Lei Feng System

Chapter 5


9527 felt very angry, so angry that he was about to smoke! As the best system in the federation, he actually forgot to check the homework for the host? This is dereliction of duty! Big dereliction of duty! If Dr. Eric is still there, he will definitely destroy himself without mercy! Although the doctor said long ago that there was a problem with his program and he possessed something that an intelligence should not possess, he did not destroy himself in the end to prove that he was qualified.

But... a good system can never go wrong! 9527 fell into endless self-doubt and self-loathing.

"Here, finish copying your homework before the self-study get out of class ends, or you can wait to go to the office to drink tea." Shi Lei asked for a few homework books and handed one of them to his deskmate.

Han Zhuoyu hesitated for a moment, remembering the eloquent lecture from the head teacher, and finally took it.

No! ! 9527 screamed miserably, forgetting to do homework is already a mistake, and copying homework is even more wrong! Host, as a young man with ideals, morality, culture, and discipline, how can you? (Erkang hands)

Han Zhuoyu shook his hands holding the homework, and then silently retreated. If there was an attribute panel, he felt that his blue bar was falling straight down because he was attacked by the magic sound.

"You don't copy?" Shi Lei was a little surprised, and then asked himself and answered, "That's right, you are a robot, calm down." After he finished speaking, he immersed himself in writing, and the students next to him were responsible for watching over him, in case the teacher ran away quietly Go to the back door to monitor the students' self-study situation.

Morning self-study is for self-study, not for making up homework. Please ask the host to preview today's homework, and then use the rest time to complete the homework. The next class is Chinese, and the system suggests that the host read the Chinese books first. 9527 coughed and regained his composure.

Han Zhuoyu silently closed the homework book, picked up the Chinese book and flipped through it. Sure enough, he should have accumulated enough gratitude points earlier!

The 15 minutes of early self-study passed quickly, and the group leader who came to collect the homework was very surprised, "Han Zhuoyu, where is your homework?"

The boy with facial paralysis was silent.

"The robot was invaded by a virus, and the program of doing homework on time was maliciously tampered with." Shi Lei said gloatingly.

This system is not a virus! Say no more! 9527 hugged his head and shouted. This classmate Shi Lei was too hateful, which aroused his doubts about himself again.

Please host forgive 9527! After 9527, I will definitely urge the host to complete the homework on time, even overfulfilling! Tears!

'There is no need to over-fulfill. 'Han Zhuoyu's face turned pale.

The team leader didn't expect the boy with facial paralysis to explain this, so he wrote his name on the blacklist and handed it to the class representative, who in turn handed it to the head teacher. Even owed five homework or something, the class teacher had to talk to classmate Han again.

Sure enough, five minutes before the Chinese class, the chubby head teacher appeared at the door of the classroom.

"Han Zhuoyu, why didn't you do your homework yesterday?" Knowing that the boy with facial paralysis is autistic, his father doesn't care, his mother passed away, and his stepmother is mean, the head teacher with a strong sense of responsibility showed 100% patience. If the boy doesn't listen to the teaching, she will keep repeating it until the boy engraves her words in his mind and obeys. She has put in a lot of energy to help the teenagers learn to complete their homework on time, and even consulted a psychologist for advice. Now that the boy is sprouting in a solid state, the anxiety and disappointment in her heart can be imagined.

The teacher's question must be answered. Respecting the teacher is one of the qualities that a living Lei Feng in the new century must possess! 9527 spoke, his tone was not as righteous as before. The host didn't complete the homework, and most of it was his fault.

Han Zhuoyu lowered his head and was silent for a long time before uttering two words, "Sick."

According to system testing, although the host's body is in a sub-healthy state, there are currently no lesions. The host lied and received a first-level electric shock punishment from this system! Comrade Lei Feng never lies, please host to follow the example of Comrade Lei Feng! 9527 said angrily. With so many bad problems on the host, he really needed his help.

A sharp stabbing pain ran through his mind, as if a long iron nail pierced from the left temple and protruded from the right temple. Han Zhuoyu shook his body, his face was translucently white.

The boy looked extremely weak, as if he would collapse at any moment. The teacher in charge immediately believed him, and the disappointment in his heart was replaced by full of worry.

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"Is it very uncomfortable? The teacher will take you to the infirmary?" She bent down and carefully observed the boy's face. Although she really wanted to test the temperature of the boy's forehead, she didn't do that because the boy was very resistant to contact with people.

Han Zhuoyu shook his head slightly.

The class bell rang, and the head teacher couldn't force him, so he had to tell him, "If you feel uncomfortable, come to the office and ask me to approve the leave slip. The homework is fine, and there is no need to make it up." She straightened up and said to the students around her, "Look Order Han Zhuoyu, if something is wrong with him, send him to the infirmary immediately, and then come and inform me."

The students around nodded their heads.

You have a good teacher! 9527 pertinent evaluations.

