Leisurely Beast World: Plant Some Fields, Have Some Cubs

Chapter 1621: No. 1 former love rival


People will always be a little less persistent when it comes to good-looking people of the opposite sex. After hearing this, the girl immediately said readily: "Okay, I want this pot."

The first business was completed just like that.

After collecting the money, Mu Ya and Shen Yin looked at each other and smiled.

The store was very busy and crowded. Mu Ya watched at the door of the store in case someone had unclean hands and feet. He also took the time to write a card and put it on the table: the price was clearly stated and there would be no counter-offering.

After that, no one would bargain, and Shen Yin could do business alone.

The students all hurried home and left as quickly as they came. However, in just over an hour, there were no students on the street. Mu Ya took an inventory and found that a total of more than 200 potted plants of various sizes were sold. This small The business is also quite profitable.

But once the students leave, there will be no one there. Such a booming business requires students to go to and from school twice a week.

Shen Yin was watching at the door, while Mu Ya was busy moving goods from the warehouse. A few more girls entered the store, and they were one of the few people Shen Yin knew, because they were once considered "love rivals".

Wang Muchi didn't recognize Shen Yin for a moment. She just thought that the boss was young and looked at her a few times. Finally, she saw that Shen Yin was neither salty nor cool. It was that temperament that reminded her of "Chen Yin".

"Why are you? Didn't you poke your father's eye out and get kicked out of school? How come you still have money to open a shop in front of the school?" Wang Muchi was really surprised and curious, but her tone made it difficult for anyone to answer her.

What's more, Shen Yin was autistic, so he completely ignored her.

Unable to find an answer, Wang Muchi looked around in the store without interest, touching this pot and playing with that pot, but had no intention of buying.

Mu Ya came out with a bunch of potted plants, glanced at the girls, and then displayed his goods.

"Mu Ya?" Wang Muchi was shocked again. His eyes turned back and forth between Mu Ya and Shen Yin, "You..."

The two people who were being watched turned a blind eye. After Mu Ya finished loading the goods, he walked to Shen Yin, bent down and touched the little eagle in her hand.

"My hands are so cold, let's go inside and rest." Mu Ya said.

Shen Yin shook his head: "It's not cold."

The two of them talked as if there was no one around, more intimate and natural than lovers, like a loving couple who had been together for many years.

Wang Muchi looked at them blankly for a while, and suddenly felt envious. She had had no less than five boyfriends, but she seemed to have never been so close to her boyfriend.

Is this store opened by the Mu Ya family? Shen Yin started working in his family's shop after dropping out of school. Does this mean they confirmed their relationship in front of their family

It’s too early, but it’s still very enviable! Especially since Mu Ya is so handsome and cool, and his family is rich.

Hey, if I had known better, I would have persisted.

"Hey!" Wang Muchi suddenly said.

This sound finally got the attention of others, and both Mu Ya and Shen Yin looked over.

Wang Muchi took a pot of meat and said, "I don't care about the guests, how much does this cost?"

Mu Ya said calmly: "There is a price on it."

Wang Muchi glanced casually, not knowing what to say, and walked over with a potted plant: "I'll buy this pot."

Her companion was very surprised. When they left the store, they pestered Wang Muchi one by one.

"Do you really want to buy it? This is very expensive. Do you have any pocket money for your date with your boyfriend tomorrow?"

Wang Muchi rolled his eyes at his companion: "Of course he will pay for it, but I would have kicked him if he asked me to pay for it!"

The companion smiled: "Yes."

The group of people walked away talking and laughing, as if they just visited an ordinary store.