan that Han Zhuoyu had paid in advance, and wrote a statement, saying that her injury was completely related to her. Han Zhuoyu has nothing to do.

After the secretary came back to report the situation, An Guoren just nodded, turned around and forgot about it.

The next day, Han Zhuoyu got up for morning exercises, had breakfast, and went to school as usual, but his face was paler than usual. When he didn't know, the mother and son, who had already calmed down, suddenly went to the court to file a complaint, demanding medical expenses, lost work expenses, mental damage expenses and other expenses from Han Zhuoyu, equivalent to RMB 500,000.

Several brawny men also carried the half-paralyzed old lady to the gate of the court, and staged a scene of crying out for injustice. Every word was crying blood and tears, which attracted many passers-by to watch, and even the major local newspapers were alarmed. , Immediately sent a reporter to interview.

When An Guoren received the news, the afternoon evening paper had already published it, and the headline was shocking—the second generation of officials collided with the old man and caused him to be paralyzed, his father used his power to cover up the facts, and forced the victim to write a release letter. Next to the title is a photo of Han Zhuoyu being grabbed by the collar by the old lady's son. In the eyes of outsiders, the young man in the photo has an expressionless face and flat eyes, no matter how you look at it, there is an air of domineering and fearless.

At the same time, follow-up reports also appeared on the Internet, and a video of the teenager beating the victim's son was attached. People who were watching outside the ward stood up to tell the so-called truth, even the middle-aged man who sent the old lady to the hospital together The man also became the witness of the old lady, telling the story of how the young man knocked down the old man and how he evaded responsibility.

In just half a day, the click-through rate of this news reached tens of millions, which aroused widespread public concern. The situation of official corruption, dereliction of duty, and abuse of power for personal gain has become more and more serious in recent years, and the whole society inevitably emits a stench of impending decay. More and more people have lost hope in life, while public servants who are supposed to serve the people are plundering the blood and sweat of the people to live a luxurious life. The accumulated public grievances may erupt anytime and anywhere, and the bottom of the society is filled with a strong and sharp hostility.

With the keywords of the second generation of officials, domineering, and using power for personal gain, the public opinion is overwhelmingly in favor of the mother and son. Calls for severe punishment of murderers and correction of minors' moral concepts resounded throughout. Some people even proposed to conduct a human flesh search on the teenager and find out his high-ranking father to apologize.

Han Zhuoyu's family background was quickly posted on the Internet, and An Guoren was inevitably exposed, which was questioned by people from all walks of life. The situation is still expanding. During the sensitive period of the general election, it is not difficult to guess that someone is deliberately punishing An Guoren in order to use him as a stepping stone to climb up. But the people don't care about these, they only believe what they see, or what others want them to see.

When Han Zhuoyu returned to the government compound, he felt that the people around him looked at him very differently. He bowed his head, avoiding their sight.

"Xiaoyu, what's going on in the newspaper?" Mrs. Zhou came over with an evening newspaper, and clicked on the photos on it, with a very anxious expression on her face.

Han Zhuoyu took a quick glance, then slowly shook his head, "I didn't hit her."

"Good boy, grandma believes in you! Don't think too much, you'll be fine after the election." Mrs. Zhou wanted to pat the boy's head, but she couldn't help sighing when she saw the boy reflexively avoiding him.

"Nie Zi, do you still know to come back?" The boy just opened the door, and several newspapers were slapped on the bridge of his nose. Father An's face was blue with anger, and he slapped loudly when he came over, and shouted sharply, "Look at the good deeds you have done! It's none of your business if someone falls? You're the one who doesn't care about anyone! Do you have any brains, huh?" ? You came here to avenge Han Jiamei, don’t ruin my reputation, you mother and son are not reconciled, are you? "

The boy touched his swollen nose and cheeks, and walked upstairs expressionlessly.

"Stop! Now you know you're pretending to be deaf and dumb, huh? If I had known today, I shouldn't have picked you up! Do you know what trouble you caused? Because of you, I'm about to be expelled from the party It's my job! This life is ruined!" An Guoren's eyes were tearing apart, his nose was burning, and he was so angry that he almost lost his mind.

Lei Lizhen and An Minghuai were still watching the play, but they realized the seriousness of the situation after hearing the last sentence.