'Um. A gleam of light leaked out of Han Zhuoyu's dark eyes. Teacher Zhou is very similar to his mother, and he will always take the trouble to teach him and explain him. It's not that he has no perception of the outside world, it's just that his perception is slower than ordinary people. If you knock on the door of his heart over and over again, he will always respond. But, in this world, who has the patience to spend months or even years just to get a response from the child? Even his biological father couldn't do it, could he

Therefore, in Teacher Zhou's class, he felt safe.

The Chinese teacher walked up to the podium, tapped the table with a blackboard brush, "There is no class today, and I will explain the test papers of the last section exam." He began to roll the names one by one, with the scores from high to low.

"Shi Lei, 57 points; Han Zhuoyu, 55 points." After reading the last two names, the Chinese teacher glanced at the two teenagers sitting side by side, and rubbed his brows painfully. It's really hard brothers and sisters, occupying the first or second place in the class every time... the bottom...

"I won't talk about Han Zhuoyu. He went abroad at the age of five and stayed in country A for eight years. His poor Chinese performance is understandable. Shi Lei, what's the matter with you, ah? Throwing a sieve and filling in all the multiple-choice questions is not enough Right? Did your junior high school Chinese teacher teach you? Look at your composition..." The students in the first row were spat on by the Chinese teacher.

Shi Lei bowed his head, humbly accepting the instruction.

Han Zhuoyu put his hands on his forehead, just because 9527 was howling in his head, his tone was heartbroken.

God! oh oh oh oh oh my! ! ! The host only scored 55 points in the test? I can not believe it! I'm going to pass out! As the successor of Comrade Lei Feng, don't you feel ashamed to get such a score? Don't you feel sorry for the party, the country, and the people? effort! The host must work hard! If the host fails to get full marks before the next exam, the system will let the host experience the feeling of having a baby! Please don't take chances!

Have a child? Han Zhuoyu felt that his expression was showing signs of cracking.

'No one can get full marks in the language test. ' he retorted faintly.

With the help of this system, the host will definitely be able to achieve this goal! Starting today, the host's time to play games will be deprived until the host's performance satisfies the system! Alright, now the host please listen carefully to the class! 9527 waved aggressively.

Sure enough, it is still necessary to accumulate enough gratitude points as soon as possible, so that 9527 can be promoted to the fourth level. Han Zhuoyu thought silently, and then his body trembled a bit, because 9527, which had just stopped, started shouting again.

Ohlady Gaga! ! (⊙o⊙) Is this the host's handwriting? Its ugliness has surpassed the limit that human beings can bear! It's a miracle that your Chinese teacher's eyes are not blind! As the successor of Comrade Lei Feng, how can he not have a good character of being strong and powerful, having both form and spirit? From today on, add two more hours of handwriting practice every night, and this system will find the host the best templates in the universe. It only takes 21 days for human beings to form a habit. This system hopes that after 21 days, the host can write a good word that will brighten the whole universe! Please host come on!

Han Zhuoyu was expressionless, but there was pain in his eyes.

The classmates next to him looked at him one after another, and carried him to the infirmary as soon as he fainted, so as to escape the morning class. Shi Lei was already gearing up and ready to move, and from time to time he used fierce eyes to warn the students around him not to rob him.

But to their disappointment, Han Zhuoyu quickly cheered up and took notes seriously while listening to the teacher's explanation.

"As expected, the program was tampered with by the virus, and you actually knew you were listening to the class! Aren't you all just fugues in the past?" Shi Lei bumped him with his elbow.

Han Zhuoyu moved the stool and continued to listen to the class. He doesn't want to have children.

Shi Lei felt bored, curled his lips in disdain, took out a hot-blooded manga, hid it under the test paper and read it with relish.

The whole morning passed quickly, and Han Zhuoyu got a total of four test papers, 55 points in Chinese, 67 points in mathematics, 144 points in English, and 79 points in chemistry. 9527 was so angry that he was so angry that he rewarded him with several electric shock treatments.

The bell for the last class rang, and all the students showed relaxed expressions. Most of the people went straight to the cafeteria, while a small number of people brought their own lunch and got together to eat in twos and threes.

Han Zhuoyu stared at his watch, took out his lunch box and opened it when the pointer moved to 12:15.

"There is nothing wrong with your eating procedure." Shi Lei sneered, opened his own lunch box, and stared at Han Zhuoyu eagerly.

Han Zhuoyu silently pushed the lunch box over. After being robbed of lunch by Shi Lei n times, he was forced to form a habit.

"You're smart!" Shi Lei planed the cabbage aside, dug up the rice, and took out the braised pork ribs and scrambled eggs with leeks. Fortunately, he didn't do too much, and he knew how to save some for the boy with facial paralysis. When he was done, he divided the sauerkraut in his lunch box in half, and ordered arrogantly, "You can eat."

Ding~ I received 1 point of gratitude from Shi Lei! Cheerful electronic sounds sounded in my mind.

Han Zhuoyu glanced at his deskmate blankly, feeling slightly surprised. Unexpectedly, the robber was grateful to the victim, he couldn't understand it!

It is suggested that the host share lunch with classmate Shi Lei every day in the future, and get his gratitude regularly! 9527 thinks the world is so beautiful, every meal has positive energy.