Leisurely Beast World: Plant Some Fields, Have Some Cubs

Chapter 1615: Shen Yin is fat


Shen Yin lowered his head and stopped talking.

When someone spoke to her at the dinner table, she would reply briefly and concisely, and then keep eating.

The last few times I ate in front of Mu Ya, I always ate too much because I was too hungry. But now, my appetite has really increased, perhaps because I have more money and can afford to buy food.

Shen Yin also ate a lot of meat today. Mu Ya's family members all eat a lot, so they probably wouldn't think that she ate too much.

Shen Yin thought with a sense of luck.

After eating, Bai Qingqing tidied up a room for Shen Yin on the first floor.

"Xiaoyin, your workplace is very close to your home. I asked Mu Ya to bring your luggage with you," Bai Qingqing said.

How dare Shen Yin ask others to help her carry her luggage? She shook her head after hearing this.

Mu Ya then said: "Mom, I'll just put her in care. You can go and rest."

Bai Qingqing shrugged, "Okay, if you can't find anything, just call me."


After Bai Qingqing left, Shen Yin relaxed.

There was only the young couple left in the room, and the atmosphere naturally became subtle.

Shen Yin closed the door, hugged Mu Ya's waist, and said enviously: "Your family is so kind."

"I will be your family from now on." Mu Ya said lovingly, patting Shen Yin on the back.

Family... Speaking of family, Shen Yin suddenly recalled her mother's voice from her distant memory. She seemed to have experienced such warmth of family.

Her mother called her "Yinyin", which is still affectionate when I think about it now. And "Chen Yin" always reminds her of her alcoholic father.

"Can you call me Yinyin?" Shen Yin asked.

Mu Ya's face felt hot, but he still pretended to have a normal expression and called softly: "Yinyin."

Shen Yin pursed his lips and smiled, facing Mu Ya, standing on tiptoes to kiss Mu Ya's lips.

Mu Ya bent down and caught Shen Yin's kiss - otherwise, with Shen Yin's height, the two of them would not be able to reach each other.

While kissing her, Mu Ya unconsciously moved to the bedside with a deep voice and pressed her on the bed.

However, Shen Yin turned her head and ended the kiss, put her hand on Mu Ya's chest and said, "This is not good... you have to go to school tomorrow."

"I can get up." Mu Ya said with a heavy breath.

Shen Yin still shook his head, so Mu Ya had no choice but to give up and help Shen Yin get up.

"I'll help you take a bath, but don't get any water on your hands."

This time Mu Ya didn't allow Shen Yin to refuse, so he pushed her into the bathroom, and then carried Shen Yin's clothes to wash, leaving Shen Yin naked and hiding under the quilt.

Bai Qingqing was also drying the clothes in the washing machine. When she saw her son coming with the clothes, she said, "Put them here. I found a few sets of clothes from when I was studying and put them on the bed in my room. You can take them to her."

"Okay mom." Mu Ya put the dirty clothes in the bucket, turned around and left.

After taking the clothes from his mother's room, Mu Ya returned to Shen Yin's room, but was so mean that he didn't let Shen Yin see the clothes.

"I washed it today, can I really do it tomorrow?" Shen Yin asked in disbelief.

"Anyway, you will definitely have clothes to wear tomorrow." Mu Ya turned his back to Shen Yin, hid the clothes in the cabinet, then climbed onto the bed and hugged the person under the quilt.

The color on Shen Yin's face became darker by the second. Although the two had sex twice, this was the first time they slept together soberly, not to mention she was still naked inside.

She fumbled to turn off the light, and then she felt more at ease.

Mu Ya pinched Shen Yin's arm, touched her belly, and said happily: "I'm fat."

Shen Yin shrank her body, thinking that she should lose weight.