Leisurely Beast World: Plant Some Fields, Have Some Cubs

Chapter 1420: Photography


The branches are dense enough and the main pole is strong enough to bear his animal-shaped body.

Looking at it, Curtis couldn't help but want to lie down and try it.

He grabbed a handful of brown-red roots, pulled gently, and jumped lightly onto a two-meter-high branch. He stepped on the branch and jumped again, climbing in twos and twos. When we reached a high place, we were hidden in the canopy of trees.

The snake beast is not good at jumping, but it can still get this height easily.

Brady was stunned, chased him two steps, raised his head and said, "Ke Di? Where are you?"

"Chirp, chirp, chirp," Brady was responded to by some birds on the branches.

Suddenly there was an atmosphere of fantasy and suspense under the canopy, which was exactly what Brady wanted. Even though he had some doubts, he still subconsciously immersed himself in the atmosphere and explored the mystery with a camera.

Curtis heard Brady's voice and immediately came down from the tree. He held a handful of roots and his body snaked down like a snake.

The long vermilion hair flew in the air, unfolding into a gorgeous piece of silk satin. The red eyes contained no emotion, and were as cold as a plant in the jungle. This was probably the case for elves.

Brady was stunned and even put down the camera unconsciously, just looking up blankly.

Curtis was about to land, and it seemed perfect, but because there was a branch below, Curtis didn't pay attention to the beauty of the picture. He casually landed on the branch, and then jumped down from above.

But this turning point turned out to be a new surprise. The elf in the forest instantly got rid of his feminine femininity and showed his strength and power.

Brady was ready to make a show when Curtis landed, but at this turn of events, he froze again.

"Brady?" Curtis called.

Brady suddenly woke up, shook his head, and said: "Ke Di, I really like you more and more."

Curtis glanced at Brady strangely, with disgust in his brows. I didn’t expect that I would be liked by males.

Brady was stunned for a moment, then laughed a few times, and said: "I almost found a real elf to play the role of the elf. Okay, let's shoot like this, everyone is ready. Bonnie, comeon!"

Bonnie is wearing a snow-white dress, her skin is as fair as pure white clothing, and her golden hair is spread over her shoulders. She plays the role of a beautiful girl who strays into the forest.

She seemed to smell something. Her long and curled eyelashes like brushes were raised, revealing a pair of sky-like light blue eyes. The camera zoomed in and gave her a close-up, revealing the sweetness and youthfulness of the girl.

With such a beautiful heroine, the male protagonist must be inferior.

She was running barefoot, and the camera kept surrounding her, which made people curious about what she was looking for. What is it that makes such a beautiful girl flock to her? It must be very wonderful.

When she stopped trotting and looked around, the theme the camera wanted to express finally appeared.

There was a slight sound on the branches. The girl looked up and saw a flash of red shadow above her. The picture froze and a handsome red-haired man appeared.

The beauty of his face does not distinguish between genders. If it is more soft, it will look feminine, if it is more masculine, it will feel rough. His blood-red eyes are more difficult to look away from than the girl's light blue, as if they contain some kind of powerful magic power.

Those eyes contained no trace of impurities, as clear as animals, but so cold that it chilled your heart.