Leisurely Beast World: Plant Some Fields, Have Some Cubs

Chapter 1598: It's better to just die


Mu Ya's sharp eyes like a goshawk were locked on Father Shen's face. If eyes could kill, Father Shen would have been pierced by the rage of that glance.

Seeing that Father Shen didn't say anything anymore, Mu Ya let go of him and went out to look for him.

Even he could see Father Shen's anger towards Shen Yin, and he didn't dare to let Shen Yin appear in front of Father Shen. How scared would Shen Yin be? Where will she hide

Mu Ya was unfamiliar with the place and did not have the keen sense of smell of his brothers. I want to ask my brothers for help, but I don’t have my phone with me, so I’m completely helpless.

After searching randomly for more than half an hour, the tranquility of the town made him feel more and more uneasy. Finally, he made up his mind and got into a reed forest.

After a while, a huge black hawk flew out.


This afternoon, many citizens saw a huge eagle. Even from a distance, they were shocked by its huge size.

As the sun set, a bright crescent moon appeared in the sky, coating the reed forest with a layer of silver light and scattering ripples like broken silver on the river.

The reed forest suddenly shook, as if a small animal had crawled into it.

Not long after, a thin and trembling figure was exposed in the moonlight.

Shen Yin hugged his frozen body and looked around in horror for a few times before he dared to walk to the side of the road.

The light was too bright during the day, so she didn't dare to come out. Her father's face was like an evil ghost haunting her. It seemed to appear at any time during the day. Only at night could she feel safer.

She hid here for two days and one night without eating a grain of rice, her body was very weak, and her spirit was on the verge of collapse.

She didn't know how to face the reality. Her father would definitely kill her, for sure!

Stepping out means death, she might as well take control of it herself.

Shen Yin held onto the fence of the stone arch bridge and walked up step by step.

Standing in the middle of the bridge, Shen Yin saw his reflection in the water, which looked haggard. Even though he was wearing beautiful new clothes, he looked dejected.

How could she be worthy of Mu Ya, who was both outstanding and extraordinary

So, let’s just die...

Two lines of clear tears fell from the corners of her eyes. If she still had any obsession at this time, it was the love that had just sprouted and had not yet had time to grow.

With a "pop" sound, a shadow naturally fell into the river and exploded into a big splash.

When she fell into the water, Shen Yin vaguely heard a loud eagle cry, and the cry made her feel very anxious.

Do people experience hallucinations before they die

Mu Ya was thousands of meters above the air. This distance allowed him to take in the entire plain town at a glance, and he finally saw that familiar figure.

Before he could fly down, the shadow fell into the lake.

Mu Ya suddenly became confused, changed his angle, dived down at the fastest speed, and plunged into the water with a "pop".

The bottom of the water was pitch black, but it was not enough to blind the eagle beast. Mu Ya found Shen Yin as soon as he fell into the water.

However, the abundance of feathers made it difficult for him to dive. As he swam in the direction of Shen Yin, he started to float.


The eagle beast surfaced, shouted anxiously, and dived into the water again.

Without the momentum of the dive this time, he couldn't dive into the water at all. He could only watch Shen Yin's body getting further and further away from him again.

Floating to the river again, Mu Ya had the illusion that the sky was falling - Shen Yin was leaving him, leaving him forever.

When he looked up, he realized that this was not an illusion, because he was floating under the stone arch bridge and the light was blocked...

Stone arch bridge... Mu Ya's eyes lit up, he flapped his wings and flew up, smashing the bridge with a few claws, and finally sank down holding a large piece of stone.