Lemon Soda Candy

Chapter 18: lemon


That's it.

After the college entrance examination, the school suddenly lost one-third of its population and became much emptier in an instant. Eating in the school cafeteria or in small shops outside the school were no longer as crowded as before.

By mid-June, the weather in South City had become extremely hot. The cicadas began to chirp noisily, and the road surface was baked scorching hot.

I can't sleep well without turning on the air conditioner all night.

However, Zhou Anran accidentally kicked off the quilt while sleeping with the air conditioner on at night and caught a cold. The symptoms lasted intermittently until late June when they completely disappeared.

Even appetite is affected in hot weather.

Once he recovered from his cold, Zhou Anran no longer had to force himself to eat light meals. That afternoon, he went to a small restaurant outside the school with Yan Xingqian and the others to eat braised rice noodles.

After the noodles were served, Zhou Anran mixed the seasonings and picked up a piece of bean curd that she had specifically asked the boss to add. Just after taking a bite, she heard Zhang Shuxian whisper, "By the way, I heard this afternoon that Yin Yizhen publicly said in their classroom that she and Zong Kai were like siblings, and asked everyone not to tease them anymore. What does she mean by this? Is she really going to start pursuing Chen Luobai? Otherwise, I've never seen her dispel rumors so seriously before."

Zhou Anran's heart tightened. She forgot that the soybeans had been soaking in the broth and had absorbed the juice. She choked.

She quickly took a few tissues to cover her mouth and coughed several times, even tears came out of her cough.

Yan Xingqian hurriedly helped her pick up the iced lemon tea and handed it to her: "Why are you so careless."

Zhou Anran held the straw in his mouth and took a big sip of iced lemon tea, barely suppressing the choking spiciness in his throat.

"It's rare to see Ranran listening to gossip so seriously that she even choked." Seeing that she stopped coughing, Zhang Shuxian smiled and joked.

Zhou Anran didn't know how to respond to this sentence. She just held the cup and smiled at her, then took two sips of iced lemon tea.

Sheng Xiaowen asked curiously, "You had lunch with us today and were basically in the classroom all day, so where did you get the news?"

Zhang Shuxian blinked and said, "I heard it when I went to the toilet. There was a girl in Class 3 who was my junior high school classmate."

Yan Xingqian took a bite of the braised rice noodle and seemed to remember something: "Speaking of which, have you noticed that Zong Kai seems to come to our class less often recently?"

Zhang Shuxian nodded vigorously: "Yes, yes, he came here often last semester. At the beginning of this semester, he often brought Yin Yizhen here. Recently, Yin Yizhen has come here more often by herself, while Zong Kai has not come here much."

Sheng Xiaowen laughed: "Why do you make it sound like some bloody love triangle?"

"Haha, it's still the classic drama of childhood sweethearts fighting each other." Zhang Shuxian touched her chin, "But these three are all good-looking, I can match them any way I want."

Zhou Anran ate the soybeans in silence without interrupting, but she didn't know if it was because the soybeans had been soaked in the broth for too long, she tasted a bitter taste in her mouth.

After eating the braised noodles, the four of them walked back to school while chatting with their unfinished drinks.

Not long after entering the school gate, Sheng Xiaowen suddenly sighed: "Ah, the first year of high school is about to end so quickly. I don't know if I can eat with you like this next semester. Our class will not be split up, Shu Xian and Ran Ran can still be in the same class. Qianqian and I plan to switch to the liberal arts department, so I don't know where we will be assigned to next semester."