Lei Feng System

Chapter 45


The Rain Man's House was reopened, and Lei Chen went to the kindergarten every day, not only received special training in mathematics, but also began to learn to speak, but due to the short time, he has not succeeded in pronouncing a meaningful word. Han Zhuoyu goes to accompany every day, and solves the little problems of the children by the way.

He has become the most popular character in Rainman House, always surrounded by a large group of children, no conversation, no eye contact, everyone doing their own things, but the atmosphere is very warm and harmonious. Whenever the children needed help, he always showed up and solved the problem in time.

Even the principal, who has been engaged in psychological counseling for seven or eight years, was amazed by the unusual affinity of the teenager.

In a blink of an eye, it was time for the first middle school in the city to start. At nine o'clock that night, Lei Ting received a call from his father, and after talking with him, his expression was a bit solemn.

"Second Young Master, what's the matter?" Lu Bin also became nervous.

"The old man was hospitalized with a heart attack, and my father told me to take Xiaochen back quickly."

"Then I'll book a ticket right away." Lu Bin took out his mobile phone to check the flight. Mr. Lei's health was not good in the first place, and the young master's kidnapping this time was greatly stimulated, and his heart was a little overwhelmed. If you don't take the young master back, he won't feel at ease in the hospital.

"Don't book yet, I'll talk to Xiaoyu." Lei Ting waved his hand and came to Han Zhuoyu's room.

The teenager received the new textbook for the third year of high school and was seriously preparing for the study. Lei Chen was wrapped in a quilt and fell asleep, holding an ipad in his arms. A chubby electronic dog was humming a lullaby on the screen, but every sentence was out of tune. Yes, it sounds very childlike.

"Xiaoyu, I have something I want to discuss with you." Lei Ting knocked on the door and sat down beside the boy.

Han Zhuoyu tilted his head and asked with his eyes.

"Xiaochen and I are going back to the imperial capital, I hope you can come with us." Lei Ting touched the back of the boy's neck and said in a gentle tone as much as possible,

go back? Han Zhuoyu opened his eyes unconsciously. He couldn't accept the news. On the other end, the lullaby hummed by the electronic dog also stopped.

"Yes, I can provide you with the best life by going back to the imperial capital with me. There are the most comprehensive resources, the best teachers, and the top schools there, which will be very helpful for your future." Lei Ting followed the temptation.

What is the Lei family like? Han Zhuoyu closed his eyes and searched in his memory. There are heavily guarded guards with guns, a banquet with staggering cups of wine and fragrant clothes, and guests with smiles but indifferent eyes... Everything there is magnificent, as if it is high above and hard to touch...

It's a whole other world.

Han Zhuoyu panicked, opened his mouth to say something but found that he couldn't express a single word. He doesn't like other places, he only likes this small and warm home now, it is enough to have Xiaozheng and Uncle Lei at home, why should there be others

Host, hurry up and agree to Comrade Dazheng! 9527 urgently urged. Compared with City H, Imperial Capital obviously has a wider space.

' don't go. The boy was silent for a while, and finally shook his head feebly. No matter how good the imperial capital is, so what? There are no teachers, no classmates, no friends, nothing he used to be familiar with. He was afraid that Uncle Lei and Xiao Chen would leave, but he was even more afraid of following them to a completely strange place. He didn't realize until now that he and them were not a family after all, and they couldn't be together forever. This period of happy and happy days is finally coming to an end.

The boy lowered his head and clenched his fingers tightly.

"Xiaoyu, how are you thinking?" Lei Ting asked after waiting for a while.

The young man was silent at first, and finally shook his head lightly.

"Where are you going if you don't come back with us? Back to An's house?" Lei Ting frowned. He would not let the young man live alone, let alone return to An's house.

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go home? That's not my home at all! I want to be with you and Xiaozheng, never to be separated. Don't leave me, okay? The boy's heart was crying and begging, but he couldn't say a word. Sure enough, birthday wishes are all lies...

Seeing the boy's head buried lower and lower, Lei Ting leaned over to see his expression.

The boy turned his head away.

Thunder changed direction.

The boy dodged again.

Lei Ting frowned and pinched his chin, only to realize that he had already burst into tears, and his black and white pupils revealed deep fear and anxiety. Without Uncle Lei and Xiaozheng, he doesn't know how to live in the future. If he had known this day would come, he would rather never have had this warmth.

"Why are you crying?" Lei Ting hurriedly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, quite at a loss.

Host, don't cry, if you don't want to go, don't go. 9527 also brought a crying sound. He has never seen the host so sad, this feeling is terrible.

The boy tilted his head and shook off Lei Ting's hand.

"Okay, stop crying!" Lei Ting hugged the boy into his arms, his tone suppressed to the extreme. For people with autism, life is like a pendulum, either to the left or to the right, and taking them off course can cause them to spin out of control, malfunction, and stop functioning. He can't force him to do anything.

The boy crouched in his arms and wept silently, hot tears soaked into his chest through the fabric, piercing deeply into his heart like a thorn. If the fear in the young man's heart could be calmed down, Lei Ting found himself willing to do anything for him.

"Don't cry," he said in compromise, kissing the boy's hair over and over again, "You can stay where you want, huh?"

You don't leave either, okay? Han Zhuoyu tightened his grip on the man's skirt, opened and closed his lips several times but could not make a sound. Uncle Lei and Xiaozheng also have family members, his thoughts are too selfish.

Lei Ting couldn't hear his inner voice, so he could only keep tightening his arms, trying to make him feel warm and safe.

What should we do in the future? Deep in their hearts, the two asked such questions at the same time.


after an hour.

"How is Second Young Master? Did Xiaoyu agree?" Lu Bin, who was waiting in the study, asked.

