Lei Feng System

Chapter 6


After lunch, Shi Lei occupied the stools of several classmates, pushed them together, and fell asleep with his legs crossed.

Half past twelve is also Han Zhuoyu's unstoppable nap time, and the precise biological clock has already made his eyelids very heavy. But 9527's sudden electric shock instantly revived him.

Please ask the host to make up the missing homework and send it to the office for the teacher to check.

Seeing no movement from the host, 9527 hummed proudly.

Han Zhuoyu immediately took out his homework and spread it out.

The education method of country a is completely different from that of country c. Most of them focus on cultivating children's interest in learning before going to university, and the curriculum arrangement is far behind that of country c. Having just returned to China for two years, and having experienced the shock of his mother's death, a teenager with a tendency to aggravate his autism is not enough to cope with such a heavy classwork.

Right now he is staring at a geometry problem.

'You are an intelligent system, you should know the answer. ' said the young man in a flat tone.

9527 is very upset, please don't rely too much on this system. This system will only increase the potential of the host by exchanging attribute points for the host, and will not make the host superhuman in a second! If you want to be really strong, you can only rely on the host to study hard! but…

He took a deep breath, today is the first day of our formal cooperation, this system can give the host a certain amount of help. This question needs to decompose the Mitsubishi prism into three Mitsubishi cones. For the required formula, please refer to page 65 of the textbook.

Han Zhuoyu opened the math book and found that the usually dazzling three-dimensional diagrams were directly presented in his mind, and then they were broken down one by one in the simplest and clearest way. As long as you master the formula, you can get the answer immediately, and complex calculations can be completed in the blink of an eye.

He quickly drew the decomposition diagram, quickly wrote the reasoning process, and quickly came up with the answer. The action was done in one go, and it didn't take more than half a minute.

Now you can see the benefits of this system to shock the host's brain, right? Every time this system is upgraded, the development of the host's brain domain will expand by 10%, and the information processing ability far exceeds the level of normal people. 9527 was complacent, and then immediately changed his tone and condemned, the host's handwriting is too scribbled, it doesn't meet the requirements of this system at all! Please host rewrite it!

Han Zhuoyu didn't listen, and continued to do the next question, and then received a brutal electric shock. He took a deep breath, slowly tore off the paper filled with the calculation process, and copied it stroke by stroke.

9527 is finally satisfied.

Han Zhuoyu found joy in reading all the formulas he had learned, and quickly solved the math and chemistry homework. He found that the addition and subtraction of numbers, the decomposition of patterns, and the chemical reactions produced by the collision of matter and matter are such magical things, which fascinated him deeply. He couldn't help but read the content he hadn't learned before, and he vaguely grasped the essence without explaining it. It wasn't until 9527 reminded him that he escaped from this mysterious feeling.

On the contrary, politics and history seem so boring.

If you don’t understand this question, skip it; if you don’t understand this question, keep skipping it.

Please host carefully complete each question! 9527 can't stand it anymore.

'Among the following viewpoints about the creators of history, those that belong to historical materialism are: a, everyone creates history; b, historical activities are the cause of the masses; c, people create their own history; d, people always create their own history under given conditions Create history; e, respecting the law of social development is consistent with respecting the historical subject position of the masses. What is the difference between option a and option c? ' the boy with facial paralysis asked faintly.

Well, it seems like there is no difference. 9527 wiped his sweat. He was also stunned. The human race is really good at playing politics. No wonder the human race has been the president of the Federation for 5 consecutive years.

Please read the book first, and then use your logical analysis ability! Comrade Lei Feng once said - there is time to learn, the question is whether we are good at squeezing and whether we are willing to drill. A good board has no holes on it, but why can nails go in? This is squeezed in by pressure, drilled in hard. From this point of view, the nail has two advantages: one is the strength of squeezing, and the other is the strength of drilling. In our studies, we must also promote this "nail" spirit, be good at squeezing and drilling. 9527 concluded regretfully, you see, you lack this kind of nail spirit. If you follow the teachings of Comrade Lei Feng, this system can guarantee that nothing in this world can trouble you.

It was inevitable that 9527 would ramble on, Han Zhuoyu felt that it was better for him to remain silent. He read the political book carefully, digging out every word, and finally finished the homework.

Teacher Zhou was very surprised when he saw the boy who came to the office on his own initiative.

The boy didn't say anything, put down his homework and left.

"Xiao Zhou, is he the autistic kid in your class?" A middle-aged male teacher asked.

"Ah, yes." Teacher Zhou nodded while checking the homework handed in by the teenager, and found that the handwriting on the homework book was very neat, and most of the answers were correct. She was both surprised and happy.

She handed the homework to the teacher of the corresponding subject, and asked expectantly, "How is it done?"

The politics and history teachers nodded lightly, while the chemistry and mathematics teachers were extremely satisfied.

"Han Zhuoyu used a geometric principle he had never learned to solve this problem, and the process was simpler than the standard answer. No student in the class used this solution. It seems that he put a lot of thought into it." The math teacher clicked on the homework book , full of surprise.

"The answer is completely correct. In this question of identifying the molecular formula, only Han Zhuoyu pointed out that c2h6o may be ethanol or dimethyl ether; c may be graphite or diamond; c4h1o may be butane or normal Butane, and explained the problem of chiral isomers. The other students just wrote one answer and finished. He is very good, and he is very serious about his study!" The chemistry teacher praised.

"Hey, this doesn't look like the yin and yang in the legend!" A teacher who loves to gossip came over.

