Leisurely Beast World: Plant Some Fields, Have Some Cubs

Chapter 1643: I'm eating mermaids


The eggs look the same every day. They are getting bigger and bigger, and the black spots in the eggs are becoming more and more obvious, gradually occupying almost the entire position of the eggs.

In order to take better care of them, Lan Ze moved An An's sleeping bunk here. Whenever he had time, he would put An An by the water and go down to see the situation.

Within a few days, the eggs hatched and turned into small fish of different colors.

The newly hatched little mermaid is no different from ordinary fish, except that the color is brighter, the body is more slender and smooth, and the speed of swimming is extremely fast. The speed of shuttle in the water is almost invisible to the naked eye.

Aizawa took a rough look and felt that there were ten or twenty eggs missing. Some of them failed to hatch, and corrupted eggs could be found on the seaweed. Others were missing.

However, he takes care of the fish eggs alone, so the hatching rate is already very good.

An An also sat on the shore and watched the little fish. The little mermaid was probably his biological mother. When An An came over, they all gathered around her.

An An stretched out her hand to catch a fish, and the water flowed out from the seam of her hand. The little mermaid that originally fell into her hand also flowed away along with the water.

However, the little mermaid took the initiative to hit An An's hand in order to get hold of her, so An An caught the fish in her first move.

An An held the little fish in his hands and looked closer.

This is a white mermaid with a transparent body, like a glass jade sculpture. It reflects the crystal clear luster in the sunlight, and you can almost see the white spine. It is incredibly beautiful.

However, such a beautiful creature is just a halo, blurry in An An's eyes.

Although the mermaid is amphibious, it is still too fragile in its full fish form. Lanze was about to put the mermaid back into the sea, but An An opened his mouth and stuffed the small fish into his mouth.

An An had wanted to do this for a long time. Ever since they were still in her belly, she had always wanted to do something to lighten Lan Ze's burden, and feeding herself was one of them.

"..." How hungry is An An? It seems that his partner has failed in his duty.

Lanze thought dumbfounded.

The little fish was only one finger long when it hatched. An An bit her waist, and her tail flicked out of her mouth.

Lanze held An An's chin with one hand and twisted the little mermaid's tail with the other, saying: "This is not food, please let go."

An An understood Lan Ze's body language very well and immediately relaxed her teeth, as if she could understand Lan Ze's words.

The little mermaid landed in Lanze's palm and started beating like crazy. She jumped into the water on her own and made a clear "pop" sound before disappearing, leaving only a few transparent scales in Lanze's palm.

Lanze rubbed An An's hair in a funny way and said, "Want to eat sashimi? I'll catch it right away, and you can hide in a tree hole."

With that said, Lan Ze carried An An into a tree hole.

From that day on, Lan Ze would find An An had an appetite for his own fish from time to time, which made him funny, helpless, and a little secretly happy.

When these little fish grow up, they will also be his love rivals. With An An's attitude, his position will be much more stable.

When the little fish is half a month old, it begins to metamorphose and develop. The fins at the shoulders gradually lengthen, and soft arms grow. The fish's head also began to become rounded, showing its neck, taking on the shape of a mermaid, and it could even climb ashore and play by itself.

Although An An often tortured them, they never avoided An An and looked for her like moths to a flame.

But now the little mermaids are much stronger, and as long as they don't go too far, they can withstand it.