Leisurely Beast World: Plant Some Fields, Have Some Cubs

Chapter 1584: Kitty gets a haircut


"I'm leaving now." Shen Yin was extremely frightened and hurriedly put the stainless steel bowl back into Mu Ya's hand, ran to the window and looked down.

Mu Ya glanced at his brothers complainingly. Mu Tian looked innocent, but Mu Hai, who was still calm, saw Mu Ya's little thoughts, pulled Mu Ya and said, "Let's go to the attic to read for a while."

Mu Tian also felt uncomfortable staying here, so he immediately agreed, and the two brothers left together.

Mu Ya breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Eat quickly."

Shen Yin shook his head repeatedly, "What time is it?"

"Twelve thirty." Mu Ya said after looking at his phone.

Shen Yin immediately raised his head and said anxiously: "Oh no, it's lunch break time."

"Come back to school with us after lunch break. I'll help you tell the teacher that your clothes got wet by those people. The teacher shouldn't care," Mu Ya said.

Shen Yin thought that it was too late to go back now, and she didn't dare to go back to the classroom during lunch break, so she had no choice but to agree to Mu Ya's proposal.

Seeing that Shen Yin's hair was not dry yet, Mu Ya hesitated for a moment, and his heart suddenly beat faster: "I can help you dry your hair."

"No... no need." Shen Yin lowered his head and tied up his half-dried hair with a worn-out elastic band.

Her wet bangs were one centimeter longer than when dry, and her eyes were completely covered, severely blocking her sight. She could only lower her head to see things below her face.

A large bowl of food broke into her field of vision, and Mu Ya's condensed voice penetrated into her ears.

"Eat it, I'll take more if it's not enough."

Shen Yin cautiously took a piece of bread and whispered: "Enough...enough."

Shen Yin was timid in everything he said and did, but he was really ferocious in his eating appearance. He bit into a cheek full of bread, his mouth was bulging and he could not stir it, and he made a whimpering sound.

Mu Ya looked at the bulging half of his face and suddenly laughed, thinking of the little hamster his family bought to feed the pet snake.

But the long bangs were really annoying. Mu Ya suddenly reached out and lifted up her bangs: "It should be possible to comb it up."

Unexpectedly, Shen Yin reflexively avoided it and stared at Mu Ya with puffed-up cheeks.

Mu Ya's eyes widened, his face darkened, and he reached out to lift her bangs again. This time Shen Yin failed to avoid it, Mu Ya grabbed his hands, unable to move, and could only let him lift her hair.

There was a large bruise on Shen Yin's forehead, and there was a bruised scab on his forehead.

"Did they inflict the injury on your forehead?" Mu Ya's voice turned cold and his face was angry.

Shen Yin tilted her head and let the hair in Mu Ya's hand fall back onto her face. With her face covered, she felt safe.

"No." Shen Yin said softly.

Also, the blood scab could not be formed today. Mu Ya barely suppressed his anger and asked: "How did you get it?"

"I touched it accidentally." Shen Yin twitched her hand, and Mu Ya let her go.

Shen Yin continued to eat. She was a great eater and had no taste for food. She almost finished all the food in the bowl.

When she stopped, Mu Ya came over with a pair of scissors, "I'll help you cut your hair shorter to cover your eyes."

This time Shen Yin did not refuse, and stood quietly while Mu Ya helped her cut it, with a yogurt straw in her mouth.

Mu Ya couldn't help but glance at her flat belly. He didn't expect that she was quite edible. He had to save some pocket money.

After washing her body and cutting her bangs short, Shen Yin looked much fresher and neater, but her evasive eyes had nowhere to hide, allowing people to see her panic at a glance.

It was almost time, Mu Ya sent Shen Yin out from the window, then met his brothers, and the four of them returned to school together.