Leisurely Beast World: Plant Some Fields, Have Some Cubs

Chapter 1627: Islands in the sea


The sky was as blue as if it had been painted with a layer of bright paint, and a scorching sun was the most eye-catching focus of the sky.

The wind blew wildly, stirring the sea surface and cutting into pieces the shining sunlight.


A more beautiful blue flashed through the crystal blue sea surface, and the outline of a mermaid could be vaguely seen in the water.

The mermaid was as fast as lightning in the water, and disappeared in a flash, leaving only circles of waves.

The sea is endless, with a green island in the distance. This green island looks particularly vibrant and beautiful against the blue background.

The camera zoomed in, and the waves hit the beach one after another, accumulating a circle of white foam on the edge of the beach and sea water.

At some point, a head emerged from the sea. The head had long, silky blue hair that spread out in the sea, resembling a beautiful seaweed.

The mermaid swam to the coast, lay down in the shallows and patted its tail twice, then suddenly stood up, and its tail disappeared, replaced by a pair of slender and powerful human legs, walking onto the beach, leaving behind a series of wet footprints.

"An'an, I'm back." Lanze said loudly, holding fresh and plump seaweed in one hand and a two-palm-long gray fish in the other.

The island is quiet, so quiet that the chirping of insects and birds is particularly noisy.

Lanze smiled to himself and walked quickly to a tuft of grass on the opposite side.

The grass was pulled aside, revealing a tree hole as big as a bathtub. The light in the hole was dim, but one could see a fair face in it at a glance.

Lan Ze put down the food, stretched out his hands towards the tree hole, and picked up a little girl of thirteen or fourteen years old.

She was growing taller and was nearly 1.6 meters tall. She was wearing a suspender skirt made of soft silk-like fabric. It was light blue and shone beautifully in the sunlight, making her skin look as white as snow.

Lanze's eyes couldn't help but glance there, his face immediately started to heat up, and he looked away unnaturally.

He took the girl's hand and walked to a dark, flat sandy area.

There were ashes accumulated over a long period of time in the open space. Lanze put a handful of dry grass on top, struck it a few times with a flint that had been heated by the sun, and soon started a fire.

"Fish soup stewed with seaweed, you eat some seaweed first." Aizawa said while preparing.

An An turned her head to look at the food placed on the clean stone, then reached out and picked up a piece of seaweed.

The seaweed was thin and long. With a pull, An An took a piece of seaweed and dragged the whole pile of seaweed to the sand.

Lan Ze was not annoyed, he just gave her a helpless look, picked up the seaweed and said, "I'm going to wash it, just sit here and don't move."

Although they already live on an island without orcs, there are still large birds that can threaten the lives of females, and mermaids of other races may also be interested in An An.

Lan Ze is now alone and needs to be vigilant at all times to protect the safety of a female.

Fortunately, An An is very well-behaved and never runs around, so she hasn't had any major troubles so far.

Seaweed is bland and tasteless, but if you are used to it, you can still taste the salty taste. An An ate with gusto. While eating, he looked at the fish next to him. After eating the seaweed, he took the fish over and opened his mouth to bite it.

"Hey, wait, let me cut the raw fish into slices for you first." Lan Ze hurried over and snatched the fish from An An's hand.

[I’m about to start getting crazy again. The most exaggerated plot of this article is coming. This article will definitely set some kind of record in the novel world. As for what it is... I think many people should already know it.]