Leisurely Beast World: Plant Some Fields, Have Some Cubs

Chapter 1637: Escape


After confirming An An's physical condition, Lan Ze had no worries and was ready to leave while holding An An.

"Where did you come from? Why weren't you discovered?" Lan Ze asked.

The young man only smiled proudly, turned around and walked away: "Snake beasts can dig holes."

Lanze suddenly understood and quickly followed the boy.

The hole was dug in a woodshed very close to the river. Moisture came out from the hole. It must have flooded the house when the river rose.

Lanze said: "You have to fill it in later."

"Why?" the boy asked lazily.

Lanze said firmly: "Otherwise, this hole will probably exist forever."

Those lazy guys probably won't care about such a huge project.

"Escape first and then talk." The young man looked at An An and said, "You give her to me, I will take her out, and you lead them away."

Lan Ze tightened his hold on An An and said bluntly: "I don't trust you."

"You have no choice." The young man ruthlessly exposed the cruel reality: "They are running out of patience. If they find you are not in the stone castle, they will definitely chase you along the river. Can you swim faster than the flying speed of the eagle beast?"

Yes, but the river is winding, and the eagle and beast can fly straight to the downstream and wait there, which is too risky.

Lan Ze took a deep breath, no longer hesitated, and just asked: "How should I find you?"

"Just wait for me at the beach." The young man took An An from Lanze's arms. An An was very obedient and stretched out his hands towards the young man and hugged his neck.

It was just that Lanze subconsciously tightened his hand. Although he finally let go, it was enough to show his reluctance.

"If you dare to lie to me, I will chase you to the end of the world and I will not let you go." Lan Ze said every word, and finally pressed a kiss on An An's forehead, turned into a mermaid and got into the hole.

After a while, a bubble was pushed out of the hole.

The young man installed the device and entered the hole.

One of the two beasts went upstream, and the other walked downstream.

Not long after they left, orcs sneaked into the stone castle. Their keen sense of smell allowed them to quickly discover the hole in the woodshed.

"They ran away!"

A loud shout made all the orcs surrounding the stone castle angry, and they chased him along the river without thinking.

After a day and a night, there was indeed an eagle beast blocking Lanze with a wooden fence downstream.

It's just that Lanze was alone, catching the eagles and beasts off guard.

Lan Ze leaned against the railing feeling refreshed and said to the eagle beasts above: "You have been fooled, An An is in the stone castle. Now, do you want to fight me?"

Duel with a three-striped orc fish in the river? Even if it is a group attack, no eagle dares to make such a move.

Worried that other males in Ten Thousand Beasts City would seize An An first, they didn't want to waste time on Lan Ze and immediately turned around and flew away.

Lanze sneered, broke the wood, and continued swimming towards the seaside.

At this time, An An was relaxing in the jungle with his brother, who was one and a half years older than him.

The boy turned into a half-animal form, with his snake tail swimming rapidly on the ground, holding An An in his arms.

An An held the boy's head and looked at it with wide eyes.

"You're blocking my view." After the boy's view was blocked for the nth time, he was completely helpless: "What's so good about my head?"

An An just felt that the head of the person holding her was different, and she was a little worried.

"Even if you like me so much, I can't get married to you." The young man naturally misunderstood and freed up a hand to open An An's head again.