Leisurely Beast World: Plant Some Fields, Have Some Cubs

Chapter 1573: growing up


Wen Lin pushed Bai Zhenbei onto his back, shook her body to steady her, and ran downstairs happily.

Wenze is doing homework in the living room. Now that his sister knows their identities, there is no need for them to hide it.

Bai Zhenbei sat Brother Lin downstairs and blinked in disbelief when she saw Brother Ze, who was more calm and reserved than Brother Lin, writing with his claws.

"Ouch~" Wenze raised his head and said hello to his sister. After writing the last stroke, he stood up and trotted towards them.

"Brother Ze." Bai Zhenbei said softly. When she learned that the person sitting now was her brother who could transform into a human form, she couldn't sit still and slipped off Wen Lin's back.

"Ouch~" Let's go play together.

Wen Lin's voice clearly carried the meaning of this sentence.

Bai Zhenbei shook his head: "Where is my father?"

"Ouch!" I'll shout for you.

Wen Ze replied, climbing the stairs nimbly on four feet, and soon arrived at the attic dedicated to offices, patting the door with his paws.

The door was opened quickly, and Curtis, wearing casual clothes and a red-haired ponytail, came out, "Huahua is awake? I'll cook for you."

Bai Zhenbei said hurriedly: "Give me money to eat out. I want to eat Xiao Long Bao and go to my classmates' house to do my homework."

"Okay." Curtis was also used to being lazy, so he decisively took out his wallet and handed it to Wenze.

Wenze went downstairs with his wallet in his mouth. Bai Zhenbei took the wallet, immediately picked up the school bag on the sofa in the living room, stuffed the little flower snake wrapped around his arm in it, and ran out of the door.


The tiger brother and the tiger brother looked at each other and were so bored that they had to write the exercise book again.

Bai Qingqing and her sons came back with large and small bags of ingredients just before lunch time in the afternoon, but Bai Zhenbei came back even later than they did, and didn't come back until the dinner was ordered.

Bai Qingqing is very happy that she can play with her classmates for so long, because Bai Zhenbei's temperament is actually a bit withdrawn, so she is lively in front of her. She doesn't say a few words in front of her father and uncles, and she doesn't see her or her classmates. Coming and going.

So Bai Qingqing was quite relieved to learn that her daughter went to a classmate's house to do her homework.

However, the next day, Bai Zhenbei went out to play for a whole day.

Bai Qingqing was worried about her and said a few words to her during dinner.

On the third day, Bai Zhenbei didn't go out, but it was as if she was not at home. She stayed in the room all day not knowing what she was doing, and only came out when called for dinner.

Only then did Bai Qingqing realize that this incident still had a great impact on her daughter, and she seemed to become more like Curtis.

This change is not noticeable at first glance, and it becomes apparent after a long time.

She doesn't like to smile, let alone talk. When she stands still, she looks like an exquisite crystal doll.

Huahuahui may be like this not only because of the changes in her family, but also because she is holding back secrets in her heart - she now has to hide her family's secrets like an adult, and she is under pressure, so she becomes silent.

But they are basically powerless to change Huahua, because Huahua already has the best mentality and there is no way to enlighten her.

Bai Qingqing tried to comfort Huahua several times, but to no avail, so she just let nature take its course.

People always become quieter as they grow older, and become more silent as they grow older. Perhaps this will be Huahua's character in the future, but this incident has catalyzed her growth.

The seven-day National Day holiday flies by so quickly that most people want to jump off the building.

Bai Zhenbei resumed her school life of leaving early and returning late. The three Eagle and Beast brothers couldn't bear the loneliness and made a request to enter the senior year of high school early.