"He doesn't want to." Lei Ting walked to the desk and sat down, took out a cigarette and lit it.

"Then what should we do? Tie him back to the imperial capital?"

Lei Ting's eyes turned cold, and Lu Bin quickly made a joking gesture.

"Then send him back to An's house?"

Lei Ting took a deep puff of his cigarette, and sneered, "I asked Xiaoyu over and over again if he wanted to ease the relationship with An Guoren. Do you think I will really send him back? The custody is in my hands, and he will be my son from now on." My child is a responsibility that I cannot abandon." But deep down, he felt that Xiaoyu was not just his responsibility. He couldn't say exactly what it was.

Lu Bin was silent. It's really not a good idea to send Xiaoyu back to An's house. In order to embezzle property for a long time, An Guoren also colluded with doctors to give Xiaoyu drugs that cause depression, such as carbamazepine and lamotrigine, which caused Xiaoyu's autism to become more and more serious. Later, Feng Juxiang's false accusation happened, Xiaoyu became a news figure, and he never asked about the inheritance until he was 16 years old, so An Guoren stopped prescribing drugs.

It was precisely because of these criminal evidences that An Guoren finally agreed to transfer custody. Tiger poison does not eat its children, it is really sad to have such a father.

"You stay and take care of him." Lei Ting ordered, stubbing out his cigarette.

"When will I take care of it?" The one-month long vacation is about to end, and he is the Second Young Adjutant, so it is impossible for him to stay in City H all the time.

"It won't be long, Xiao Chen and I will be back soon." Lei Ting said the decision he had already made.

"Second Young Master, what do you mean?" Lu Bin had a bad feeling in his heart.

"I decided to transfer to the NJ Military Region, and I will stay in City H from now on."

Lu Bin felt a little dizzy. No one knows better than him how ambitious Er Shao is. Although he was able to climb to the position of commander of the gz military region with the help of the Lei family's influence, the most important thing was to rely on his own hard work. The Lei family's background in the NJ Military Region is not as deep as that of the GZ Military Region. If they are transferred abroad, they will definitely be demoted by one level or even several levels. This will also have a certain impact on Lei Xu's layout.

"Second Young Master, you have to think carefully!"

"This is the result of my deliberation." Lei Ting waved his hand to signal that he didn't need to persuade him any more, "Go and book a ticket for tomorrow morning. Go back early so you can come back sooner."

Er Shao has always kept his promises, and what he says will never change. Lu Bin had no choice but to book tickets.

The next day, Lei Chen didn't know that the tragedy was about to happen, he was wearing new clothes, carrying a small schoolbag, holding his father in one hand and his elder brother in the other, walking in the waiting room where people were coming and going.

The broadcast reminded passengers to board the plane, Lei Ting picked up his son and walked towards the ticket gate.

Lei Chen didn't know why at first, but after walking a few steps, he found that his elder brother was still standing there expressionless, looking straight at him. He felt a little flustered, and kept waving to his elder brother.

Han Zhuoyu moved forward unconsciously, and soon restrained himself, shaking his head slightly.

Lei Chen seemed to feel something, and while struggling, he patted his father's shoulder, trying to tell him to stop.

Lei Ting restrained his son's limp body with all his strength, and left without looking back. If he met the misty eyes of the young man, he worried that he would not be able to take a single step out. The father and son quickly passed the ticket gate and drifted away.

Lei Chen wept silently at first, then bit his shoulder with his teeth when he saw that his father was unmoved.

Lei Ting frowned, and walked faster.

Lei Chen was completely anxious, opened his mouth and started to cry loudly, shouting intermittently, "Xiao, Xiaoyu, brother, brother."

Lei Ting froze, slowly put his son down, and asked holding his breath, "Xiaochen, what did you just say?"

"I, I..." Lei Chen's voice is a bit hoarse and his pronunciation is not very standard because he has not used his vocal cords for a long time, but he still clearly expressed his wishes word by word, "I, Yao, Xiao, Yu, brother ,elder brother!"

The son's first utterance was neither father nor mother, but Lei Ting didn't feel sad at all. He looked at his son silently for a while, then suddenly squatted down, and hugged him forcefully, his eyes turned red bit by bit.

"I, Yao, Xiao, Yu, Brother, Brother." Lei Chen repeated stubbornly.

"Good boy, grandpa is sick. We'll be back soon after seeing him. Brother Xiaoyu will always be here." Lei Ting comforted his son in a hoarse voice, and finally picked him up and strode towards the boarding gate.

In the parking lot, Lu Bin saw that the young man kept his head down, exuding a lonely atmosphere, and reached out to rub the top of his hair.

Han Zhuoyu avoided it.

Lu Bin smiled embarrassingly, and jokingly said, "Is Xiaoyu reluctant? I am reluctant to go with them. As long as you nod, I will go buy a ticket right away."

Han Zhuoyu pursed his lips and remained silent.

Lu Bin was a little helpless. This kid always had a paralyzed face and didn't like to talk. He really couldn't figure out what was going on in his mind. Lighting up the engine, he drove away.

At this moment, a clear system prompt sounded, Ding ~ Received 50 points of thanks from Thunderbolt!

Ahh~ Comrade Taisho just left and I started to miss you, and I missed you very much! 9527 said in a funny voice on purpose.

The boy with a paralyzed face slowly raised the corners of his lips, revealing two shallow dimples. Uncle Lu Bin is here, Uncle Lei should be back, right? As soon as this idea came up, the phone vibrated, and the screen was swiped open, and a text message was in sight—Uncle Lei: Xiaoyu, wait for me to come back.

The young man tapped his fingertips and sent an um. The mood that had been flustered all day calmed down in an instant.