"Hmph, who doesn't know about Mayor An's bad things in the early years? It is said that if you have a stepmother, you will have a stepdad, let alone a stepmother who has a deep hatred with your mother? Lei Lizhen came to the school with great fanfare and asked the teacher to take care of Han Zhuoyu The rumors that Han Zhuoyu was mentally ill spread all over the next day. If she said that she was doing it for the good of the child, I wouldn’t believe it! Autistic patients don’t like to talk at all, but once they get mixed up, they become yin and yang. I'm sick. Chi~" The chemistry teacher has a bright eye and a bright heart, and he is quite disdainful of the current mayor's wife.

"This trick is really poisonous! The child is already so sick, there is nothing to hinder her, why bother!" The teachers sighed again and again, and their affection for the boy was greatly improved unconsciously.

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Teacher Zhou was even more determined not to give up on Han Zhuoyu. Judging from today's performance, he is a good boy with perseverance and a sense of responsibility, but he just doesn't know how to express himself.

Sometimes all it takes is one small thing to completely reverse a person's image.

This day was the beginning of Han Zhuoyu's hard life. After receiving the first electric shock treatment, he finally learned to listen carefully in class. People's adaptability is very strong, and they can often exceed their limits under the pressure of external forces. Although this kind of statement is a bit exaggerated when applied to Han Zhuoyu, he did overcome himself and took a small step towards the door of his heart.

9527 felt relieved.

The bell rang for the end of get out of class, and the boy breathed a sigh of relief, packed his schoolbag and prepared to go home.

We earned enough gratitude to go back. Only received 3 points today, two points short of the minimum goal. I just sent a text message to the driver through your mobile phone and told him to go back first. 9527 said confidently.

'Where to earn money? I don't know the way home. Han Zhuoyu walked slowly on the campus, his attitude seemed quite calm.

Just walk around the neighborhood to see if anyone needs help. Please rest assured the host, there is a map of the whole city in the database of this system, so that you will not get lost.

Han Zhuoyu nodded silently, left the school gate and turned right, walking aimlessly on the street. He lowered his eyes, shrunk his shoulders, tried his best to avoid the crowds coming and going, and his back looked extremely lonely.

The off-duty rush hour is here, the crowds are gradually increasing, and passing by is unavoidable, which makes the young man very anxious. He stood close to the shop window, his pale face showed no expression, but there was a thin layer of sweat on his forehead.

'I want to go home. 'The boy made the request again, with a very weak tone.

If the host insists on going home, this system will let the host experience the feeling of a woman giving birth on the spot.

The boy's body stiffened.

Found the target, there is a woman 200 meters ahead who needs help! In the next second, 9527 cried out excitedly.

Under his repeated urging, Han Zhuoyu had no choice but to walk towards the woman holding the baby on the side of the road. Her clothes were shabby and gaunt, and she carried a sleepy baby with an unusually large head.

Han Zhuoyu stared at the woman expressionlessly, but was at a loss in his heart. He didn't know how to start to get the other party's gratitude.

Facing the young man's probing gaze, the woman with a numb expression immediately burst into tears and kowtowed repeatedly begging him to donate some money for the child's medical treatment. As soon as she cried, more and more people watched the excitement around her.

Han Zhuoyu became restless again. He backed away slowly, trying to leave.

have a baby. The inorganic electronic sound sounded coldly.

Pausing in footsteps, Han Zhuoyu quickly took out five yuan and threw it into the bowl at the woman's feet, then looked at her suspiciously, and left silently. He didn't understand why the other party said so many words of thank you, but the system never sounded the notification tone.

'9527, is there something wrong with your program? ' he asked uncertainly.

Yes, it should be fine. 9527 knew that he was a defective product, so his tone was particularly guilty. However, the young man was very easy to deceive, so he didn't realize it.

How about we try again? 9527 hesitated to speak.

Han Zhuoyu shook his head firmly.

Then you go and have a baby. 9527 shrugged.

Han Zhuoyu immediately stepped forward. This area is the busiest commercial area in City H, and every few hundred meters there are people kneeling on the side of the road begging. This time it was an eleven or twelve-year-old boy who was writing the reason for asking for help on the road with chalk, and the handwriting was very neat.

He is a child who is out of school and is raising tuition fees. Ask the host to help him. 9527 said after scanning the handwriting.

Han Zhuoyu walked over, first took out five yuan, then changed it into ten yuan after thinking about it, and threw it into the boy's bowl. The boy quickly stood up to thank him, his expression of gratitude was very cute.

Han Zhuoyu pursed his lips and looked at him for a while, then slowly left. Still not getting the thank you value, what went wrong

9527 restarted the system once.

Walking to the end of the commercial area, I met four beggars in a row, ranging from five yuan to ten yuan, and then from twenty yuan to fifty yuan, but the system prompt tone never sounded. 9527 was about to cry, while Han Zhuoyu looked blank.

There is another beggar ahead, try again. 9527 said listlessly.

Han Zhuoyu silently took out one hundred yuan and walked slowly towards the pregnant woman.

"Hey, if you don't have time to help beggars, why don't you give me the money, and I'll protect you from now on!" Shi Lei appeared out of nowhere, snatched the money and ran away quickly. He obviously followed the young man all the way, when it was time to make a move, he did not hesitate.

At the same time, a crisp system notification sounded, Ding~ I received 2 thank you points from Shi Lei.

Both Han Zhuoyu and 9527 were stunned. What's wrong with saving so many people but failing to gain gratitude, and being robbed but getting positive energy from the robber