Leisurely Beast World: Plant Some Fields, Have Some Cubs

Chapter 1417: Go into the mountains


Brady asked the driver to pull over and left two people to look after the car, while the rest came out carrying their bags.

"If everything goes well, we will need two days and one night. Do you know this, Curtis?" Brady asked worriedly as he picked up the bulging backpack and saw Curtis's empty hands.

Curtis didn't know clearly, but this was more to his liking, and he said "hmm" happily.

Brady stopped talking and stared at the assistants. Two assistants carried a large box out, but it hit the ground hard because it was too heavy.

Brady said: "Be careful."

"It's too heavy." The assistant shook his arms.

"How about you switch with me? If you can guarantee not to damage the equipment inside." Brady joked.

The two assistants waved their hands, "Forget it, let's carry the box and leave."

Brady shook his head and said, "You guys just lack exercise. The more you do outdoor exercise, the stronger you will be."

Curtis was in a hurry to enter the mountain and saw that the time was wasted because of the two humans. He walked over without saying a word and picked up the box.

The box seemed to have undergone a qualitative change. The box that made the two grown men unable to stand up appeared to be light and airy in Curtis's hands. There was not even a hint of exertion on Curtis' face.

The two people who had just lifted the box gasped, "Oh my god, you are so strong."

Brady also looked at Curtis unexpectedly and said, "It seems you also exercise a lot."

Curtis nodded: "Okay, which way to go?"

"Follow me." Brady took the lead and walked into the mountains.

The mountains are overgrown with weeds, but traces of walking can still be vaguely seen. I guess these are the tramples made by Brady who "comes here at least once a month."

There were seven people traveling with them, two male assistants, a female makeup artist, and then Curtis, Brady and a blond female model.

The mountain road was difficult to navigate. At first, everyone was energetic because of the novelty, but after an hour they began to complain (they were the ones with better physical fitness specially selected by Brady in the company).

Brady laughed at their poor physical fitness. He was full of energy but also breathless. Only Curtis looked as usual, only a little impatient and wanted to knock the person unconscious and resist.

The sun was setting in the west, and the sky in the mountains was quickly getting dark. Except for Curtis, everyone held a flashlight in their hand, and the beam swayed in the dark forest.

There are sharp and loud insect chirps all around, sometimes noisy and sometimes silent.

It is undoubtedly dangerous to go wild in the virgin forest. The youngest female model was the first to show timidity and walked to Brady's side in a few quick steps.

[It’s getting dark, please let us rest. I can’t walk anymore.]The female model said to Brady in English.

Hearing the different languages, Curtis glanced at the female model.

According to Brady's plan, they should find a location before dark, get familiar with the environment, and officially start filming tomorrow.

But because someone was holding him back, his speed was half as slow as if he were walking alone.

Brady sighed and said: "Allright, Bonnie. The terrain here is not bad. Let's set up a tent first, and Curtis and I will go find the filming location alone tomorrow. How about it?"

Curtis nodded: "Okay."

[Great, I can finally rest. ] Bonnie lay down on the grass, looking like she was dying.

Several other people also sat down on the ground to rest as if they were receiving an amnesty.