Leisurely Beast World: Plant Some Fields, Have Some Cubs

Chapter 52: Snake eating



Along with a thunder explosion, rain poured down, and the sound of splashing water echoed throughout the mountain forest.

Strong winds mixed with drizzle blew into the cave, blowing the fire and causing the light in the cave to flicker.

Bai Qingqing put down the vine curtain at the entrance of the cave despite the wind and rain, and washed the ingredients with rainwater. When she came back, she was soaked from head to toe.

Curtis touched Bai Qingqing's hair and said in surprise: "Your hair is wet."

Bai Qingqing was stunned when Curtis said: "Of course you will get wet if you get caught in the rain."

"Is this like this..." Curtis turned his head and looked at his hair. It was never sticky when it was wet with water. The water drained away from his hair and dried. Looking at the female, her hair is all stuck together and her whole head is wet.

Curtis looked at the female with worry in his eyes.

When Bai Qingqing saw Curtis staring at her hair, she couldn't help but take two steps back, covered her head and said, "You don't want to cut off my hair, do you?"

Curtis said seriously: "Otherwise you will catch a cold."

This is really the case.

Bai Qingqing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and squatted next to the fire: "Don't worry, it will be dry in a while. I usually wash my hair and don't catch a cold."

Curtis was relieved.

Bai Qingqing still cooked bamboo tube rice. This time he cut a piece of tiger meat, marinated it with ginger, garlic and salt for a while, stuffed it into a bamboo tube filled with rice, and grilled it together on the fire.

Curtis looked at the almost complete tiger and said to Bai Qingqing, "You don't want it anymore?"

"No, you can eat." Bai Qingqing blurted out, and after saying that, she thought, how does Curtis eat? He's so afraid of hot food, so he probably doesn't eat cooked food.

Sure enough, Curtis transformed back into his animal form, opened his mouth incredibly wide, and his sharp fangs dripped with crystal saliva. He bit the tiger in one bite and slowly swallowed it into his mouth.

"Boom!" This thunder exploded nearby without even an echo. The blazing electric light instantly made the cave as bright as day, and the python's terrifying big mouth was clearly visible.

Bai Qingqing was so frightened by the thunder that she almost screamed. She swallowed dryly and stared at the python in the hole with wide eyes.

The cave became dark again, and the firelight flickered.

Curtis had already swallowed half of the tiger, and looked at Bai Qingqing as if feeling something. Bai Qingqing shook her body and lowered her head.

Looking up again, the tiger had entered the python's esophagus, forming a high arc on the snake's body. As he continued to swallow, Bai Qingqing found that the arc was getting smaller and smaller.

What a terrible digestion ability.

It's also possible that the food was squeezed into a compressed form, like Parker's bottomless stomach. Bai Qingqing guessed in her heart.

Curtis ate for a few minutes before swallowing the tiger completely into his stomach. He closed his eyelids in contentment, stretched his body upright in the long cave, and vomited to Bai Qingqing: "Hiss~"

Bai Qingqing smiled stiffly at him, lowered her head and randomly added firewood to the fire.

If she had seen the scene before, she would have fainted.

The aroma of rice mixed with the smell of meat wafted out of the bamboo tube, and the hungry Bai Qingqing couldn't wait to take down the rice from the bamboo tube.

This time she carved a square lid on the bamboo tube before baking, knocked it with a stone, and pried the lid open.

The wonderful aroma suddenly spread, and Bai Qingqing's mouth suddenly became drooling. She grabbed the rough chopsticks and started eating.

The taste of bamboo tube rice with added meat is even better. I believe that even in modern times, it can beat a large number of bamboo tube rice restaurants.

After being in this world for more than a week, this meal was the most appetizing that Bai Qingqing had eaten.

After Bai Qingqing was full, Curtis rolled her over with his tail.

His stomach had completely calmed down, and his upper body transformed into a human form. He coiled the snake's tail into a roll of snake cake in the center of the circle, and lay down with Bai Qingqing in his arms.

Bai Qingqing felt relieved when she saw Curtis sleeping. She found a comfortable position in his arms and closed her eyes.