Leisurely Beast World: Plant Some Fields, Have Some Cubs

Chapter 7: Are your feet exposed?


"Harvey! Harvey, are you there?"

Parker hugged Bai Qingqing and rushed to a wooden house at the edge of the tribe. A young man heard the sound and came out. He was slightly smaller than the orcs in the tribe, but he was expected to do so in modern times. There are no tattoos on his face, his temperament is relatively elegant, and he feels very gentle.

"What's the hurry?" Harvey stood at the door and glanced at Parker, then his eyes were locked on the female in his arms: "Is the female injured? Come in quickly."

Parker carried Bai Qingqing into the house without saying a word. The clan doctor's room was much larger than the rooms of other orcs. The room was filled with large and small stone cups, and the air was filled with a faint scent of medicine.

Bai Qingqing shrugged her nose and vaguely smelled the smell of the kitchen. This movement caused the half-dried mud on her face to begin to crack, and a few pieces fell off.

Harvey looked at Bai Qingqing's face and said, "Is her face injured? She was stung by a bee, so you used mud to apply it to her?"

"No, look at her feet." Parker hugged Bai Qingqing and sat on the ground, holding her feet and raising them to show Harvey.

Harvey knelt down and took a look, frowned and said, "It's a sprain. I'll remove the blood first."

Parker was worried, but he did not forget to comfort Bai Qingqing. He put his big palm on Bai Qingqing's muddy face: "Don't worry, Harvey learned medical skills in the City of Ten Thousand Beasts. You will be fine soon."

"Oh." Bai Qingqing didn't care much in the first place. She usually ignored her sprained foot and was too embarrassed to ask for leave for her morning run. But it’s all here, so it’s okay to treat it.

"Huh?" Harvey suddenly said in surprise, tugged at Bai Qingqing's shoelaces and said, "What is this? I want to rub your feet. Can you take this off?"

Bai Qingqing couldn't help laughing at Harvey's reaction. She curled her lips, then bent down and took off her shoes: "Of course."

He took off his gray canvas shoes, and the two breathing sounds in the room suddenly stopped.

Although Bai Qingqing did not have the keen hearing of an orc, she intuitively sensed that something was wrong in the atmosphere. When he looked up, he saw the man Parker called Harvey looking at his feet blankly. Bai Qingqing subconsciously looked at Parker above her head. Sure enough, his eyes widened as well, and she felt panicked.

Oops, are your feet exposed? Isn't that what an orc's feet look like

She didn't pay attention to the female feet just now, so she was really unsure at this time. Just when Bai Qingqing was so nervous that her heart was about to have a myocardial infarction, she suddenly heard Harvey's voice of surprise.

"What beautiful feet..."

Bai Qingqing: "..." Although she felt speechless, she was still relieved.

Bai Qingqing's feet are very white, slender and well-proportioned. The ten delicate toes are covered with translucent pink fingernails, which are beautiful and cute. Especially when held in the hand that has always been big and black, it looks even more compact and delicate.

Parker was awakened by Harvey's voice and glared at Harvey: "If you see me again, I'll bite you to death! Get her treated quickly!"

Harvey also realized that his attitude was rash, and immediately stood up and walked away. After a while, he brought a piece of yellow rhizome over.

"Ginger?" Bai Qingqing was stunned. Is this guy going to use ginger to treat her feet

"Do you know her?" Harvey glanced at Bai Qingqing in surprise. He felt that the female's eyes were bright, clear and soft, but his heart seemed to be hooked and he couldn't help himself.

"This is called yellow stem, which can dispel cold and activate blood circulation. I will use this to rub your feet." Harvey became a little nervous. He used a knife to peel off a piece of ginger peel and gently rubbed it on Bai Qingqing's ankles.

It’s obviously ginger! Bai Qingqing murmured in her heart: It's really strange. There is no seasoning for food here, but the seasoning is used to make medicine.