"Husband, Xiaoyu said he didn't hit her. We can check the surveillance video. We will definitely find evidence to overturn the case!" Although Lei Lizhen doesn't like her stepson, she has to admit his character. He said that he hadn't hit it, so he must have never hit it.

"This is someone trying to trick me on purpose. They checked the video a long time ago. There was only one camera on the light pole on the right side of the road at the bus station. When the bus was in first gear, they couldn't see what happened. They saw it after the bus drove away. This scoundrel helped him up, he couldn't speak clearly with hundreds of mouths! Otherwise, how would you have the confidence to go to court as an old woman? Father An shook his head and sighed.

Han Zhuoyu paused slightly, then continued to walk towards the room. Isolated from the noise in the living room, he sat on the edge of the bed in a daze, 9527 hastily turned on the computer, searched for relevant news, and then became fuming with anger.

Boom~ This heartless world is so depressing! There must be a limit to repaying kindness and revenge!

9527 felt his heart was about to break when he saw the offensive remarks that insulted the host, the little beast, the beast, and Chixiang. Immediately, a raging anger ignited in his chest, and he directly invaded the surveillance network of City H, searching for the video at that time.

Han Zhuoyu went to the computer desk and sat down slowly, and said calmly, "Don't waste your efforts, my father said that the video at that time didn't capture what happened." '

No, I'm going to check again! Comrade Lei Feng once said - treat comrades as warm as spring, treat work as hot as summer, treat individualism as autumn wind sweeps fallen leaves, and treat enemies as cruel and ruthless as severe winter. That old woman is our enemy now, I must not let her go!

While saying these words, the video on the computer screen switched crazily and finally stopped at one frame.

found it! 9527 began to play this two-minute video repeatedly, trying to find a breakthrough.

'etc. 'The boy who had been silent all this time ordered suddenly.

What's wrong? 9527 Pause immediately.

'Can you restore the picture reflected by this billboard? ' The teenager pointed to a huge billboard erected next to the bus station. This is an anti-drug advertisement with an ominous black background, covered with a glass light box, as smooth as a mirror, clearly reflecting the figure on the opposite side.

Can! It is worthy of being the host of this system, it is smart! 9527 is in high spirits, using the world's most advanced image processing software to enlarge, restore, remove burrs and ghost images.

A minute later, the video plays again. I saw the obese figure of the old lady reflected in the billboard. She was drinking soy milk when she saw the bus coming and threw the paper cup on the ground, and ran over in a hurry, but forgot that there was a step under her feet, twisted her waist and fell to the ground. The crowd around her detoured, and no one paid attention to her. A pale and thin young man stepped off the bus, stood aside for a while, hesitated, then looked at his watch, finally walked over slowly, and helped her up with difficulty. Ten seconds later, a middle-aged man also walked over, dialing 120 with a phone in his hand.

The picture was frozen, the boy's red and white No. 1 Middle School uniform made him look very eye-catching, as long as he compared the photos published in the Evening News, no one would mistake him for Han Zhuoyu, the heinous second-generation official that people say.

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there is only one truth! 9527 opened his mouth deeply, and then played the ending song of the boy Bao Qingtian.

Han Zhuoyu lowered his head and supported his forehead, wondering what he was thinking.

'Send the two comparison videos to major forums. ' After a few minutes, he spoke calmly. If it is not clarified, there will be no good days to live in the next few years, which he knows very well.

OK, host. But this matter is not over yet, their actions have violated the law, please sue them for defamation, extortion and extortion according to the law! 9527 quickly edited the post, concealed the IP address, and posted it to major forums across the country. He even wrote a title in bright red characters——Revealing the Truth: Helping Others Against Being Blackmailed. ! Please forgive him for being an alien intelligent brain, it is really incompetent to name it.

Checking the post repeatedly, watching the gloomy boy on the video, 9527 clenched his fists, your image as host is too bad, no wonder people misunderstood you! It's the system's fault. If the system had increased the host's holiness to full value earlier, no matter what the host said, everyone would believe it, and what happened today would not have happened! It seems that the face project is really important! Please prepare the host, this system will immediately increase the sanctity of the host.

Just as Han Zhuoyu was about to say let me be quiet for a while, he was stunned by a strong electric current. The faint light from the computer screen projected on him, drawing a long silhouette, making him look extremely fragile.